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Everything posted by M_longer

  1. Yes, but I need to make instructions for this roll off first :)
  2. I have just finished B model for this set, DAF CF-like truck, made only with pieces from 42108 set. It comes with HoG steering on front axles (with working steering wheel), liftable container sliding frame and winch with lock. Can work also as a regular #dumptruck I tried to add as many details as possible within given range of parts. Truck comes with detailed exterior, doors can be opened too. With my 42078 Snow Plow:
  3. @Xour I'd go for 42097, it comes with four 14L gear racks I have used for this mod :)
  4. Rebrickable showns this list: And those are all additional parts you need for the upgrade.
  5. I have modified the outriggers:
  6. What you can see here is totally rebuilt carrier from 42108 set, with unchanged supestructure. All pictures can be found here: https://bricksafe.com/pages/M_longer/42108-alt/rework The goal was to significantly improve functions and look of the stock carrier. It has the same wheelbase, but everything elses was designed from scratch. Let's start with the visual side of this rework: First thing that caught my eye were missing side mirrors. Its predecessor, the 8053 had it. So I have added them in my version. Next thing that was changed are overall proportions of the cab itslef. Now it is wider, but shorter and higher, and thanks to that it resemble better shapes of cabs of various mobile cranes. I wanted to keep style of stock cab, so there are macaroni bricks used, but due to way whole cab was built there are no opening doors either. The main core of the chassis is almost the same, I wanted to keep the stock wheelbase and suprisingly it is alo very compact, which was crucial for adding the extendable outriggers. Let's compare both carriers: Improved version has completely closed deck, while stock one had some flimsy mudguards only. The most visible difference is seen when utriggers are fully deployed: 42108 had very short and hard to use outrigers, upgraded version has four extendable outriggers. Video: Few sample pages: Instructions can be bought on Sellfy and Rebrickable, payments by PayPal or Credit Card. Sellfy: https://sellfy.com/p/whlbvy/ Rebrickable: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-39009/M_longer/42108-upgraded-carrier/#bi These are parts left after the build: And this is how it looks compared to my 42043 Mobile Crane:
  7. I am browsing trough internet looking for something that will fit that set and believe me, some of those machines has to be yellow ;)
  8. An alternate model for 42106 Stunt Show Truck & Bike: I have bought this set long time ago, and it just standed on the shelf, aquiring dust. But I had an idea for alternate model for it, a road grader: After making a prototype version I was not pleased about how it ended, I have even shown it on my Instagram as a failed model: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DVQLKpNcT/ It could probably end on the bottom of my drawer, but feedback from my followers was great , so this model got its second chance. Here's how the final version looks: I tried to minimize color vomit caused by presence of (UGH) Medium Azure: Comes with four manual functions, which are HoG steering, front and main blades and rear ripper. Front blade can be raised with a lever. Main blade is operated by a gear rack. Rear ripper is operated by lever located in the cab All lights are mounted on half pins, which means that they will spin freely. To avoid that oddly looking lamps, you can add few stripes of paper on each pin, locking it securely. :) Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSSsFHW4nzk Comparison of A and C models: Model comes with instructions, sample pages: Can be obtained at na Sellfy and Rebrickable: https://sellfy.com/p/vphhl7/ https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-38802/M_longer/42106-road-grader Test model, a crucial part of instructions making:
  9. https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/163278-42082-rough-terrain-crane-mods-and-improvements/
  10. Uhm, so this is stock set? There's already a topic for it. @Jim ?
  11. You don't need to - this setup will remain purely virtual, because after adding it to complete model will be torn apart.
  12. Thank you :) These instructions are always double checked, I always build a test model to be 100% sure that it can be assembled.
  13. I am using LDraw to make pump/actuator/shock absorber. To create specific part from subparts and import it into Stud.io. Here's the example file https://bricksafe.com/files/M_longer/misc/pumps/6Lpumps.io
  14. The most shocking thing about this model is its actual size. I have been working on instructions for few weeks, but I have realized how enormous it is after building it. And that's the reason why functions are limited, even with new C+ and longer actuators. Leverage force placed on the arm is much greater than in typical models built around 1:17 scale. Lat's say that this model is just a prelude for something sleeker and much advanced (keep in mind that three motors and hub are left unused) ;)
  15. I have forgot to put that online :D Another thing on the to-do list... Looks nice in red :)
  16. 42078 co-co-combo! Now this is just awesome. Rebrickable user vanossy has just posted his combo model of two alternate models for 42078 set, made from my Flatbed trailer and this Volvo truck: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-12680/M_longer/42078-flatbed-trailer/?
  17. They will be much more wider than the carrier. I have made more compact version.
  18. I am really curious if you have figured out how the outriggers itself work :D
  19. No, I am finalising instructions for the CLAAS Scorpion telehandler, 42108 mod is next on the list.
  20. No chance, I have tried it with my L580 loader and I had to give up :)
  21. Ten years you say... maybe a rebuild is needed? :D
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