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About Sammael

  • Birthday 10/13/1979

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  1. Unless something changed, recallibrating an official molding machine to use different colors is not a task that can be easily accomplished multiple times per day. Also, some of those colors are not colors that would be officially produced. For example, a few years back at the Fan Weekend, one of the designers stated that a translucent torso and translucent arms are a no-go since they have to be different types of plastic so the arms can be popped off without breakage. My guess is that these are simple knock-offs.
  2. Ideas Gingerbread House was rejected 4 years ago.
  3. Warcraft and Diablo licenses from Blizzard would work great to replace Fantasy Era Castle, while Starcraft would be an awesome alternative to Star Wars junk. All three games feature demons or demon-like creatures, sacrifice, blood and gore galore, so they would seem to be against TLG's brand image, but TLG doesn't give a rat's megablocks about its brand image anymore anyhow. EDIT: oh wow, the common word for human posterior is censored on Eurobricks? How very... American.
  4. I read the last 2 pages and saw nothing, didn't think Brickset was that behind the news. I guess it's the price of having to clear every news item with TLG to check if it's a leak or not...
  5. Nobody has mentioned the 4 Spider-Man sets with pics shown on Brickset? I hate the vehicles, but some of the figs look appealing. Will need to see that Sandman in more detail... https://brickset.com/sets/76134-1/Spider-Man-Doc-Ock-Diamond-Heist https://brickset.com/sets/76133-1/Spider-Man-Car-Chase https://brickset.com/sets/76114-1/Spider-Man-s-Spider-Crawler https://brickset.com/sets/76113-1/Spider-Man-Bike-Rescue
  6. Stretchers of that style are still in use around here, I saw EMTs using one not three days ago.
  7. I can't stand that animation style and the Dimensions Teen Titans minifigs were horrible.
  8. You can Bricklink it for less than $30: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?M=sh133#T=P
  9. Thank you for the insights! This set looks great, can't wait to see more of the theme. And I am saying this even though I am not a huge HP fan and don't own a lot of older HP sets (2010 castle and a handful of others).
  10. Maybe some bizarro EU regulation that they cannot include the word just in one language
  11. Not directly related, but I just realized that the new CMF18 Cat costume + this Catwoman head + this hair gives us a decent Marvel Black Cat stand-in:
  12. Aside from some more X-Men and F4, I'd like to see: Comic Zemo, Viper, Arnim Zola Magik Elsa Bloodstone Comic Hank Pym Kang Juggernaut Daredevil, Elektra, Kingpin, Bullseye Enchantress, Executioner, Warriors 3, Lady Sif, Malekith, Ymir, Surtur Spitfire Omega Sentinel Abomination Crimson Cowl Mysterio
  13. Damn. Will have to get them all, including at least one more Sanctum without figs in order to make a larger building (or two).
  14. That Ninjago bigfig doesn't even look like LEGO anymore.
  15. There are many diners incorporated into multistory buildings. I am currently leaning towards buying 2, I'm just not sure if I want to make the ground floor symmetric or just have one huge diner window with a door to one side. I'd also like to see how it looks with white instead of tan for the upper floors...
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