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Tox Laximus

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  1. Germans are good at starting wars, but no good at finishing them, you can read that in 1000's of books all over the world.
  2. If I don't open the Lego box I can sell it as new? Or do legalities mean I have to sell second hand? Anyway, crazy should of won, don't give up designing man you have a bright future, and don't take any notice of these morons, they can only dream about having talent.
  3. That would be an improvement over the boss and I can still sell them. Custom glued together bricks from lego, one off original, sell that easy.
  4. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-Series-250GB-Solid-State/dp/B009LI7C9Y/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1359555241&sr=8-3 Two of these in a Raid 0 array, thats gives me a read and write speed of about 1GB a second, selling my free truck will go halfway towards this 1 GB a second, thats really fast, I cant wait
  5. Na, mine was shiney and had lights http://technic.us.lego.com/en-US/Creations/Details/Default.aspx?projectid=8f999b81-5c6b-405e-b523-202ceb245f3c&sort=oldest&index=223 I will sell my winnings on amazon and get 2 SSD drives :)
  6. Maybe you should stop insulting me, moose head. I got into the top 100 so I'll be the proud owner of a multicolour monstrosity on wheels HAHA, I won a free car, you have nothing
  7. During the competition Lego let far too many entries though that did not meet the requirements, this made the good stuff hard to see amongst all the rubbish, they should of cleaned out the rubbish and voted on what was left. That the only way to be fair, and votes should of been compiled by a independent site.
  8. Why do you call this a contest when the top 10 were hand picked, if this was a competition then votes would of chosen the winner.
  9. The log head truck should of got more votes than it did, that was really quite good. 1. Police Cruiser 2. Log Head 3. Quad Bike Thats sould of been the order, if you dont think so then your brain is too melted from using iphones.
  10. There is no mention of prizes on the 7th of November, read the rules, there are no prizes. And I meant starting a vote on a forum that Lego has no control over. Quite a few entered the competition with a completed entry weeks before it started which means that some people must of known about the competition at least a month beforehand as it would take 2-4 weeks to complete a entry.
  11. We could try a experiment, start a thread with voting and put the same 10 finalists in and leave it open for the same time lego did.
  12. Lego are not supposed to sell violent sets, yet star wars is violent, this indicates that legos holier than thou rules will bend where a lot of money in concerned. When the competition started they refused some good entries on the grounds of copyright, this was the first indicator of something not quite right. Then I seen a few entries that were completed and entered weeks before the competition opens, well ok how much head start did some people have? If you had one eye and half a brain you could see that competition was more bent than a room full of Danes from Lego that are manufacturing votes for a Denmark entry. AND lastly the are NO PRIZES not even a plastic medal for the winner, read legos rules, there ARE NO PRIZES, Lego takes all that hard work and makes lots of money and gives the winner nothing but a piece of paper that says you won. Crazy should of won, his entry was far better than any other entry, including mine, and if you don't think companies like Lego are bent then you will when you get older and wiser, trust me that competition was rigged. A lot of other people would a agree but wont because of certain forum moderaters who will not allow free speech.
  13. There are no prizes of monatary value, not even for the winner, it was stated in the rules. What I will do is post the 2 entries (the one that won and the one that should of won) on the various forums and look at the feedback, that will go some way to proving it was rigged. I will also ask lego for vote stats, do some youtube stuff, and whatever ever else comes the mind.
  14. That lego comp was rigged, loads of good entries got 'overlooked' and crazy_1993 should of won it easy and what did win should of never made it into the top ten. My name was Johnm71 there.
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