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Everything posted by MKJoshA

  1. Fantastic angles on the ship! As a critique, the landing platform seems like an afterthought. I'd love to see more pieces put into it. But wonderful little build overall.
  2. Nice color choices! And I really like your Torra character.
  3. You can certainly just build a ship. But as this is a public popularity contest it won't hurt to include a scene. Something like what I built for Factions would be appropriate: But just building the ship and getting a cool shot of it would be perfectly allowed.
  4. Yes, that can be allowed. Yes. Either a MOC of a concept art piece or a recreation of a specific scene for those who don't have access to concept art or don't want to build that.
  5. Deadline extended to 6th of June, anywhere in the world. May the 4th be with you, always! Celebrate the unique Star Wars universe with us by entering the Eurobricks SW Concept Art Contest. One of the things that makes the Star Wars universe so recognizable is its visual style. Artists like Ralph McQuarrie and Doug Chiang set the stage for the galaxy we know and love through their concept art sketches that have caught the eye of George Lucas, Jon Favreau and other Star Wars film makers. For this contest take a Star Wars concept art piece or a specific scene from a movie or show and turn it into a Lego MOC! You can take a large scene like this famous one from Ralph McQuarrie: Or you can go simpler like this cargo ship built from a rough sketch by John Giang: You can also do a cut-away shot of a vehicle or a freeze-frame recreation from a specific moment! You can use one of the "Art of Star Wars" books like those pictured in the background of the announcement photo. Or you can find a picture online to use as a reference. Googling Ralph McQuarrie and Doug Chiang will give you a lot of results. But you can also look up articles like these from StarWars.com or these. If you want to recreate a scene directly from a movie/show you can use the Visual Guide or Visual Dictionary books like this one or this one. Please include a link or picture of your reference material in your entry. Rules Only one entry per person. There is no maximum or minimum size limit. The contest will run from 4th May to 4th June 6th June, 2021. As long as it's still June 4th somewhere in the world, you can still enter. Entries posted after the deadline will be disqualified. This contest is open to all EB members, even if they joined EB after the contest has begun, with the exception of the Star Wars staff, who are not eligible to win prizes. All entries must be new creations, not posted anywhere else prior to being entered in the contest. You may be asked by a staff member to change your entry if it is too similar to an earlier creation. All entries must be built from real LEGO. No clone brands, no third-party custom parts. Digital entries will be allowed. All digital entries must use only existing pieces in existing colors. All entries must be posted as a new topic in the Watto’s Junkyard forum, the title prefixed by, "[Concept Art] - entry name". (For example, "[Concept Art] – Street Showdown".) A link should be included in this thread for your entry to count. You may do a 'full-blown photo edit' with all the text, effects, background compositing, support erasing, and other effects on one picture. All your other pictures may have no editing other than color adjustment or background removal for a solid-color background. For obvious reasons, any photo editing that changes the shape, functionality, or color (not tint or adjustment, but actual color) of a LEGO piece is prohibited. It is also prohibited to use the Lego logo in any picture. All entries are considered WIPs (Works In Progress) until the deadline passes. Until the deadline has passed, you are allowed to change and improve your MOC. The winners will be decided by EB members voting. Prizes First place will win their pick of 75306 Probe Droid or 75305 Scout Trooper Helmet or 75304 Darth Vader Helmet Second place will win their pick of the 2 sets remaining Third place will win the remaining set
  6. I got the tiger same time as the rest of the big cats by calling in.
  7. Fantastic work! Would love to see some more close ups if you have them.
  8. Thanks! It's from this set of accessories. Thank you! The platform design is from Tim Goddard.
  9. @Darth BjornCorSec gives The Imperial Triumvirate access to Yout (L7). in return for access to the following systems: Boonta (S8), Taanab (O8), and Corulag (L9).
