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Everything posted by M_longer

  1. You have checked how those mechanisms look on real machines, right?
  2. It seems that boom arm is 4 studs wide.
  3. And no side mirrors on the cab. HOW!?
  4. Polish COBI had some parts (like brackets) earlier than LEGO, really :)
  5. This is first one not based straightly on frame and functions of any older Technic set?
  6. Well, studfull frame (brick/two plates/brick) connected in few places perpendicularly is the most rigid part you can make in Technic.
  7. No problem, I have discovered that by accident :)
  8. Those RC models. When I was a few years old kid my cousin had one of those. I was very jealous about it ;)
  9. Oh, they can. But first you will have to make them in Ldraw, then import to Stud.io. I have generated these pumps in MLCad (you have to open specific .dat file in the MLCad), then imported to Stud.io for making a rendered image: Ldraw file: https://bricksafe.com/files/M_longer/misc/pumps/6L pumps.ldr Stud.io file: https://bricksafe.com/files/M_longer/misc/pumps/6Lpumps.io The most intriguing thing about stud.io is that it does recognize and use subparts for making a pump etc, but they can't be accesed trough stud.io's menu on the left.
  10. An alternate model for 42094 Tracked Loader. Inspired by real CAT M105 DEUCE dozer: Overall look: Comes with two manual functions, which are elevation of front blade and rear winch. Both functions are operated by gear on the back of the cab, and switched between with red lever located on the side. The winch has a ratchet that keeps the rope reel in place. Front blade's angle can be easilly adjusted. Here's how it works: Model comes with instructions, which can be bought at Sellfy and Rebrickable: https://sellfy.com/m1longer https://rebrickable.com/users/M_longer/mocs/ Few sample pages: Direct size comparison with A model: A test model, with more yellow panels: And a "family picture" with all of my C models I've made so far: This model uses 770 out of 827 parts provided in the set. Pictures: https://bricksafe.com/pages/M_longer/42094-dozer
  11. Yes it is. Designed from single piece to the final model. I haven't heard any complaints about this model nor the instructions, so have fun ;)
  12. Did you encountered problems with IR receivers losing signal from remote? They are burried quite deep in the cab. Does the front and rear axles have the same turning angles?
  13. Interesting variation about Sariel's Defender: EDIT: I have browsed trough your sample instructions for the hood. If whole instructions resemble quality of that bit, you should release it for free. I'd never think about abour offering PDFs with such low quality.
  14. We are trying to provide the best building experience as possible :) I can tell that whole model is extremely dense - there's almost no unused space, everything (5 motors and 3 IR receivers + battery box) is tigthly packed in average size model.
  15. I'd like to inform that instructions are slowly taking shape:
  16. An alternate model for 42095 Tracked Racer. It has the same performance as basic model and uses 100% parts from it. It's my first alternate model that used all parts provided within the set :) Video: Also, can be easilly (just two pins needed) disguised as 42099 ;) It can also pull some things, like Eric Trax's Krampe 550 trailer: Instructions can be bought at Sellfy and Rebrickable: https://sellfy.com/p/kkin2v/ https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-30314/M_longer/42095-tracked-tractor/
  17. I have bought 42110 and started thinking about improving the set. I still have the 42069, which uses tracked chassis. I thought that it could be a great idea to have LR on the tracks too. I've built a quick sketch of tracked frame, with 4 pairs of oscilating road wheels. It fitted the wheel arches nicely, the steering worked quite well. But in overall, it did not work. Unfortunatelly, there's a lot of play in independent suspension and whole track module goes sideways, instead going straight. So simple change of wheel hubs to tracked bogies will not work. Those tracks need a solid axle to work properly, like in 42069. I am not sure if I want to rebuild half of the set for having tracks, I'd probably take it apart and make a C model in the next few months.
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