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  1. Wave looks like everything I wanted out of it. Not a huge fan of the dragon jet, but I suspect there’s more to it than we’re seeing so far. Given the other 20$ set is called a “combi-mech”, I would not be surprised if the jet unfolds into a jet pack or armor of some sort for it given the hinges and bars visible on the lower part of the jet.
  2. Monkie kid is already a sequel to the original story so they aren’t really tethered to the original stories if they don’t want to be, I think once they have a sufficient number of characters to work with they will probably veer off in their own direction completely, although I don’t see that happening for another few years
  3. I’m still thinking vidiyo will just relaunch with less of an app focus. Retooling the sets with a few more play features to go around doesn’t seem too far fetched for a year of retooling.
  4. Lego put out a statement on the themes cancelation shortly after the last wave was cut.
  5. Lego said themselves that vidiyo wasn’t canceled, they were retooling it for a 2023 relaunch, there’s no reason to assume that’s not still true especially if vidiyo figures are still in active production.
  6. Try your local target and Walmart stores if you haven’t already, I see the water dragon on Walmart clearance frequently and target still stocks the legacy sets occasionally, and I think you can order the fire dragon on target.com still.
  7. The fire dragon was released august of 2021, the water dragon even earlier in June of 2021, both well over a year. We’ve gotten several waves of sets since then so it makes sense to retire them. Also not speaking stats but I’ve definitely seen the water dragon go to clearance and underperform at MANY local stores near me. Out of seabound it was the worst selling set by far in my area. The fire dragon tends to shelf warm a bit too but not nearly to the same extent as the water dragon or legacy raider do.
  8. Core waves don’t connect to the show aside from occasionally using a vehicle or two, like legacy, so United has no bearing on these sets. The new figures in the creative box are interesting, I think the one standing in the temple is wu, but I can’t place the one with the weapons. Should be interesting to see.
  9. Oh man the mech-bike and mech duel sets are JUST what I’ve been wanting! I’d love to see more evo mech style builds with vehicles/add ons like the bike in this, and getting a villain mech is great! Surprised to not see a cole one since the evo limbs are in the right color for him now, but they’ll prob be in the Cole dragon. My hope is that the Cole and nya dragons are a bit better than last years, but even if not they’ll prob be great for parts. Wonder if nyas dragon will use the blue/red combo from the 4+ set or the blue and gunmetal she uses these days gotta see more of the zane creature, it looks good so far but how the 2 in 1 works will be a big factor for me since I don’t generally collect dragons but do collect mechs.
  10. Ok I was a little torn at first and I don’t love the vinyl parts, but after seeing that it can shed a bunch of accessories to streamline itself and the accessories combine into a flying vehicle without the mech looking incomplete, im a bit more sold. in regards to why remake it, while the original is a FANTASTIC display model, it’s not very playable. It’s big, heavy, and doesn’t have great articulation. Not to mention the multitude of new joints we got in the last year or so that let this new variant of the mech have far better and more useful articulation. The head I also wasn’t sold on, but some of the pics seem to show it having a light brick inside to give it glowing eyes, and if that’s why it’s a little oversized, I’ll give that one a pass. I wonder if the modular bits that combine into the jet will use the “staff creations” vehicle module system. It’d be really cool to get stuff that expands that set some. i want more pics to see the full extent of what it can do, but so far, I’m sold, it’s a worthy addition to the line.
  11. Monkie kid is not dead. One of the crew named Sara who does streams has mentioned on stream that further seasons are in development, although I don’t have a recording of that, we have confirmation of 2023 sets being in development, and the previous show runner has mentioned leaving the show in capable hands, which would mean after season 3 as he worked on that season. Plus, season 3 has aired and it DEFINITELY leaves room for further seasons. not sure where the rumor of flying bark not being on anymore came from, but ninjago has also changed animation studios before, so it’s not like the show can’t just be moving studios if there is truth to the rumor. on topic though, I’d guess the next original theme may be a space theme, as there have been a LOT more nods to and merch made from the space series recently.
  12. Even if flying bark isn’t doing it anymore, the series is continuing, as we already know 2023 sets have been designed and that Jeremy left the show after season 3 and has mentioned leaving it in good hands for future seasons. I wouldn’t be surprised if, after the increasing sales for the current wave (at least, from what I’ve seen at my stores, they went from barely selling to selling out regularly), the next season, which will be the start of a new story arc, is used as a way to “soft relaunch” the theme and finally get it into some physical stores
  13. Oh, I dig the training grounds, and it seems like if you combine it with the dojo, it adds a lot more play value to the dojo, which definitely helps keep it balanced overall. I’m gonna grab both for sure just to get all the characters new suits in 2 sets. Probably going to grab that combo mech too cause that one is just awesome.
  14. Definitely seems from how the designers been talking about it that “core” will be a bit easier and more kid friendly to build while the show based waves will be more of what we’re used to with more detailed and intricate builds. I’m cool with that honestly, we get some nice displays but also keep new fans coming in and get some easier and more play friendly things between show seasons. I’ve been getting sick of legacy anyway, at least core allows for new vehicle/location designs as well as revisiting old ones.
  15. You can see the add on set, although stylized, behind the temple on the box art of the temple set.
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