Everything posted by Patriot720
MOC:Clone Wars AT-RT
That looks great! The legs are my favorite part! They look much better than anything TLG has ever done
Fantasy Creatures
Thanks for sharing there wonderful link's guys. Maybe I'll include a centaur in one of my upcoming MOC's...
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Finally! We get nute gunray! I've always wanted one, and when we started talking about it possibly being lok durd, I got so worried But Now my worries are gone And Sir von, did you happen to get the prices on any other sets besides the venator?
Confederate Rocket and Camouflaged Droids....
That's a really neat idea! All you need now is to paint a little red dot on the torso to be 100% accurate Although i'm sure it'd be too expensive for TLC to ever do something like what you've done...
7166 Imperial Shuttle
Nice review This is actually one of my favorite sets, even though I don't own it But I still have one question, Is that design right above the cockpit a sticker? Just wondering.
MOC : fishing boat (pirate version)
The chest with the clams and fish is real neat. I love small boat MOC's, and yours is definitely one of my favorite
Want Obamas car?
That's an insane amount of money! What's so special about it being owned by obama anyway?
Castle Ruins
Darth legolas, It's been quite a few days since you posted this, so I was just wondering if you ever plan to show us pictures of the interior? I really like the leaning tower, it makes this MOC much more visually interesting
MOC: White car
I don't think I've ever seen a five-wide car before, but yours certainly looks nice! The side mirrors and the front bumper are very original
7151 Sith Infiltrator
I never really liked this set, mainly because of its ugly color scheme But anyway, nice review! Have you ever considered joining the reviewers academy, yebline?
MOC- Droideka (Rollng Dead Ball)
There's one thing that stands out about this creation-IT ROLLS!!! Another great creation
Happy B-day mutley,MatthewUSA,Oky Wan Kenobi & Avohkahs' Spark
Happy Birthday guys! Hopefully theres plenty of lego in store for you! That cake looks a bit odd though...The blue elephant or whatever doesn't look very appetizing
Are you still there?
Stellar! And congratulations on being on The Brothers Brick
The Rogue Carrot Exterminator
Haha! This is a great MOC! Who knows, maybe he'll be paying a visit to the carrots in my refrigerator
Space Ship - Yamato
The sheer size of this MOC blows me away! There are so many little details that really add to this creation
Yavin 4
That's good for a first MOC! Your jedi looks pretty neat
2009 Sets Speculation
A dark blue hull would be grand! Although I bet TLG will be cheap and reuse the hull from BB
Upsetting LEGO death
God that is horrible I cant believe something that bad could come from something that we all know and love so much. My best wishes goes out to that family.
Post apocalypse trucks
I've been quite interested in Post apocalyptic Lego lately, so I thought I'd try to build some of my own. Here is the result. Two survivors are patrolling on a seemingly empty road. But up ahead they see a mob of zombies! They stop their suped-up, armored vehicle and the fight begins! A closeup of the truck: A top view: A group of refugees encounter a few zombies on the way back to headquarters. But there's no need to slow down, their armored vehicle can plow through any obstacle... The rear of the vehicle: The truck with all compartments and features open: Thanks for looking Link to more pictures
Brickshelf question
Is there anyway to change your password on Brickshelf? I attempted to answer this on my own, but I couldn't figure out how. Any help would be appreciated
Signature-Figure goes on a Journey in the Snow
Too bad we only had a dusting of snow where I live...I guess next time there's a snowstorm it'll be time to break out the minifigs! My favorite is definitely the soldier with the footsteps in the snow behind him.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Who knows? With the worldwide economic crisis, even our favorite toy may have to raise prices
MOD: 10144 Sandcrawler - Motorised!
Great Idea! And executed perfectly! Keep it up
Losing Posts
Thanks for clearing that up sinner. And I always knew something was fishey about jipay's 8 million posts...
Need a common part
If you're looking for a trade, I'm sure that many eb members would be willing! I do have quite a few of these pieces, but i'm not much of a trader sorry
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