- UCS sticker sheet archive?
- UCS sticker sheet archive?
- UCS sticker sheet archive?
Bricklinking a 10030 ISD
Yes, it was a lot of fun bricklinking this set. In this case, I think it is more or less the same price if you buy it directly or bricklink the set. Here in Germany you have to pay approx. 1,000 € to get this set. I paid less via bricklink, but of course my ISD is not 100% original. So you have to decide what you want. For example - like Robert already said - the DSII is way cheaper via bricklink.
Bricklinking a 10030 ISD
Thank you, I get your point. In the beginning I had some plates in dbg. That was quite okay. But, in the meantime the whole hull went lbg. I will post some better pics later on. I bought some additional magnets, perhaps I will be able to stabilise it.
Bricklinking a 10030 ISD
Yes! Some aspects of being seeing as a nerd: 34years old, listening to audiobooks for kids and collecting LEGO SW...
Bricklinking a 10030 ISD
Hi Taiphun, yes, I rebuilt 10030 in lbg. It is not 100% identical due to some missing parts on bricklink: * the lower half of the tractor beam is in dbg, the upper one in old grey. This is not perfect but okay for me. I haven't yet found a good solution to build it directly with bricks. Still working on it... * the structure of the plates (upper and lower sides) is different to the original as the large tile plates were not available / too expensive * at first I had the engines with black tires and planned on painting them. But now I have a solution done with bricks and I like it that way very much! Here you go (sorry for the quality, it is the best picture I have right now): So, now the final question. I bought almost all bricks via bricklink and paid around 750 €. This is quite expensive, but LEGO here in Germany is expensive! For example, I bought all Technic bricks for the inner structure in the US (approx. 60 $ incl. shipping: good deal). Cheapest seller here in Germany would have been around 100-120 $!!! Furthermore I had to buy all magnets (good for you, that you don't have to). A good solution is the old set 6969, there are four magnets in. Via ebay I got several for just 5-6 €! So, yes, I can be done! I hope this helps you and other interested bricklinkers.
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
The list sounds really great! As I am mostly into OT this will be so much fun (and yes, expensive). I will only comment those Snowspeeder: I don't think that it will be very different to the last one. It matches the AT-AT, so it makes sense to release them together. Furthermore we just know have a rehash of the JSF only in different color B-Wing: Fantastic! To be honest, we should have known that this would come after X-, Y- and A-Wing in the last three years Mos Eisley Cantina: From my point of view the prelim is not that far away from the set we got in 2004; that's fine with me. Really looking forward to Greedo and the new Dewback. AT-AT: Great! But I would not rely on the prelim as it is just a slightly changed copy of 8129; I am sure it will be different. Please remeber the differences between the prelims and the final models for this current winter waves ISD: The same goes for the ISD; the prelim is more or less the same as 6211 only with closed gaps on the side
- LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I went to my local LEGO shop (Cologne) and asked a store guy if they have the new sets around. He was very keen to help, so I bought 75040 (Grievous Wheelbike for 29.99 EUR) and 75030 (MF Microfighter). They look great and I hope I can build them soon.
UCS Sticker Sheet Scans (My 10026 needs one!)
Sorry to bring this topic back to life. I need help on finding a scan of the sticker sheet for 10134. The ones I can find on the net are not really that wonderful... Someone who could help me? Thank you very much in advance!
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Yesterday I bought 75014 (Battle of Hoth) and 9489 (Endor Battle Pack) to get the finally in Germany released Clone Lieutenant (get 1 for every purchase above 55 €). I am quite happy!
Modded Jabba's Palace & Rancor Pit
Sorry to bring this old thread up again. I bought the Palace and the Pit some time ago and modded it right away. I also made a LDD file for the mod of the Pit. If you are interested in the additional parts, just follow this link. Perhaps it is helpful for some of you. Of course the list includes as parts needed for the first half of the pit, so you just have to check the difference (just for clarification ) I must admit, perhaps some colors are not right, but by having one Pit you know what to get. The baseplate of the palace overlaps the palace itself by three studs. This way it fits perfectly onto the pit. Have fun!
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
My Rancor Pit arrived today . Looking forward to the build tonight.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Got Jabbas Palace for my birthday! Nice set, great figures. Used the chance to mod it right away and give it a bigger base plate with the tower directly attached to the palace. I think that there is a Rancor coming right aroung the corner
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