  10. *Your entry has earned 23 XP* Mick's Story: CorSec and the New Republic had received intel on the possible location of a Holocron. Their contact was on Muunilist. He was a poetic former member of the Techno Union. Between clicks and whirs, Iden was able to catch that the Holocron had possibly been discovered on Hoth. She hoped she wouldn't be required to explore that barren frost world. And picture dump time! Inspiration came from the Rogue One concept art book:
  11. *Your entry has earned 12 XP* Mick's Story: Months after Devaron what remained of Mick's team was still recovering. The med-droid wasn't hopeful that they would all make a full recovery. All Mick could do was keep busy and hope his leadership had caused the loss of more life. I understand I have you to thank for my rescue. All in a day's work for Inferno Squad. Though no one asked me if I wanted to do the work... Ah, Shriv is just upset that he didn't get to see more of the action. You guys had pretty much mopped up all the forces by the time we arrived. Thanks Del. And thank you Iden. I guess I owe you one for saving my life. I was in no place to take on Special Agent X937. If I had known she was so important I would have brought her in instead of just stunning her. I understand Corran is starting a de-briefing soon. I'll leave you to it. Aren't you going to go with us on this mission? No, I have other things I need to take care of. That and I lost almost half my team on Devaron. And the other half is still recovering. Represent the New Republic well out there Inferno Squad. Alright team. As you know, CorSec has been working more and more closely with New Republic intelligence. That's why we get Inferno Squad backing us up on this mission. Our target is Muunilist. Word is someone there might know where a Holocron is located. It's your job to follow up on our contacts planetside. You all have your assignments. Report in when you find anything. And may the force be with you. A shot of all the figs:
  12. Spoiler or not, our policy is to wait 1-2 weeks after a movie comes out or a show first airs before talking about details of the movie/show. This allows people to watch it on their own time table without worrying about having details spoiled. You can talk about details, but use spoiler tags for that first 1-2 weeks.
  13. *Your entry has earned 8 XP* Mick's Story: Personnel Files: CorSec's offensive on Devaron required Mick to shut down the core reactor to the Imperial Bunker. They had finally breached the bunker itself and had fought their way into the reactor chamber. What's this? You don't belong in here! The Imperials didn't have a chance to protest any further. Mick, Blake, Hugo and Kortan rushed in blasters blazing. All three Imps tumbled backwards and over the edge. Kortan started working the controls. Mick, this has been a bloodbath for our team! Is taking Devaron really worth it? We can't dwell on the losses right now. We've got to stay focused on the mission. We need to shut this place down and try to find Kale's sister. I know Kale's your friend. But we don't know if Cassandra and Sari are going to survive. Are their lives worth his sister's? And we don't even know if we can get her to defect! Mick was about to respond when he heard and sound and began to turn. An Imperial security droid was choking Hugo. Before any of them had a chance to respond it threw Hugo over the edge. No! Mick rushed the droid who grabbed him and lifted him up. You must be eliminated. Fuast has commanded maximum pain. K-3DT threw Mick against the wall and moved on the other two CorSec agents. Blake was knocked over the edge as the droid lifted Kortan. No, I will not loose any more friends today! Mick stumbled forward and took a wild shot. K-3DT dropped Kortan as his circuits shorted out. He froze in place and fell sideways. Mick collapsed on the floor panting hard. Just then, he heard a voice sneering at him. Well, well, what do we have here? The rebels who have been destroying my base. Who are you? I'm special agent X937. And I'm not happy about the personal you've killed that I now need to find replacements for. X937... You're Kale's sister! ... The next thing Mick heard was the whine of a stun bolt. An indeterminate time later he cracked his eyes open. He heard a voice say, "Hang in there CorSec. We'll get you out of here."
  14. Guys, it doesn't matter if 90% of you know the "spoiler." Until 2 weeks after the show's release we ask that you use spoiler tags. It's the polite and considerate thing to do. That and it's a rule here. So stop breaking the rule.
  15. Here's what I've gotten from BAM recently. Some of it's really old, like the lion shield. Some is new (at least to me) like the dual molded red/black pants. https://www.instagram.com/p/COVrTwOJZdd/
  16. Some of the dark gray elements from the Probe Droid (75306) are already available. After seeing the pictures for the summer/fall city sets I really hope Lego lets me call in to order the animals! There's a new elephant and male lion I want multiples of!
  17. A review showed they are stickers. Sorry, I don't have a link because I saw it on Instagram days ago.
  18. We're starting to get off topic here guys. When I start to gloss over all the posts because they start to sound the same then you know you're veering away from the target.
  19. Guys, if MandR wants to share something he will. Pestering him will not get us more info. You don't have to agree with his timing on sharing details. But if you pester he will not have a reason to share anything.
  20. Yes, we're making an impact! Go CorSec! But seriously, this is a nice build. I love your trench and I think your ground work is appropriate for your build. The side of the building we see suffers from the classic grey-castle-wall syndrome. Adding some texture or even a coms tower or two would help break up the monotony.
  21. You've got some awesome architectural styles going on here! Love the trees coming out of the build, your brick-built letters, and the white pattern on the outside walls. A couple critiques, your first photo does not show off your build at it's finest. I think a shot lower to the ground and looking up more would give a better first impression. Your photos are also a little over exposed. I'd try experimenting with your camera settings and using different or more lighting.
  22. I got really excited for a moment when I saw your picture of all the parts and thought it included a 2x6 printed tile with aurabesh letters on it. Then I realized that was just your watermark! Great review and I'm looking forward to getting my copy in a week!
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