Everything posted by Patriot720
飛鴉 Flying Crow
To me, it looks like you took this set and added/subtracted/moved some pieces to create your junk. I would scrap everything but the hull, and start anew with more customization. edit: are you trying to make this junk fit into the pirate line or making a fire boat junk?
MOC: 10185 2nd floor
Nice addition to the already great 10185
My life in LEGO - for Go Miniman Go
Outstanding, even though I'd prefer SNOT for the floors.
Mini-Contest - Win LEGO! Hurry!
In haste, I decided to sell all of my old lego pirate sets. The lady had an $150 offer in her hands- just begging to become part of my college savings.. Ever since then I have yearned for the sweetness of Lego Pirates. Lego is the joy in my life, and pirates is the center of that joy. [i hope my wife doesn't kill me for saying that]. I deserve to win this contest. Oh, and by the way I seem to be catching a cold. *cough* the secret word is *cough* Striped Marlin *cough* pat
Massacre at Pirates Cove
yes actually i just burned a piece of cloth with a lighter
Attack on Fort de Triomphe
WOW! I am blown away by the awesomeness of this MOC! I don't really have any suggestions, because it's not finished yet, but so far it is looking superb. [but i have one suggestion, if you used standard faces, try switching them with "new" faces with expressions, as it would increase the greatness of your entry] anyway, Good luck! pat
Blacktron V2
Wow great creation. I love how you did the wings, keep up the good work!
Massacre at Pirates Cove
Hello, Xpatriot720X here again. I just wanted to make sure my enrty gets indexed. So if any mod sees this post could you please do so? thanks, pat
MOC: Boutix
Nice MOC. I like how it can open up and snugly fit a mini fig, and can also move functional. Overall, great job, keep up the great work!
Endor Battle Pack
Hello everyone, I recently came up with the idea of creating a Rebel Endor Battle pack. But my attempt failed horribly, so I decided to browse the internet and TADDAH! i found this baby Check it out here:Flickr
Massacre at Pirates Cove
Thank you for all your help/ suggestions every one! I appreciate it a lot.
New 2009 Pirates Sets - NEW closeups of the wench & mermaid added
These Pirate sets look great, but they seem to be a bit "childish". It seems as if lego has become more targeted towards chiledren with their "happy skull and crossbones" sails, weird mini pirate 2x2 flags, and the "childish" skull on the island set. But aside from this aspect I am very excited for these sets; but im pretty sure my wallet isn't! -pat
Dragon's Retreat
Great MOC! I especially like the techniques you used on the bridge.
What '09 themes will you be changing?
I am most excited for the Pirates line! I regret seling my old lego pirate sets as a kid, but now I have something to live for!!!! And as far as mods are concerned I will be modding power miners if i pick them up; particularly color wise because the color choice looks dreadful like Mars Mission.
Massacre at Pirates Cove
Vig. 31c It was a foggy morning as a small fleet of imperial row boats entered the undisclosed location of Pirates Cove for a routine trade deal. Expecting a smooth transaction, little did the soldiers know that the pirate crew had been instructed otherwise... :pir-skull: This is My entry into the PTV contest-large division. Any constructive feedback; positive or negative would be appreciated. Thanks for looking!!
New 2009 Pirates Sets - NEW closeups of the wench & mermaid added
I viewed this post before when it had those weird characters, and I just percieved them to be words of a foreign language, but I may be wrong.
New project...
You could try opening a Brick link account and search for a boat hull from a seller in Hong Kong. I'm sure there is at least one seller close to your location. Hoped i could help.
New 2009 Pirates Sets - NEW closeups of the wench & mermaid added
oh interesting. Thanks for the information zorro.
New 2009 Pirates Sets - NEW closeups of the wench & mermaid added
I found these on Flickr. They seem to be pictures of the 2009 pirate sets. Anyway, are these pictures new because I certainly haven't seen all of them before. Thanks pat link to pictures:Here
What New Themes or Sets would you like TLG to make?
I know this has probably already suggested, and I know there are already prelim. pictures, but I really just want TLG to make an ongoing pirate line that lasts for awhile. I was in love with the old pirate theme and im sure everyone else who enjoyed the old pirates will enjoy this new series if it lasts for awhile.
Halloween Review #1: 1380 Werewolf Ambush
I guess I am very fortunate because I have this set Anyway, great review, I like how you made the Werewolf's eyes green in the first shot.
10193 Medieval Market Village
wow im not much of a castle fan, but the pieces, the [amazing] price and new figures makes this set a must buy for me! I can't wait
What do you guys think?
Its obvious that this is a total scam.. But whats odd to me is that I recently was "watching" a lego lot on ebay with similar or same pictures.... I may be wrong about thit but I'm fairly certain.
Meet the Empress
Wow! awesome ship. I like the wooden sail things and the cannons. keep up the good work. One suggestion though, you should give the hull a bit more depth, as it seems a bit small..
Deathdog takes the plunge!
Nice to have you here. Welcome to EB.
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