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Everything posted by M_longer

  1. Let's start with most obvious one - double wheels and widened mudguards: Another modifications that come to mind are rebuilding the fork part for higher raising and making the steering system to work properly. Thougts?
  2. I've added few more parts to front mudguards too. Size comparision with Mack Anthem: Full review in polish: http://zbudujmy.to/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=8811 And few words about the set itself: Well designed, playable, but two functions work only properly, but could better (steering works backwards) and forks could move higher than middle of the frame (for example, in last liftarm based forklift, 8416 the forks travels right to the top). Interesting color scheme (Dark Blue is still not so common in Technic sets). Great base for modiffications (like adding those double wheels, rebuilding the forks, changing steering etc.). Actually, with few tweaks it could be the best Technic forklift to date.
  3. It is possible to make the steering working in a proper way, but it requires removing those Technic triangles and reinforcing rear part of the frame with different parts, right behind the engine.
  4. They look definitelly better than pictures made by LDD. It is. I still don't like usage of exhaust for steering.
  5. 42079 Forklift Truck - Theme: Technic - Year: 2018 Bricklink Brickset LDD file (LDD 4.3.11 2670) Errors: - All parts present, not correctly placed 3L universal joint - String is not attached. - All stickers are missing.
  6. Ladies and gentlemen, I have made an LXF: https://bricksafe.com/files/M_longer/reviews/42079/42079LDD.lxf And second file, with sub-assemblies: https://bricksafe.com/files/M_longer/reviews/42079/42079sub.lxf Only thing that is missing is 31L String: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=x127c31 (I've added it)
  7. Reverted steering. Turning left requires turning the exhaust pipe to rigt. It takes some practice to operate this thing, because most of Technic sets with revolving beacon on roofs uses them for steering. This one uses it for raising/lowering forks. A bit confusing.
  8. Yes. When you turn exhaust left, it will turn right.
  9. Finished. Full review in polish will be probably finished tomorrow, shorter english version will follow: {img]
  10. There are no gears in then steering mechanism, actually it could not be simplier, it is just an axle sitting on top of this: Moving the wheels left and right. Funny thing, I was thinking about the same few moments ago while adding those wheels :)
  11. 3 with stop in Reddish Brown :) I am going to use it shortly, because whole chassis is already built:
  12. For me it was a great example of badly priced set. OK, back on topic, some submodels assembled. It seems that build will be pretty nice:
  13. Use Bricksafe or Flickr for hosting pictures :) Could you add few more pictures? Especially form top wiev on the axle, maybe there's a room for a linkage for steeering?
  14. I have forgot to mention that both booklets and sticker were not packed in a bag. All loose in the box. Plus 6 bags of parts and 4 tires.
  15. First great news is that there are TWO instruction booklets, for A and B models: Parts list: And as Jim said, there are almost none gears in this set. But I still like it :)
  16. Look what I have just found at doorstep :) Full review in polish coming soon, short in english will probably follow.
  17. Interesting... I had something similiar in early versions of my 42043 C Model, but I have chosen gears instead of links :)
  18. You can't have everything ;) Really, really nice model, I am curious about the steering mechanism too.
  19. It is quite a challenge to build with restricted amount of parts. Try it some day, it could be really fun :) I have my 42069 still assembled on shelf, because I do not have idea for that pile of parts (it has almost no gears), but this snowmobile looks really great :)
  20. Painted bricks and heat treated parts? Are you sure that you have posted in on the right forum?
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