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Mr Meleca

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Mr Meleca

  1. dead???? we must remember that this time might be "the lego golden era" and We are living it... enjoy !!!
  2. The set is made to sell the new darth vader 3 mini figures are dispensables, Luke and guards. Emperor is the same as the DK book? I think I can wait for another set with the new vader, this set is too overpriced for what its contains I am also relieved, one less to buy...
  3. I am very happy with this new collection! I already bought the winter sets for my daughters and I know they won't like the new ones! Now I will have some £££££ to spend with the SW Ep 7 sets for me, YEAH!!!!!
  4. I really need the pictures from Nuremberg, I already checked the Elf´s pictures... Please, where are the links??????
  5. You really don't know the size of the girls universe. Friends might be more profitable than Star Wars
  6. You Will need SMD leds 0805 I am also trying but in my case I am searching for a thin wire. I bought some batteries Cr 2032 and the LEDs. I don't know how to get the wires yet but some SMD LEDs don't need resistors
  7. for m is terrible, I have the calendar BUT in Brazil we don´t have a Lego Store (in fact, we have it and it´s only 15m from here, but it is a complicate story, they do not accept ANY promotions and do not have polybags, the battle pack costs more than $30...)
  8. I have more than 87000 pieces, all of them counted by brickset's inventory of new sets. Never had 1 missing piece ( but I did not build my fire brigade yet...)
  9. Thanks for the review! I have the same opinion about the design, looks like Belville. I bought it on Legostore Orlando December 30th. It was impressive. My wife saw them putting on shelf, 8 or 10 boxes. She ran and grabbed the last one! The girls faces around it was indescribable, mix of ecstasy and afraid to loose it. It happened in less than 2 minutes. My 7 yo girl didn't want it. She likes the dresses but hates the movie. Prefers Lego Movie. But my 2 yo girl who never saw the movie grabbed it for good, and we bought it. Lego will sell it like water, but I do not understand why a set so small. It is the WORST SET DESIGN since the introduction of Lego Friends. My 7 yo has more than 50 Lego friends minifigures, all the Lego fiends stores and concluded that the castle had a terrible design. She is 7!! Let's be honest, Lego should have released this sets months before this Christmas and is loosing a perfect opportunity to sell a decent set, with much more pieces. I am wondering if they are going to make another set with the same characters. At the end,. It is just for the minifigures.
  10. the color is pearl dark graylike this one
  11. I could not believe in what I saw 4 days ago, in Lego Store Orlando. In 3 minutes or less while I was in the queue to pay for my star wars sets: I saw the employee putting 8-10 boxes of Elsa´s castle. 1 minute later I saw my wife running. 2 minutes after, no more boxes. She said the expressions of the girls were between afraid of loose it and ecstasy to have it. She showed the box to my 2 yo girl (who doesn´t know the movie) and the girl did not loose it until I payed for it ( I did not want the set, just the mini figures are good, the set is the worst since the release of the friends).
  12. I have this amazing battle pack, and the best way to describe its color is pearl dark gray ( comparing with the coin in Lego friends)
  13. At Lego store Orlando, 2 days ago, all sets available, but stormtroopers battlepack was out of their stock
  14. I asked about the 2015 sets on target tonight. The employee recommends to ask for the sets to the manager. They already have the sets in stock, and the stores that are selling them are selling because there is space on aisle to do it. Ask for the manager to pick it up for you if they are not visible.
  15. None of the new ones at orlando FL
  16. Hello I am visiting USA during holidays and my daughter loves friends. I believe USA is the only country selling the Fusion sets. With 263 pieces, the RRP is $34.99. It is quite expensive for a friend´s set, but I want to know if the App really adds more fun and if we can add the previous sets. Can you help me with this question?
  17. WE WON yesterday!!!! my daughter did send a message to CopMike and I am going to reply it for the others working on it: "Thanks for choose me. I am really happy to be chosen. I jumped and I hugged my mom when I knew about the news. I got all tangled up when I was choosing how to do it, but then I had an idea: I could make Father Christmas coping the microword of LEGO. I am going to open my little present in Christmas. Happy Christmas Ines"
  18. After few months, I am attending to my daughter´s request, I am posting her first Olivia. She got it after 2011 Christmas, In the Tree House set and used to play only with her for a long time. This is her description: "One day Olivia started to loose her shirt paint but I still keep playing with her. I played my adventures with her, then I got her house in 2012. In 2014 I got the camper van and it came with another Olivia. some times I play with both olivias. I had two Olivia´s shirts but then I lost one. 2015 in christmas I am going to get emma ´s house. if i get emma´s house i will have Emma´s and Olivia´s hose because I have Olivia´s house."
  19. the new X-Wing, is not an exact "X". there is only the botton half in the upper wing and the anterior half on the lower wing. I could not see any astromech droid. I really prefer the old helmet, but its ok for me.
  20. a new mold for the lightsaber is not a big problem. Did you forget the Dooku and Ventress lightsabers ???
  21. This is my 7 years-old daughter entry: Father Christmas and reindeer (I have to say I am very proud of the Father Christmas build!) (image reduced and post edited, thanks Blakstone!!!!!)
  22. If. I do remember well, the new Jedi fighter was shown in the Clone Wars, season 2, Tartakowsky in the direction, before ep. II. when Anakin defeatsVentress. It was much better than the other 6 seasons of clone wars
  23. my gosh, my wallet is planning to leave my house next year
  24. I share the same opinion, and Death Star is really huge and a fantastic beginning for a collection. Good luck!
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