Hi all,
i am newbie in this fantastic world, at least newbie since i was a child. Now that i have discovered that my son likes a lot to build legos with me, i have begun to buy legos again, so both can enjoy building and collecting.
The last month i lost my head a little bit, i have bought:
6206: TIE Interceptor
6208: B-wing Fighter
7130: Snowspeeder
7143: Jedi Starfighter
7250: Clone Scout Walker
7655: Clone Troopers Battle Pack
7662: Trade Federation MTT
7877: Naboo Starfighter
7915: Imperial V-wing Starfighter
7929: The Battle of Naboo
7959: Geonosian Starfighter
7965: Millennium Falcon
8015: Assassin Droids Battle Pack
8038: The Battle of Endor
8039: Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser
8087: TIE Defender
8099: Midi-Scale Imperial Star Destroyer
9493: X-wing Starfighter
9494: Anakin's Jedi Interceptor
9500: Sith Fury-class Interceptor
9515: Malevolence
9676: TIE Interceptor & Death Star
9677: X-wing Starfighter & Yavin 4
9679: AT-ST & Endor
10174: Imperial AT-ST
66411: Super Pack 3-in-1
75001: Republic Troopers vs. Sith Troopers
75003: A-wing Starfighter
Do you think i have a problem ?