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About Little_russian_AFOL

  • Birthday 05/17/1980

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    Vodka, balalaika, medved, lego, star wars, 4chan, 2ch


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  1. This Darth Vader's helmet i s some kind of preliminary. My friend uploaded pics that allowed by russian LEGO distrubutors.
  2. Hello there. http://vk.com/photo-35894046_352172231
  3. Asajj is just perfect! CW 2003 sets is very good thing, I guess.
  4. Hi there, EB. So, i made tons of MOCs, when i was, y'know, dead. And today, I left my grave to upload some pics for ya. Action began inside destroyed Acclamator-class Star Destroyer. So i tred to make it more look like part of this ship. Master Mundi and Grievous: Fighting. Captain Fordo running to Ki-Adi Aayla Secura is WASTED Shot from the back Side shot As you can see, dead ARC lieutenant lying nearly Fordo. So, i do believe i will upload MOOOOOOOAAR before 31st August. Thanks for watching, guys.
  5. I'll try to do it like Oky in his MOC. Old hair is looks OK only if using Clone Wars version. New one is perfect, I quess it suits for Tarkin, too.
  6. Hi there, EuroBricks. So, I've made first MOC for EuroBricks a year ago. Today, I made rebuild of my first EB MOC! There are only four pics, but I will upload more, I promiss. Source: The Chancellor's Suite was the suite of offices, meeting rooms and private chambers used by the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. The Chancellor's Suite was located in the Republic Executive Building, over 500 meters above the surface of Coruscant. The Chancellor's office, also called the Executive Office, was the formal office of the Supreme Chancellor that served as the heart of these rooms. The room was created during the last days of the Republic, under the command of the final Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, thus breaking from tradition of the Chancellor's office being at the Presidential Palace. Original: MOC: Chancellor and Wilhuff Tarkin: Without minifigs: Thanks for watching and good bye! Also, there will be more MOCs from prequels.
  7. HOHOHO~ Love it!
  8. New Luke is... Wierd. But droids are grate. Different jawas are cool too.
  9. Pure win! I love it!
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