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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Legoman123

  1. Do you think we will get one more wave if batman or not ?
  2. We need a Naboo royal starship with an interior like the moc.
  3. Thank you for your replies everyone it has helped me a lot :), taking everything in to acount I am going to choose the latest one. Thankyou again ;)
  4. Hey guys I was wondering if you could tell me which is the best slave 1 to buy ( including jangos) I would appreciate if you could get back to me quickly guys :) Thank you ?
  5. I couldn't agree more about 4-Lom and zuckuss, I said the same thing but someone said that they couldn't see it happening in any other set than a bridge set ( where Darth Vader hires the bounty hunters to find Han Solo) but we got Boskka in the newist slave 1 and in the one before that we got Dengar and IG-88 so who knows what the next slave 1 could bring.
  6. Does anone think we will ever see the Barad-Dur tower ?
  7. Thats exactly how I want it as I think it would be a nice touch with an interior.
  8. Well thank you for clearing that up with me. I defiantly agree with you about the Han solo thing, there is no way I am spending money to get another Han Solo regardless if he has a different hair piece or not, I would much rather prefer a Dex or C-3PO from episode 2.
  9. Ok, I just was curious how the Han Solo rumours started.
  10. I am very sorry if I have missed this but is there a link to the information about the may the 4th figure ?
  11. Well at the moment it's just rumours but this is the best place for them.
  12. I would love black mask, the ventriloquist and scare face and carnage. I do think we will get a lot of these as there is still one last wave of superheroes scheduled.
  13. I am very much looking forward to this set, I am however wondering what will be in the interior other than something similar to the wizard battle set, I think his little library, the wizard battle area, bed chambers ? What do you guys think ?
  14. I had exactly the same problem about a week or so ago, but I finally decided what to get but only because of the help of someone one on this forum. In the end I chose the millennium falcon as it is a more iconic ship, it is more of a build, it will be discontinued sooner as it was a 2011 release and the playability is just as good as the palace.
  15. If you think that that's it for the interior of the sail barge you are wrong, just watch the brickshow and they open it all. :)
  16. It has made me very worried as well, I was really hoping for a dexter but maybe next year we could get him in the advent calander (not as a santa) as they did throw boba in the advent Calendar this year and there is no trace of him been in a normal set.
  17. It would have been nice to get Dex as all the Attack of the clones sets are coming out this year.
  18. Ok so if this is the case make the arms transparent but not the hands, make the legs transparent and make the head transparent that way no transparent piece will be connected to another transparent piece.
  19. All I'm saying is that there was a lot of play features in te set.
  20. Ok so lets actually think what will the Ewok village have in it ? Personally i think there will be a fire with Darth Vader on it, two or three small huts with a little bed and and fire in it, a couple of rope bridges and a huge platform, a couple of little catapults in the trees with little rope ladders going up to them and obviously one huge tree with the platform on, or three smaller trees with the platform in the middle of the three trees. On to the mini figures, i think we will get Luke, Han, Lando, leia, C-3PO, 2 or 3 ewoks, all three force ghost, R2-D2 and maybie a couple of rebel soldiers.
  21. Well I think you are absolutely correct, however I think that the head will not be transparent but the hair would.
  22. Well I do think the ewok village will be a playset just like the Death Star because it has been a long time since a playset UCS.
  23. I wouldn't use the word 'confirmed' as such, but having said that I think there is a vey good chase of getting the set as multiple websites have said that it is coming out. I can't remember any of the websites of the top of my head (except there was something on hoth bricks a couple of days ago) but other than that you are going to have to flick a couple of pages back to see the other websites.
  24. Well this year I was really hopeing for a Wat Tambor minifigure, but to b compleatly honest I don't think we will ever see him :(
  25. There is talk about the E-wok village on Hoth bricks and that is a trusted website for me.
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