- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Hero Factory 2012
Just search Hero Factory 2012 on Brickshelf, they should be the first result. I see everyone criticizes the Black Phantom. I know, we've seen much much better, but this time he's trying to look like the Grim Reaper or Death, didn't you notice? I also notice that Furno and company don't have the suffix 4.0, and they look like their original incarnations. Is it posssible they return to base state and from then make another kind of 2.0?
Hero Factory 2011
Ehh... The first combiner to get a box, and I can tell you for sure, was the Rahskhi Kaita. It was an official set, I found it on an Spanish retailer, got three Rahkshi + Tahnok Va that way :D Also, thanks for the note, I didn't catch it earlier. EDIT: Regarding to shadow's post: Thank you! BTW, let me tell you you guys have a heck of a good gallery there :D
Hero Factory 2011
Come on LEGO, make it worldwide, we miss combiners terribly.
Hero Factory 2011
It will be 88 minutes, since I'm pretty sure LEGO may have comissioned same number of episodes. Also, if Ordeal of Fire is included, it may very well be as an extra.
Hero Factory 2011
After wtahcing Ordeal of FIre and the Witch Doctor laugh, I have to say they're doing no justice to what those mvoies could be, specially on voice acting. Damn, the three first Bionicle ones were so much serious...
Hero Factory 2011
Hey guys, are you aware of the new 3.0 videos on the site? Not sure since I came directly to last page...
Review: 2233 Fangz
Great review AND pictures, Brickthing! Have to say, it's the first deep look I get into a HF 3.0 set, and as always, Lego's keeping up the good work, which is good. The comic on the box is a nice addition, and the sets, while they're becoming more simple overtime, are also more detailed. BTW, I also miss the booklets artworks :P
Bionicle 2011 Serials
I'm pretty sure the whole work on the Forums restoring is the reason they forgot about it. And hello everyone, been a lot of time :P
Hero Factory 2011
My problem with the helmets is just that LEGO has done the big leap in a single move, instead of pregressing from one style to the other. They're quite nice, but still should be worked a little bit more, specially Stormer's and Furno's. Anyways why you all guys complain about the fire lord? He looks nice to me.
Hero Factory 2011
Or maybe they're working ina different team that will be released later in 2011. Who knows? (Besides Lego?)
Hero Factory 2011
Ah, after seeing them better I must say the Heroes are awesome. So is Fire Lord, if I can get the guy... The villains... Everyone looks quite nice to be preliminar. However, I have the impression I've already seen someone like Nitroblast in some place...
The BIONICLE Story Squad Topic
Woah, no suggestion from you guys? Makes mes sad :( Anyways, I'd like to announce that Brickthing and Dorek are now part of the Squad
Exactly. But what I love most is the introduction of the new character...
The BIONICLE Story Squad Topic
Dorek isn't part of the Squad, so he can't reply with the results. Doesn't mean he can't post his ideas/opinions, though.
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