Unit 29
No reason for the name, just thought it sounded like something that would catch people's attention. Hope you like it!
J-27 (Mech MoC) Thanks for any replies!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Thanks, above poster.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I was just wondering, I noticed that the Super Star Destroyer set has a really detailed top, using a variety of really small pieces, and I can't help but wondering, is each small piece and section of that part of the ship actually accurate, or did Lego just do what looks approximately right? I'm also wondering about this for any other models that have really detailed designs, especially ones that might be monotonous to design and Lego might just make look approximately right. This includes the UCS Imperial Star Destroyer, and specifically all the greebling done along the side, and also the greebling done along the side of the Super Star Destroyer. Thanks.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I was just wondering, does 10179 (the UCS Millenium Falcon) have a bottom accurate to the actual ship in the Star Wars films? Thanks.
Bricklink questions
So, just as another question, if I were to bricklink the UCS millenium falcon by buyibng the pieces semi-individually on bricklink instead of purchasing the set second-hand, how many stores or sellers would I need to buy from approximately? Thanks.
Bricklink questions
Bricklink questions
Sorry, but there was just one more question I had to ask about bricklink. How do people buy whole sets in the form of purchasing all the bricks individually, and not only afford it, but seem to save money, when each brick is from a different seller? Do they just do a lot of hard research and see what people have the most bricks from that particulat set and then hopefully minimize the amount of people they are ordering from, or something else? Thankyou.
- Future Superhero Set Ideas
Best 2012 Star Wars set
The UCS B-wing.
Questions about some UCS sets
Hi, I was just curious about a question I had concerning some UCS sets. I would look this up myself, but it's impossible, because LEGO didn't include inventories for sets' instructions at the time these sets were released, but anyway, can the following UCS sets be constructed by ordering all of their pieces individually off of pab or bricklink: Imperial Star Destroyer, Rebel Blockade Runner. Thanks for any help.
Bricklink questions
Hi, I was just wondering, I understand that bricklink has many different people selling the same set, but what I don't understand is, why are some sellers pricing their items so much more highly, and I mean extremely more highly, than other sellers, when what they're selling is often described to be in the same condition as the more expensive seller's item? Also, is bricklink an auctioning system, or do you simply pay what they're asking with no strings attached, and how reliable is bricklink, and what method of payment do people use? Thanks.
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
What is your favorite lego Star Wars ship? Mine is the UCS Millenium falcon.
Lego Licensed Photography Thread
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