Everything posted by CommanderCody77
Republic Mobile Command Walker (MCW)
You have changed quite a lot! It looks great now and has a lovely interior
Great and not so great colours
My favorite colors are Grey, Black and white. My most disliked colors are Pink, Orange and Purple as they don't look good with sets or MOC's
Review: Slave I
Awesome review! Thanks for giving comparisons and showing all features I'll give this set Outstanding since I have this set already and think it rocks!
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours is one pic
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I can't believe it! Please get it when they start selling and give us a review please! Also does anybody know the official release date for the summer wave? For example, last years official release date was July 26
"The Fate of Ahsoka"
But there is a chance Cad Bane will kill her because if you have watched Hostage Crisis you know that Cad Bane kills without thinking. For example he killed that Senator Philo immediately
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I think we should get on topic. Anyways how much space do you think the Seperatist Shuttle will have?
REVIEW: 7124 Flash Speeder
Awesome review I wish I had really gotten this set and bought a few but too bad I missed out on it
REVIEW: 7106 Droid Escape
Great review and this is a set to get for people who want lots of escape pods
I guess the Vulture Droid doesn't look too fake because the box art looks quite smooth but I think they took the feature from Ahsokas Starfighter and Vulture droid Also in the 10198 picture, at the bottom of the Hyperspace ring you could see a green plate! Which also gives away the fact that it is a fake set
The Hope of Obama
Looks perfect! And I also really liked how you put the words HOPE at the bottom. I have one question, how do you really make mosaics? Like what do you start with and how do you know it will look like something?
MOC: Tommy Hilfiger™ store
Looks great! I liked how you make a pot for the plant and I really the circe chair
"The Fate of Ahsoka"
After watching Hostage Crisis I found they had a little "preview" of Season 2 and something just clicked. I think Cad Bane will kill her!
Coruscant Taxi
Looks awesome I really like how much space you put in there Though another MOC you could make is another Coruscant Taxi but this time try to build it like the one in Hostage Crisis Anyways good luck on the contest
[Comic] Battlefields Chapter 2, Part 1
So when are you going to post the rest of Chapter or is that all?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I think the Snail Tank will not have a interior because it was in the Toyfair and they would have showed ALL the features and interior is a BIG feature
[Comic] Battlefields Chapter 2, Part 1
You're welcome! and I have a few questions: Are you going back to Chapter 1? and how many chapters are you going to do?
T4-B heavy tank MK2
It looks great and doesn't look too boxy I also like the color you chose. But I have one question: Does the hatch at the back open?
Looks great and I really like the sliding of the cockpit but as Darth Yoda said, I think you should change the wheels
How did you like the Clone Wars TV series?
I just checked and they changed it now. I've also read the summary of Hostage Crisis already on
Cad Bane and Aurra Sing!
It looks pretty good Both of them look good but my favorite is Cad Bane because I like how you used that gas tank as a tube
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
No I was saying about a new kind of Clone Pilots like the ones in Shadow of Malevolence
[MOC] Dino-Pod Racer
Great! I really like the engines and the Dino heads
[Comic] Battlefields Chapter 2, Part 1
Finally a new chapter! I've been waiting for one a long time. I think this chapter was good but would be better if was a little longer and had action
Battle Pack Alternatives
Those are very nice looking alternatives My favorite is the Assassin Droid Alternative because it looks nice and strong and looks sleek
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