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Everything posted by M_longer

  1. It is not, I have checked it with blueprint :) From one of these three: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=4266c02&colorID=3&in=A
  2. Quite many symbols on the topic tittle, don't you think? Let's say something about them first: There's a company here in Poland called KGHM Zanam. They manufacture whole suite of underground machines, like loaders, dump trucks, bolting rigs and more. http://www.kghmzanam.com/ This particular model has been based on LKP-0403C: https://www.kghmzanam.com/produkty/maszyny-gornicze/ladowarki/lkp0403c One of my associates (which was formerly a wheel loader operator) retired over month ago and I have made a very special gift for him - Model Team style model of machine that he was driving trough his work with us. Beside having standard danger stripes, the model is labeled with it's machine number (46) and name of unit I work for (E-10). Some details: The model itself is quite simple, with no motors and pneumatics, but the arm and bucket can be positioned, and the chassis is articulated. Few comparison shots with my Sandvik LH517L model (this Model Team version one was never shown anywhere): The loader was handled with care, and given inside the toolbox:
  3. How many Technic sets passed the review stage? None. Why people still think that something that looks like average Technic set will get 10k votes and pass the review stage? I know, I know, "let them dream".
  4. Naa-aah, it does not work that way. It is YOU who want to show us something, so it was your duty to show us pictures here.
  5. I am still considering it, because all of them will have their 2.0 versions, along with some new machinery, on that 14 teeth sprocket wheels from 42095 :)
  6. There's a large linear actuator inside the frame.
  7. An alternate model for this great set :)
  8. Yet another Technic set was sacrificed... In short: Parts from 42078 Mack Anthem were used for building from scratch another Mack truck, the Granite. It was created with using blueprints of real truck, within the given range of parts. Actually, it is a dump truck, with removable moldboard and sand spreader. It tows a quite unusal trailer, not seen on the european union roads, but used on US roads. Let's start with overall look. It was supposed to resemble these: And now with details, what we have here: The truck is a Mack Granite, with three axle chassis and a dump body. There's no fake engine under the hood, but there are many other things packed inside. And what is inside? Openable doors, with cab interior and working steering wheel: Of course there's Mack the Bulddog ornament on the front: Elevation of the dump bed is operated by black bevel gear on the left side of the chassis: Front moldboard can be elevetaed by turning black bevel gear on the right side: Whole truck is quite modular, the dump bed is held in place by 4 technic pins, and sand spreader is held in place by two pins and axle protruding through dump bed: And as we speak about the spreader; after placing it on the back, and adding the moldboard, the truck becames a true snow plow: The spreading disc is driven by rear axle of the truck: The trailer: It is a tow plow trailer, quite unusual piece of winter equipment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkmBP-ISzKk Model made from bricks has the two most needed functions of the real counterpart, which are elevating of the moldboard: And four axle steering, which also sets the whole frame at angle: These two manage to plow a snow quite good (but it works much better with bricks) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlQn5gOzQTA As usual for my C models, this one also comes with instructions. They can be bought at Sellfy and Rebrickable: https://sellfy.com/p/VDnT/ https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-22014/M_longer/42078-alternate-mack-granite-snow-plow Instructions sample: https://bricksafe.com/files/M_longer/42078-alt/snowplow/42078 instructions sample.pdf Few pages from the instructions: Comparison of A and C models (I do not have A model assembled): Blueprint: Bonus round; snow, a cat, and test model, built with different colour scheme: Meet Rudolf the Cat: Test model, which was used to test the instructions. This colour change required swapping of few parts (7L liftarms, instead 3L and 2L on the doors for example). I wonder if its cab could be built in orange... Now's the time for the LKP 0403...
  9. That "logical order of steps" you are looking for is not generated automatically by LDD. Behind each step by step instructions stands lots of hours of work (manualy placing of parts, editing the sub assemblies, adding callouts). In other words, each step by step PDF instruction is made by man, not by computer. LDD auto generated instructions are good for small system builds, not for Technic models. There's absolutely no chance to convince LDD to generate something like this ;)
  10. There's also another problem with new builders - they have never built anything bigger than a shoe, but decide to make a nine axle, fully motorized crane, without having enough knowledge about mechanisms, performance of Lego parts etc.
  11. Are there Kenworths made like that? With very long sleeper and an axle under it?
  12. For comparison, 450€ is something about 1900PLN, which is more than a minimum wage here, in Poland. Soooo... pricey :)
  13. Not a toy. Presentation of new electronic system with "Liebherr" label on it.
  14. It may be used to prevent knock off brands starting pre-sale ;)
  15. Drive wheels bend? They are angled on your video, which means that their mounting points could be reinforced in the frame. Also, put that battery box somewhere, nice loking model with batteries lying just on the back?
  16. These actuators were used in numerous sets with motors, and there were no white clutch geras used, for best example - 42030 right from the box.
  17. I have just built mine and, well. For me, it look like the dumper was an A model during design process, but they were switched at some point. Properly working claw would be better than rotating cab and two speed winch. When the arm is in the upper position, due to way the claw is built, it can be problematic to let the log fall down. Have you encountered this problem? On other hand, great parts pack. Blue z20 gear, track links, wheels, new rope, turntaable, macaroni bricks in yellow. But as a model for playing with, quite dissapointing. Here's a little comparison with 42095 and 42079:
  18. Making it 1:1 would allow for more improvements, you know? ;)
  19. You are building it in scale? It will be smaller than 852, for example that angled beam supporting its tail should be 15L, not 11L.
  20. I had this loader: Being operated only by random kids by two days at exhibition and nothing really bad happened :) g]
  21. There will be a proper presentation with video and much more pictures, when instructions will be ready. And that means few weeks from now.
  22. Well, it does not look good now either, most of the trucks that are using 62.4 wheels are 18-20 studs wide. I have just finshed a Granite that is 15s wide, and it's using much smaller wheels. You could make it work, it would make the model even more playable :)
  23. After few days of work alternate model for 42078 is finished. Now I only need few weeks for making the instructions... The model has 5 manual functions, two in trailer (lowering the blade and changing angle of the chassis), and three in truck. Which are: lowering the front blade, elevating the dump bed (sand spreader can be taken away, becuase it's additional module), and front wheel steering with working steering wheel. The sand spreader is powered from truck's rear axle.
  24. Sand spreader doesn't move? It looks like the whole truck should be a little wider, by 2-3 studs? There's definitelly something wrong with the proportions of front, including front lights, hood and cab.
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