10199 Winter Toy Shop
I thought purple was discontinued?
More new products from Shop@Home (2009 later half)
I've seen it on bricklink but not on S@H
More new products from Shop@Home (2009 later half)
Wow we haven't even got volume 3 yet. Unless I've been under a rock and somehow missed it.
Vintage Minifig Collection Volume 3
I love these collections, i'm glad we get finally get a cowboy aswell. Hopefully it follows the same pattern as volume 2 where it was on S@H not long after we saw pictures.
REVIEW: 7079 Drawbridge Defense
I can't wait to buy that. Good review also.
British, Chaps? (UK discussion)
What is the release date for the farm sets in the UK does anyone know?
Vintage Minifigure Collection II
Mine came today, i decided i'll make a quick scene for them so here you go. I call it "I blend in Perfectly" i know there's not really any building involved but
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
I'm definately getting the Crystal King but i'm hoping the set with the big green rock monster isn't too badly priced.
2009 Sets Speculation
I'm hoping they have some kind of contraption to lower a smaller boat down into the water if not i'll have to make my own. it's probably going to slightly smaller even though realism wise it should be bigger but let's not go there...
The disney deal, implications to the pirate theme?
I'll get them if they come with some good Minifigs.
REVIEW: 7418 Scorpion Palace
Very Good review i like the detail you went into concerning the palace.
Vintage Minifigure Collection II
Ordered mine. I have a funny MOC idea for the Ninja.
Batman theme in 2009
Couldn't they just make a piece that slides over a normal body like this:
2009 sets available S@H - Europe, Australia & other countries
Finally some good £ prices.
Pillage the Village Voting - MEDIUM DIVISION
1st. 21. Nich Artri - Fishing With Envy and Greed 2nd. 13. RichardAM - Stealin' the Imperial Loot! 3rd. 15. pe668 - Buried Trash 'n' Treasure
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