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Everything posted by Aleh

  1. Hello, finally I have assembled my Ferrari. Different shadows of red connectors - ok Several errors in building instructions - ok Spare panels - OK But why my rear hood does not keep opened?
  2. I have ordered the parts from lego bricks & pieces service firstly - how long will they deliver my order??? I ordered 10 days ago but the parcel isn't even on it's way.
  3. My bad - initially I was looking in Control+ application and didn't know about Lego Powered Up one. Thank you!
  4. Does Power up application allow to create an own profile and connect motors? Will ivestigate, thank you guys!
  5. Good day to all! If I want to reuse new PU motors with the PU battery box in MOC - how should I adjust the motors? What software to use on my smartphone and is it afailable for iOs? Thank you!
  6. Thanks for the reply! Anyway this is a cool and complex bus!
  7. Masterpiece in the way of complexity and funtionality!! Let me assume the wheels are too small for this scale..
  8. Hi @Jeroen Ottens! More than 5 months has gone since the last update. Do you have any new updates here?
  9. Oh, sorry. He really did many types of lights. Actually I mean such type, build from transparent plates https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMhpAANEqldqvJWoTcI6MhBgtDjyyOn7bvwF0sureHiLZJoYKEXcOv2T1hZgQ4toQ/photo/AF1QipNx0RYI47RhsKk2oRd3LBhuOK32ZJ-Hg9d8F1Vg?key=Z3R3ZkVVSUE1cDB4MG1FT2I1enc0N2ktbTJvTGpR
  10. I assume they were mostly used in Belarus, Russia or Ukraine in the 90'-2005
  11. Very original, detailed nd of course recognizable model! The case when the MOC costs much more than the real bus)) I remember that busket of nuts from my childhood)
  12. Wonderful truck because I love trucks! Especially long-nose ones! 5571 can by guessed easily)) And red frame came from 8285 tow truck I guess)) Could you pease fit another lights? e.g. double ones or something Madoca style ones, I just wonder how they will look like. If you don't mind :)
  13. @lcvisser Maybe this "Black cat on steroids" would be also interesting for you
  14. Hey guys, have a question - I have Buwizz 3.0 and 2.0(I guess) and I purchased a Playstation 5 several months ago. Is it possible to perform features management not via the smartphone but via gamepad? What hardware and software are required?
  15. Like the functionality over the design - looks complex, but smoothly working! How did ou implemented the backward alarm??
  16. Wow! This is not about the vehivle - it's a part of Great America! It would be nice to see more photos and descroption, as Milan says.
  17. Hello! I wonder if any technic set would be released this year (1 october for example)?
  18. Hey @brunojj1! I mean watch both models when they are next to each other, at one photo :) How bigger/smaller is the same model in different scales...
  19. Superb design! Looks VERY recognizable and fantastic! i wonder if you could post comparison photo with brunoj's original model?
  20. Congrats with the release! Stunning design!
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