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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Legoman123

  1. Does anyone want to hazarded a guess on how long it will take for cloud city to be made again ?
  2. Well as someone stated earlier the force ghosts could be a mix of transparent and non transparent pieces, which i think is more likely. I think the arms, legs and hair will be transparent and the torso and head will be like the ghosts that we are getting in the LOTR lego pirate ship set, we may possibly see a transparent torso, but as for the head I think there is very little chance of getting a transparent head as I think it would be too delicate. Also If we do get force ghosts what Anakin do you think we will get, the original or Hayden Christensen ?
  3. What about the force ghosts, after all we are getting a translucent blue arm so I don't see why not make a translucent whole minifigure, it does need to be all three force ghosts though.
  4. Well they are using a translucent blue arm in the star wars theme this year anyway, so force ghosts are a high chance.
  5. 4-lom and zuckuss, then we would be able to have all the bounty hunters that were looking for han solo (the ones that Darth Vader was talking to on his imperial star destroyer).
  6. Hey guys I wasn't sure where to post this so I thought I would post it here, sorry if its the wrong place. I am completely stuck on which lego set to get, its between the millennium falcon and jabbas palace. I would appreciate if someone took the time to tell me which is the better overall set. Thank you ?
  7. What about these for may the 4th, zam wesell as the only other time we saw her was 2002, dex from when obi-wan take that poisen dart to him, and the ultimate one I would love is episode 2 C-3PO.
  8. It's not kamino, were going to get an ewok village !!!!
  9. Guys I know we just got the news about the x-wing but I hope that we get the ewok village soon as I am desparate for that set to come out in lego, i do however think it will as the person who said it would also said an x-wing was coming out and that has turned out to be true, and he did say it was a guy who worked for lego, fingers crossed but I do think it will come out later this year.
  10. Ok so what do you guys think the orthanc tower will have in it if it isn't like the super star destroyer and is attualy like the Death Star ?
  11. Guys I have a couple of questions about the Jedi Defender-Class Cruiser, firstly how much do you think it will cost and secondly, do you think there will be a lot if interior (jedi meeting room, bed chambers, the bridge, escape pod) Please answer ?
  12. Guys in JEK-14's Stealth Starfighter will there be a back interior like Darth Malagus ship for his sith troopers or not ?
  13. Will the tower of orthanc have minifigs and open up inside for playability ?
  14. Alright we'll thanks, I do hope it's true though :)
  15. Well I know about the kashyyyk set but I read somewhere that a guy spoke to a guy who works at lego and said that two UCS sets would be coming out, the first being the X-wing and the second being the Ewok village.
  16. Would you mind resending that link as it says page not found.
  17. I know what you mean with boba being a clone of him go but I don't think jangos head looks like that in the film, because I'm sure he doesn't have that many scars and cuts as bobas head.
  18. Anyone think we will get the Ewok village or is that just a rumor. Please answer ?
  19. I love the new jango but seriously, reusing boba fetts head thats very disappointing . Also does anyone know when we will get info on the 75025 Jedi Defender-Class Cruiser ?
  20. Has the orthanc tower been confirmed?
  21. Guys i know this if very early to be asking a question like this but i thought i would to see what you guys think about it, Now we are getting a Jango and young boba do you think we will get a jango fett slave 1 in the winter wave or not. Please answer guys?
  22. Has the Orthnac tower been confirmed or is it just a rumour, because i thought we would see it today but clearly not. I hope it is not a rumour as i will be annoyed, and if it isn't it better actually have rooms inside.
  23. i thought adi gallia had a blue lightsaber not green because thats her cousin. I also dont understand all the haste on the sail barge i think it looks awesome, you havent even seen it all open up yet. As for Coleman trebeur it has disappointed me. I don't see why we don't get arm printing on jango though, they only did that once on boba in the cloud city set to my knowledge.
  24. Exactly it's not been confirmed but there's a very good chance that we will get one as he was right about the x wing, so I don't see why he would like about an ewok village!!!
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