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About ---Vertea---

  • Birthday 06/26/1991

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    Quaint little Innsmouth
  • Interests
    Minifigs and monsters.
    And Doctor Who.


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    United States
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  1. Hm... the poster for Jay uses what looks like a new fang piece at the end of the chain, but I can't seem to find that part in any of the set pics so far-they still use the old fang. New mold that got cut?
  2. I'd like to see more bricks that bridge the gap between minifigs and other parts. It'd be cool to be able to build larger figures with bricks without it looking too "blocky"
  3. I like the new wing parts, and the villains could be kinda neat, but I'll need to see the actual printing. I like this wave so far, but not quite as much as the first wave.
  4. Curious about the Medusa... thing. It's not quite a minifig, is it? Like, there' a head and haripiece, but the body is brick-built and looks a little clunky. I'm pretty sold on the new snake molds and the collectible weapon this time round, but I think I'll need finalized pics before I make a proper decision. These prelims are TOO prelim to know much.
  5. What a wonderful idea! I really ought to dust off the ol' collection and do some scenes. Do you think brick-build structures would work with or against the Bionicle aesthetic?
  6. Nicely don! Better angle than the original art, too lol
  7. Oh, man! that Død Kalm vignette takes the cake!
  8. kinda looks like pythor's staff is... trans green? Digging what I see so far.
  9. BUY THEM ALL lol. Serisoulsy, though- That's an amazing deal. I've had luck here in Arizona finally, but someone has managed to find and take ALL of the shark suits from every case. Kinda sad, but I still got my 2 fauns, queen, robot, animal control, and Warrior, so all in all it turned out all right.
  10. Not to worry, Actor Builder- your secrete's safe with us ;P
  11. I think pictures would give us a better idea of what to expect.
  12. I see Nexo Knights as an excellent source of two genres worth of parts. There's heavy fantasy imagrey and minifigs, and some excellent sci-fi elements. The monster characters are some of the best i've seen with lots of fun application in MOCs of various settings. It's like a swiss army knife theme and i love it to bits lol
  13. I like that Flama gets two completely different full body/head prints.... shame only one of them is in an affordable set. I might have to bricklink Siege Flama if it's not terribly expensive. I feel like Ultimate Flama's head would make a good Jack-O -Lantern.
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