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Everything posted by M_longer

  1. Hopefully! Also, for all of you thinking about Dark Blue being new Yellow for constructions vehicles; It's Dark Blue, because recolours were made for F1.
  2. Sooo basically we have 8052, which was ripped off everything that made it cool. Power Functions, linear actuator and hooklift mechanism. For the same price! Well to be fair, not the same. Inflation adjusted value of 8052 would be around 70€: But I'm still disapointed that they use same simple lifting mechanism in 10€ (42147) set and 50€ set.
  3. What promotional? It was EXACTLY about on topic, without links. That screenshot was a proof that covid-era model was selling A LOT better than best selling models now, and only thing that keeps it selling lately is a 30% discount (it barely solds trough past months) Just do not hide this again. It's not bragging about the numbers, there are few other MOCs that were selling at Rebrickable much higher. A Holy Grail of alts as I said in that hidden post. It's about covid and post covid sales of instructions, which is a deeper topic than it looks, especially when you are for years in that bussines and ran out of ideas how to promote these further. Overal sales drop is signifficant, I am almost sure that none of the already made or future models will be close. World changed, people have a lot of things to do than sitting in their houses.
  4. And those two small panels will be connected with power of will.
  5. I always encourage people to try it, mostly those that think that my instructions are too pricey :)
  6. I would not left my full time job and go for instructions making without proper numbers.
  7. Your counting takes as to around 1120 unit sold. Add 600 and we are almost close :) And yes, I still complain. 42114 was a miracle set around Covid. But do not judge whole income by single bestseller. Divide it by years and costs I'm having month by month (I was running full time job with those for 1,5 year) as health insurance, retirement fund, life insurance, car loan etc. Large numbers on the begginning looks awesome, small ones after getting all things paid monthly do not :) Also, except 42114 and 42100 alt nothing was even close to their performance. Two "magic" sets.
  8. Wanna talk about it? :) Two and half month after premiere, two weeks of work, a lot off effort put into designing this. 18 sold. 42175 barely paid itself,and I thought that it will be selling much better as 42078 Snow Plow. My perspective - I'm getting +/- half money I was getting in 2023. Instructions market changed trough 2020-2024. There's A LOT of quick money grabs at Rebrickable lately, most of these people do not even bother to make pictures of real model built, test instructions and such, because it's just easier to release several small models and wait for potential errors pointed by customers to fix. I just could not force myself to make model after model, just to hope that it will sell. I tried to keep some higher level of model design, instructions and whole presentation. It might provide higher income, but I'd burn out in few months and do not wanted to play with LEGO anymore. And that's the reason why I'm going back to work as an electrician, golden era of living from instructions ended for me. Nice time, but it's not worth the grey hairs anymore and steady income is better than living the dream ;)
  9. Oh please no. Raptor was full of building flaws.
  10. My gues is new block and new piston, that will work with this: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=4368&idColor=86#T=C&C=86 But price higher than Merc (10€ more) for 300 pieces less is a bad joke.
  11. M_longer posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    What can be done with 18 wheels except mobile crane? This: Hooklift truck, based on M1120 HEMTT LHS, cargo trailer, telehandler and two platforms with a lot of cargo. And all of that using almost 90% of parts from the set. Instructions: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-201507/M_longer/60409-cargo-team/#details Video: More pictures: https://bricksafe.com/pages/M_longer/minifig/60409-cargo Truck uses 8 large wheels and two small as spare tire. Featuring working hooklift arm: That can be turned into dump truck with locking the arm with a tile: Both cargo platforms are interchangeable, allowing to be lifted from ground and trailer. Platform allows to put heavier load, which can be picked up by telehandler. Speaking about the trailer - simple, but sturdy model, that can be pulled by truck and telehandler. Trailer was built to work with the hooklift, allowing to slide the container from truck onto it: Fully loaded: The last part of the Cargo Team, Telehandler: Featuring arm elevation & extension + tiltable forks, with front outriggers: It can be transported on the platform too, it just needs one of the cargo pieces to be placed on it: Both cabs can be opened, to place the minifigs inside: Instructions are divided into 4 books, to try some different approach this time :)
  12. Impressive for first MOC, but it looks too narrow?
  13. 8043 was released a bit too early - with 4 L motors instead of 4 M motors it would be the most awesome remote control set ever.
  14. Do not even start. Every licensed set is wrongy built when compared to real car.
  15. This one had doubles too: https://brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=571094
  16. Nobody mentioned it, because nobody seen it ;) I'm wondering if it will skip under heavy load though.
  17. It's all about the play in the finished model. 42054 used Bue axle pins to get away from that slack in each wheel.
  18. I believe that whole recolour quota for Technic was taken by 42154 then
  19. I'm selling instructions for years at Rebrickable, and it does not matter if you will ask 1€ or 100€, if thieves would see potential in selling your model, it will be just bought from you.
  20. I'm going to look at how this attempt on looking for customers will end. Because I have never seen someone who says that will make instructions, if there will be enough potential customers and not showing the model fully working.
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