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  1. 42043 Arocs: The best of the big models - by a wide margin - reasons have already been adequately mentioned above. 8455 Pneumatic Backhoe: a true marvel of Lego engineering - assembling it repeatedly brings a broad smile to the face and waves of admiration for the designer - I think every technic-enthusiast should have built this thing once in their life.
  2. @brunojj1: Without wanting to add fuel to the fire here, I have to make one final comment (from a german "Schlaumeier"): You're almost a reason not to buy anything from CADA anymore, as much as I like some of the models... Your dramatically underlined withdrawal is really no great loss for mankind and for the Lego world ... it seems as if your - admittedly outstanding - lego design skills have left some other competencies atrophied - jm2c
  3. I would recommend building the linked „pimp up my Porsche“ instead of the errata, because it contains all fixes of these errata und something more and has on top full blown pdf step by step BI from scratch… hard to get a better Porsche-package ;-)
  4. The above linked „pimp up my Porsche“ has included this feature too… version 1.4 is strongly recommended: This is the Porsche that Lego should have brought out from the start of 42056: full featured, flawless und highly playable…
  5. Rarely seen a more out of place, more arrogant posting. Seems like someone's success has gone to their head... The last paragraph in particular speaks volumes about your mindset... very disconcerting Sorry for the strong words...
  6. Interesting topic… I can't judge the current status, as I haven't done much with Lego in recent years. But up until 2017 I built quite a few mocs, some highly complex with expensive BI, from "well-known" builders. Most of them were fun and I would never have been able to design these models myself. But what I can do: evaluate the quality and thoughtfulness of solutions, components, drive trains, stability, intelligent use of certain parts, etc. And there is actually a huge difference between most of the MoCers and official Lego sets. Even if there are some outliers in the sets, no question... But there is (at least) one exception, which in my eyes also shows the difference, unfortunately an exception that at least doesn't seem to create technic MOCs anymore: Nathanael Kuipers (aka nkubate): who has ever built one of his MOCS, knows what true design quality is: if you think to yourself with every part: „damn, there is no better solution for this“ and building it always puts a grin on your face because you are flashed by the recognizable ingenuity of the solution, the part-use, the clarity, the structural stability and last but not least the simplicity - and simplicity is meant here as a big compliment. As St Exupéry said: "Perfection is not achieved when you can't add anything more, but when you can't leave anything out" Nkubate designed his nevertheless complex and astonishing MOCs with exactly this in mind (recommendation: building his Predator supercar MOC from about 2016. Today maybe slightly outdated but a really very very satisfying and sometimes jaw dropping building with xperience). Really good Lego sets also follow this guiding principle. Whereas many MOCers seem to follow the exact opposite of this wise quote of St. Exupéry. And here it comes: Nathanael was an official Lego designer before his MOCer career... To make a long story short: IMHO MOCs often have interesting functions and replicate real looks more precisely. But very often at the price of a really only sufficient and poor design quality when viewed “in the light of day“ With many Lego sets it is the other way around Just my 2 ct
  7. thank you very much.... if i understand you right, you have used @jb70 's BI und added your mods, right? i have already built the 1.1 Pimp up your Lambo so now i would be very convenient, which steps have to be changed - so for example i'm wondering if you have changed anything in book1 because all changes to the exterior are in book2...? so: is there a chance easily finding the changes between the 1.1 Pimp Lambo and your MODs? again thanks a lot!
  8. well, maybe a little OT here, but lets talk about the gearbox of the Sian, because it is a good example for what i want to say: TLG often compromises a design for the sake being as easy as possible to build. i have build the Lambo Sian out of the box as guided by the official TLG instructions and i have build it a second time with the wonderful enhancements of @jb70 and @Didumos69 - of course the resulting gearbox of the "pimp up my Lambo", designed by @jb70and @Didumos69, is way better than the one designed by TLG: less friction, less gear mesh, more compact - BUT: the design of TLG is without any doubt easier to build without bad performance - not so well working as @jb70's one but still a reasonable performance - i for myself like the little challenges of designs like that one of @jb70, but i'm sure a lot of people out there, the key customers of the Sian, prefer the easier build - and the experts of a forum like EB are NOT the key customers of a model like the Sian... so my conclusion: The requirement specification for the TLG designers contain some goals which have nothing to do with the plain functions or looks of a model.... just my 2 cts
  9. god, i love this - such a leap forward in playability... well, old style dispatcher gearboxes save space but are mostly much worse to use: you need always two hands, one on the battery switch for changing direction (with the additional pain sliding unintentionally over neutral position), one on the function-switcher...
  10. @jb70: your 1.1 pimp up your Lambo is a pure pleasure to build - not so babylike as the standard lego BI but with a little challenge... the only feature i have rolled back is the added friction for the rear spoiler --> this prevents the spoiler using the full travelpath - but apart from this: my hat to you, sir jb70 ;-) surely one of the best and most elaborated supercars out there and by far the best of your three pimped cars - the packed drivetrains are a pure pleasure... some steps have to build with a slighly differing part sequence but overall the BI is absolutely satisfying! Thanks a lot for offering for free!!
  11. Hi, first of all thanks a lot for this beautiful and nifty MOC! But i have a question about the rear steering.... when built as shown in the BI then there is more or less no steering lock an the rear wheels cuase of s lot of backlash and restitance of the rear axle steering arms/mechanism I suppose the performance of the rear steering depends strongly on the resistance of the combination of the 57515 dark bluish gray steering arms and the x873c01 Technic 4 Ball Joint Steering Arm With 3 Pin Base - if both were too strong then the rear steering performance is quite low... if you find a pair with a not too strong connection then it works great... therefore my question: anybody out there with the same finding and how to change the linkage resulting in bigger rear steering lock?
  12. one of the most sophisticated replys i have seen here....well spoken. And: cleverly constructed and designed (meant in the sense like e.g. N. Kuipers designs and uses parts: which is the best part in a certain situation and always with the goal in mind to make a rigid and suitable construction) i see really no problems to produce a very playable model from a set of about 4000 parts - even more with quite direct drive trains as with the case of 7 motors some counterexamples like the bugatti doesn't be playable cause of having too many parts or weight but only (and really ONLY) cause of the lack of a proper design...
  13. @NKubate: i also appreciate a lot your write ups - please go on... thanks a lot
  14. Eric, very interesting reading material... i fully agree with you concerning the "over-designed" bugatti... but i'm quite sure there are some constraints for the TLG designers imposed by Bugatti... i'm very sure that your suspension geometry would have been never rubberstamped by Bugatti because the real suspension layout is completely different... same for the closed underbottom... Nevertheless eager awaiting further progress and maybe BI for "your" incarnation of the Chiron !
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