Free Entry Raffle-Rare Bricks
Umm, Hinckley? I don't think he full understood the raffle. He thinks it is a Forum Avatar moc, not a moc of the Avatar TV Show.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Yea, it is quite similar. But he most likely copied the design from the Lego Star Wars 2 game.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
The Taun-taun in that picture is NOT official. It is a custom made by a person named Christo on Ebay. The auctions for those usually reached up to $60 or more. The droid is obviously a custom as well. The arms aren't even the same, and it has C-3PO for a head.
Batman theme in 2009
Are you telling us this? Or are you just asking?
Batman theme in 2009
Thats Killer Moth, sorry
Batman theme in 2009
I already have, there are no images of either of the characters.
Batman theme in 2009
Quick question. Since TLG right now has no intention of continuing the Batman line, I've been attempting to make my own versions on the new villains featured in the game. Are there any DS owners who have this game and can suppy pictures of the Lego versions of Firefly and the Ventriloquist and Scarface?
Invitation to give input to new LEGO Play Themes
Theme name: Monster Mayhem Characters: Monsters (Made up creatures, not like Vampires or Mummies) and The Hunters Conflict: Monsters terrorizing villages Setting: The Middle Ages Background Info: More playset based, with one or 2 vehicles (like a carriage). Nothing like the Monster Studio sets. A plot would be a mysterious rise in sitings and attacks of strange creatures, which are eventually linked to a warlock who is controlling them in order to conquer. The Hunters, who are each equipped with different weapons (like a sword, crossbow, or spells), set out to capture the creatures and put an end to the evil warlock's plans.
2008 Picture thread
I agree. This was pointed out by Commanderbly42, not Tijn or Mr. Mandalorian.
2008 Picture thread
I think the reason we are seeing more Clone War based sets is because TLG finally has the opportunity to make sets which are not remakes. Granted, some of them are (The AAT), but in some sense they are not because they are based off an entirely different representation than that of the 1st versions. I myself am interested in the Republic Shuttle and AAT. I've never had an AAT before. But, don't worry too much about a lack of OT sets, because we may be getting some very good ones this summer.
2008 Picture thread
I think its not long enough. I hate to say it, but to me it looks like a stubby turd. I'm waiting on pics of the Dooku fig. Hopefull he'll include a curved saber hilt that isn't just another one of those Asajj hilts.
2008 Picture thread
Yes it is. I was just about to post that same picture actually. It was discovered earlier today and mentioned on FBTB.
Batman theme in 2009
Well, I got this info from only one Lego employee. It may be false, or it may be true. Right now, despite only getting one confirmation, there is still other forms of proof, such as lack of rumors for 09 and watching sets quickly disappear from shelves.
Batman theme in 2009
Guys, I have some very disappointing news. Earlier today, I was calling various Lego Stores in the U.S. looking for #7888 The Tumbler set. It wasn't until I got a hold of the Mall of America store that I cam across something dreadful. I told the lady I was in search of a Lego Batman set, and before I could say anymore, she told me that the Batman line had been discontinued. I'm sorry folks, but it appears that Batman is no more, in some sense. I guess the lack of rumors for 2009 sets is some proof for this.
Chrome Darth Vader
I am very confused. Can someone explain to me on how I can go about obtaining one of these chrome Darth Vaders? I live in the U.S. and I don't know how things will work out here.
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