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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Legoman123

  1. It seems everything is up in the air with the movie at the moment, one minute I'm reading Its Margot Robbie, then Johnny Depp is back and now the latest is he is getting replaced by someone from Stranger Things. I think the reason he is expecting a Black Pearl is because of the 100 year Disney anniversary. A little off topic but if Johnny Depp doesn't return I don't want POTC 6.
  2. Exactly what I'm thinking. It's Brough LOTR right back into the public eye again. Even if it's adults watching this and their kids are watching with them they will soon watch LOTR as well, similar to SW because no matter what trilogy of SW you are Brough up with once you know about it you will watch the other six movies.
  3. When do you think this would be then? I suppose that's true but they are both so different with such different crews I wouldn't rule it out. I really thought the Flying Dutchman would sell better than the Black Pearl to be completely honest. Or maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.
  4. Does an Do you think Pirates of the Caribbean will return? For me Lego not making a D2C Black Pearl and more importantly Imo a Flying Dutchman was a huge mistake. Surely Lego would know that a Flying Dutchman would be popular enough as it was requested so much and received 10,000 votes on LEGO Ideas (Cuusoo at the time).
  5. If they do bring one out I'm sure it would be the movie version as it is just too iconic to not do that, even if it appears different in the ROP. I would just hope it wouldn't be microscale, just as I hope Rivendell isn't. @Alegrispa I think the only difference between LOTR/Avatar compared to Indie is that we are getting continued stories from those so popularity will likely increase over the coming years. It's most likely that ROP won't be wrapped up until 2030 and Avatar is 2028 I believe, prefect time for merch to be continually pumped out. It just seems too much of a coincidence that Lego would get the licence back for 2 brickheadz and a D2C. I am pretty sure they only started doing Harry Potter sets again was because of Fantastic Beasts.
  6. I just posted in the Lego City 2023 thread about how exited I am that we are getting a large submarine which I believe is the first time for the scale it will be. The reason I say that is because I've always wanted a large scale Penguin sub ever since the first Lego Batman game was released. I just hope that the sub sells well enough for Lego to consider remaking the 06 Penguin sub but on a much larger scale.
  7. Honestly it's about time we got a decent sized submarine. I can't wait to see how that turns out. I always wanted a large Penguin sub from Batman but it never came, this will be for sure a day one pickup for me.
  8. In all honesty I am not the best when it comes to LOTR lore so you are probably right. I do think it was prominent enough to merit a set from Lego though. I've viewed a few sites that go into some detail on what was inside, it's worth a look if you are interested.
  9. I wasn't aware of that, so thank you. I think then you're right with the initial escape scene, that would make sense and I think it's arguably the most iconic scene from Indiana jones. I would be more than happy with that to be honest! As long as we get the Grail Knight I'll be happy.
  10. We need a new MTT for sure. I actually didn't take note that it was bigger than the Falcon to be honest. But if they do decide to do the Ghost as an UCS set with an interior then I would imagine it'd be smaller than the Falcon. Just as the system scale version was.
  11. What are people's opinions on if Lego will give us full interiors with UCS sets, given the recent inclusions of them in the AT-AT and Razor Crest?
  12. It does seem very strange they would do every movie expect KOTCS and given the facf that there aren't really many set options for that movie then the price would make sense to be the temple.
  13. It would be interesting to see how they make the underground section of Gringotts. I imagine it would be like the chamber of secrets with the Great Hall but the only problem with that is it would not look right with the rest of DA.
  14. I thought it was? It's like the Sequel Trilogy for SW is technically not George Lucas continuity but it is if that makes sense?
  15. I just think the new room of requirement is very lazy and lacklustre. There is absolutely nothing going on in the interior of that set at all, and given how this style of Hogwarts started out with decent interiors it makes even more disappointing. I understood to some extent that the Hogwarts sections from 2018-2020 were more about exterior than interior and that showed, but the new style exterior is nothing to write home about and now neither are the interiors, to be honest I've felt like that since the summer wave.
  16. I'm sure if we are to get a KOTCS set it will be the temple as it is the most stand out part of the movie. Maybe a D2C later on in the year? I am under the impression that the Diorama is not a D2C.
  17. Exactly, and who knows maybe if the tower features in the Rings of Power then we will see the interior anyway.
  18. Yeah. I know we got the Fluffy Encounter but I mean to get the flying keys area, a smaller chess area to fit in and then the actual area where Harry faces off against Quirill.
  19. I personally hope not, I don't want to spend all this time collecting HP Hogwarts sets just to get another Great Hall or Hospital Wing next year you know? It'd be much better to make more classrooms, common rooms/dorms, offices, even TPS areas to fit in on the bottom floor etc than reset again.
  20. Aren't all the post ROTJ series setting up for a huge series where everyone is all together or something? I'm sure I read that somewhere, kind of how marvel did with the Avengers just on a larger scale.
  21. I know the Magical Menagerie is a long shot but it is at the studio I believe so it is relatively known. I think they wouldn't serve you because you're a muggle. Honestly I can't stand the moments sets and I was very disappointed to see the new house banner versions with common rooms as the interior because it just takes away the opportunity to make them to fit into the Hogwarts Castle which would be the better option Imo. Speaking of, do you think this version of Hogwarts will carry on or reset again?
  22. Very true, but what an odd thing to do to bring back a licence for 2 brickheadz and a D2C. Personally I think the licence will be back with more as we have The Rings of Power show with five seasons confirmed.
  23. I read that as well, it'll be more for winter 2024 sets than summer 2023 sets. On another note, how long do you think this style of Hogwarts Castle will continue before they reset it again?
  24. That makes sense I guess, to be honest I never paid this theme any attention when I found out that it wasn't going to have minifigures in it, but here's hoping my mind is changed soon.
  25. True, they do work at system scale but I just think they would work so much better at a D2C level, but I suppose that could be said for any Lego set in reality. I think they could do the Golden Hall with relative ease and have a solid interior and exterior for that set to. You are one of the lucky ones, I never got to pick up the Tower of Orthanc so for me Barad-dur is actually at the top of my list. I feel given the way Rings of Power is going that we will see Barad-dur as it will probably play a big part in future seasons. Speaking of, how long do you think this theme will run for, and do you think we will in fact get system scale sets? I think just the way lord of the rings is having d2c's for the sets I mentioned would work well because of the architecture on the inside and out, but I know in my head that this is just wishful thinking as Lego are never going to do that unless the theme carries on like SW, which is highly unlikely.
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