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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Patriot720

  1. For sale is is 7676 Repulbic Gunship 100% complete with all minifigures and instructions. NO box. The 2nd instruction booklet has the cover/back page ripped off and a rip about 2 inches on the back page as you can see in picture 3. Price is 215 shipped. Will ship in a medium flat rate,disabled as seen in picture 2. WILL SHIP TO USA ONLY! Sorry international buyers! Payment by paypal only. I have +2 on the Official Eurobricks Straightshooters List and 100% (86) positive feedback on ebay. Please pm me or post here for any offers, more pictures, information, requests, ect.
  2. This has happened to me before, but it wasn't just the minifigures, it was the entire set. Some low life replaced the set with a bunch of small toys and mega bloks. Its sad that some people are that dishonest.
  3. Patriot720 replied to Patriot720's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Thank you for all of the great comments Yes, very observant of you. I had the original yellow Hagrid minifigure, so I swapped it out for a fleshy head that looked good under the beard. It just so happened to be Lupin's.
  4. Here's Mine!
  5. Patriot720 posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I present to you my entry for the community build....Hagrid's Hut! The octagonal shape and roof were quite a challenge, but I'm happy with the result. The Movie Version: Hagrid's pet Dragon, Norbert, sitting happily in its' cage The scare crow is keeping an eye out over Hagrid's pumpkin patch.... Thanks for looking, feel free to check out my Flickr
  6. I'll do 34. Hagrid’s Hut And I would like to be in RavenClaw
  7. I have a holiday pick a brick box, but no big PAB cups. Can anyone that owns both post a picture with the two side by side? I am curious of the size comparison between the two; which is bigger?
  8. Congratulations to all of the winners! It was really exciting to participate in this contest and see all of the great entries!
  9. Vignette depicting a Centaur on the hunt. With a bird in sight, he takes aim and.....Bye bye birdie Thanks for looking :)
  10. 1 Point - 5) Cat Burglar (Build by Darkblane) 1 Point - 9) Eureka in the Greenhouse with Poison Ivy (Build by Miss Kyle) 1 Point - 6) Access to Batcave via Batpoles (Build by GV357) It was extremely hard to choose only 3, so honorable Mention Goes to 11) Croc’s sewer (Build by Skrytsson)
  11. Only 3 and a half more days of voting left..Good luck to everyone
  12. I wonder why the line has a summer release when the Hobbit movie isn't coming out until December? This means people who haven't read the books or seen the previous movies wouldn't be inclined to buy sets. I feel like initially they won't sell very well as hype for the movie probably won't begin until around November. But nevertheless, as a fan of the series I will be buying plenty of sets
  13. As an intern at a Law agency, I would like to voice legal my opinion on this matter. Paypal's No refund policy after 45 days is strictly enforced and sadly set in stone. We've dealt with countless cases involving Paypal and other online payment services such as credit cards for people seeking their money back. These companies are very difficult to work with and their customer service will unfortunately get you no where. When you purchase anything online and send money to an entity through a monetary medium, (in this case to "ElderScroll" through paypal) you sign an online user agreement that is upheld by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Pub. L. No. 111-5. This Act protects your money even though paypal's 45 days are up. However, the fact that Paypal and the majority of credit card companies are based in America makes it difficult to get your money back under this Act if you live outside the US as you would have to create a lawsuit against the monetary entity in United States civil court. This would cost you a lawyer, which is probably more expensive than the money you guys were supposedly "scammed" out of by ElderScroll. What I'm getting at is that essentially, it would not be plausible or easy to get your money back Without any personal information such as an address, full name, birth date or phone number of ElderScroll, the police would have no authority and unfortunately would be of no help. The best thing to do in this situation would to be to continue to bombard him with messages and emails until you get a response. Also, the fact that he logged in a few days ago raises a major red flag. This is because when you log in your most recent PM pops up on the screen, if I'm correct. So he most likely has seen your guys messages of concern but has ignored them. Business with ElderScroll should probably be avoided from now on....
  14. Whitefang, are we allowed to vote for ourselves?
  15. You guys are in for some luck! I have four, that's right 4 light grey 16x16 cloud city baseplates that I would be willing to sell. Sadly those are the only pieces to cloud city I have so I would be willing to part with them. Pm me if your interested
  16. I am blown away by all these fantastic comments...Glad to see my creation is being received so well ahh Killer Croc is my favorite villan as well, he's certainly the most menacing The buildings didn't come out 100% how I would have liked, but I think they are pretty good within the confines of 32 studs. Thank you for the great comments though! It's past his feeding time, he must be hungry for some Batman.....
  17. I feel so honored to have won, thanks everybody! My mind is already spinning with ideas about a green lantern Moc
  18. I just recently picked up this game but have yet to play it. But based on the picture that Penguin looks great!
  19. When I was younger, we were putting new carpet in our house. Under the old carpet padding we found a few stray pieces of Lego, probably left behind from the previous owners
  20. On Black Friday I snagged a 50% off 7965 Millenium Falcon at Barnes and Noble Can't beat a 70$ Falcon!
  21. Scare Crow's Farm Batman watches ScareCrow from above on the roof of his abandoned farmhouse.
  22. Patriot720 replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Jabba gives Mrs. Jabba flowers and a Christmas present
  23. Thanks to everyone for the comments! By the way, my creation was featured on the front page of Brick Heros!
  24. I guess it got Photoshopped out but I attached it to the back of the building using two trans clear rods, as evident here
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