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Everything posted by M_longer

  1. For at least 8 years - nowhere, because it was taken apart...
  2. Enlarged version of this? https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=57792
  3. I'd go for bigger miniatures for the panels.
  4. As I said earlier, marvelous model. How many parts were left?
  5. Yes, but not now. I have received my BL order and I am starting verification of instructions for this little thing:
  6. Where? I tried to keep original colours.
  7. It seems that I have finished the redesign process: This mod uses same chassis as the original set (same axles, same steering links etc). The fun begins one stud above the wheels, where complete mechanisms for retracting the oustriggers had to be squeezed. There are twelve 3L universal joints and two CV joints used to acomplish smooth an pararell movement :) Outriggers bent a little (it seems that whole chassis has doubled its weight), but are able to lift the model off the ground. Main turntable was placed on stud higher, thanks to that front cab (being now narrower by two studs) has better proportions and resembles the real cranes better. Overall look is basically a mix of Grove/Liebherr cranes. Revolving lights are still used to steer the model, but are placed a little wider, making them easier to use. And, finally, this crane has side MIRRORS! Comparison with stock carrier:
  8. So I have made a large progress today, main part of the frame is finished. At cost of 2 studs added to overall width of the model (at outriggers ends) we have a completely redesigned chassis with retractable outriggers, instead those tiny stock ones. I am considering complete cab rebuild, because everything on the carrier is held by few pins only. How should it look?
  9. Actually, it IS out of production and has been marked as retired at lego.com.
  10. I have bought third 42078 to make another C model(s) in scale with 42078 ;)
  11. My first C model in 2020! An alternate model for 42075 First Responder Comes with three functions, which are HoG steering, two piston boxer engine under the cab and spring-locked fifth wheel I have noticed that both 42078 and 42075 use same wheels, so First Responder could be rebuilt into terminal tractor. It is based on a real machines, that look more-or-less like this one: Overall look:: This alternate model was designed to haul all trailers compatible with 42078 set, including the A model one. With trailer from 42078: And Anthem: Spring-locked fifth wheel The fifth wheel is on the same height as in 42078 set: This model uses 494 out of 513 parts provided in the set and DOES USE spare parts. Video Instructions can be found at my shop: ? https://sellfy.com/p/jnknyx/ And on Rebrickable: ? https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-33951/M_longer/42075-terminal-tractor Parts lists and additional pictures can be found here: https://bricksafe.com/pages/M_longer/42075-terminal-tractor Sample pages: Size comparison of A and C models: And with Test Model: And a small render showing it with my trailer for 42078 set:
  12. 42108 rework in progress Let's face it - 42108 is not a great set, superstructure functions work quite well, but those outriggers used in the carrier do not fit overall scale and needs of this crane. I have been struggling with creating of compact and rigid outriggers for carrier of this set, but finally i managed to make one. Now I only need second set of those outriggers in front. The plan is to completely rebuild half of the model, almost everything from turntable down. So there will be four outriggers that can be moved in pairs independently, new frame and completely new cab with mirrors, not present in a stock set. The chassis will be extended by few studs to fit all of those new outriggers bracings.
  13. You don't need to use CV joints on the rear axles, becuase axle can go trough the wheel hub :)
  14. Could you provide some pictures of sample pages from instructions? " PDF - Generated from LDD " Sounds interesting :)
  15. 8460 still holds the first place of medium sized Technic cranes. Those outriggers are horrible, the set can't be easy motorized as 8053, and it even does not have a side mirrors on the cab!
  16. Not three? 42106 also comes with pullback motor.
  17. It has the same design flaw as 42084 had, which is almost zero ground cleareance:
  18. Last time someone that asked me "where are my instructions" were left with answer that he downloaded it 5 times and are probably on the hard drive ;)
  19. Last time I was so disappointed with a set was when I got 42049 "mining" "loader". It's precedessor 8053 (same price range) had four outriggers in X style (they were wobbly, for sure, but had interesting mechanics for retracting them). Here we have 4 outriggers, from two had to be pulled from underneath the bodywork to play with. That's weird and reminds me those outriggers from 42053 set. Also, using ratchet for locking drum winch in place is common in sets, but using the same technique for mechanism extending the boom also does not convince me. Third thing, where are the goddamn side mirrors on this thing?   This is literally yellow parts pack in shape of mobile crane. It had great potential, but almost all things had to be rebuilt to surpass the 8053. Also, I have a strange feeling that it is worse than Xiaomi's (!) Mobile Crane, even from visual perspective:
  20. Could yo ushare the .io file? :)
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