Everything posted by Filip
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I'd assume this has already been said, but if not: the Batcave is confirmed!
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
Damn you and your cheap prices. $280 here in Sweden.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Hey guys! So, I was looking at this image, and it really caught my attention. For one, it looks awesome. I always wished I got Anakin's ship when they sold Episode III sets. Anyhoo, I have some questions regarding this particular set. 1. Is this going to be based off of the original movie, or the cartoon? I'm hoping it's the original one! 2. Down in the right there's a battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Is there any images from this set, or does this set not even exist? 3. Has there been any leaked images of a possible Anakin starfighter? That'd be sweet.
Batman coming back
Could someone PM me the images, perhaps? :-)
Lucky LEGO finds
Alright, I'll start off by saying that this was a huge dick-move on my side, but I can't really do anything about it now. Basically, I am (or were, more like) into brickfilming a while back, and I had just found this awesome swedish LEGO site on the net where he sold specific figs and parts, kind of like Bricklink. I then contacted him and asked if he would sponsor me, by selling me some figs and such cheap to me if I would have a link to his website in my videos. He happily agreed to this. However, shortly after I recieved the stuff from him, I realized I was getting bored of this hobby. Now, this would perhaps not be that big of a deal, if I had actually paid him, which I didn't. I guess we both pretty much forgot about our deal. I still feel like a douche for this, I really do, but hey, I got some free stuff. The things I got were pretty nice though, specially considering they were unused. A free Robin minifig (not the nice, curly hair) and that slime professor from Agents.
Jake's Adventure: zombeys!1!
This took me about a week. It is in no way perfect and since I haven't been animating for 4 months the animation is a bit rusty and there's quite a lot of flickers, but overall, I'm quite satisfied. YouTube EDIT: Ooops, I forgot to put [brick Flicks] in the title. Would a mod fix it? I'm not that used to this forum .
LEGO Collectable Minifigures General Discussion
Does this mean they will come in packages where you don't know which one you'll get?
Review: 7590 Toy Story Woody and Buzz to the Rescue
This is probably the only Toy Story set I will get. I'm pretty young (13 years) so when I was aound 5, Toy Story was the most awesome movie ever. I had this little toy car that looked just like the one in this set, so I pretty much have to get this.
Review:7595 Army Men on Patrol
Too bad we have to wait for March to get these sets :(
Prince of Persia 2010
While it looks really good, it heavilly reminds me of the Indiana Jones sets.
The good, the bad, and the imperials
That was good, though the animation was a little fast at some parts and the focus was a little off at times. Also, it reminded me of film.Anyways, I enjoyed it !
Summer Agents 2009!
I just saw something weird on the River Heist at S@H. Check it out. If you don't notice, there's a second agent at the back of the boat .
Space Police 2009!
In Sweden (where I live) the Space Police theme is now avaible on S@H, and all sets are there (including Galactic Enforcer and Hyperspeed Pursuit), but all of them, even the impulses that I saw in the local toy store today, are "Not Avaible". Weird, I must say. On another note, I have to buy the impulses this week. EDIT: I just realized that almost all the June news (Star Wars, Castle, Agents 2.0, CITY and Space Police)are on S@H in Sweden, though none of them are avaible for purchase. WTF?
Space Police 2009!
The twins window from Hyperspeed Pursuit - Is it printed or a sticker? That set is a must buy, and I really like the red line going through the whole ship. Also, in the image on S@H the twins helmets look dark grey, though we know they are silver / lightgray in reality. Odd.
Summer Agents 2009!
While I've never really been into the Agents line and never bought any set, Dr D Zaster blew my mind so I had to buy him! I hope he will arive today .
brickfilmers "golego" are saying ;-)
Ah, hello GoLeGo! I know you from bricksinmotion and YouTube. I love your brickfillms !
SigFig Artworks
Woah, amazing work. If you have time, could you please make mine ?
If you could revive any one dead theme...
Ninjas, Time Twisters, Batman and Western.
Any Idea When the Next Pirate Sets will be announced?
I was hoping that there would be some new Pirate sets in June when all the other new sets are coming. Hopefully we will be seeing them this summer or autumn.
Space Police 2009!
I don't really understand why anyone would think that the minifigs had stickers on them. I mean, how often does it happen? On another note, I am so pumped for those sets. Squidman's Escape and Freeze Ray are the ones that I will most likely buy (because of the low price), and I'll pick up the alien minifigs on bricklink. Then I'll be sure to make some awesome Space Police brickfilm .
10196, 10198, 10199 & more
Crap, I missed the images .
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Sinse 2009 is the 30 year anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, a set from that film should be very possible, and when they write "clouded", a Cloud City set seems really possible .
The Penguin's Arkham Asylum.
Woah, this thing is huge. And amazing, too!
Lego Star Wars 10th anniversary exclusive on May 3 and 4
Wait a sec, on the Chrome Vader site it says that there's something "super secret" that they can't tell us anything about. Might this be it? BTW, here's the link: Clicky! EDIT: For some reason, the link doesn't take you to the correct place. Dunno why, I believe I wrote it right.
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