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Everything posted by M_longer

  1. Random builder means random builder. In other words, it just someone who plays with LEGO. WITHOUT saying anything about his/her building skills.
  2. I have spent some time on watching Sandvik loaders in action, on reading its specifications and on building them with using photos and blueprints. Sooo let's say that I have a little bit more knowledge about those machines than random LEGO builder I just said that LAs are good for motorized models, not that Technivor should motorize this loader.
  3. No, he could not. It would be off scale (and Sandvik loaders does not have teeth on the bucket blade).
  4. Funny thing is that they changed colour of 7L axle to yellow, and on that picture it still is in LBG.
  5. I was waiting especially for review of this set. Let me add few things about this... thing. It all will be complainging of person who works with these type of machines, so if you just want a unusual machine in your collection, ignore my complaining :) I see underground loaders almost every day, and believe me, this model would now work in the underground mine. First of all, its cab should stick out more from the frame. Each loader has cab placed out of the chassis, to provide better view for the driver. In this class of machine it would help a bit, but in low loader ones it is extremely important: This is the view from the cab of a low profile loader (looking at front - and yes, front of the machine is where engine is placed, because at least at KGHM all machines drive engine forward): Another thing about that cab is that seat and steering wheel/joysticks are placed perpendicularly to the machine chassis, to provide same view for driving forward and backwards. So another weak spot of the set. The model lacks of trans clear lights on the engine part, because all machines that work underground have same lamps on front and back. Another thing that comes to my mind is that warning light and antena would not live too long in the mine, becuase it could be torn apart by ramming into tunnels roofs. It does resemble shape of underground machine, but not a loader. Only machine that comes to my mind is something that are used for moving/placing hydraulic support jacks in tunnels. Sorry for poor quality, I didn't find better picture of it: It does have claw, four wheels and articulated chassis, but have much greater range of movement of the arm. Anyway, I'd give it at least 3/5 for overall look. Model itself, as a set, looks unfinished (or cut down on pieces after visit of an accountant...) For me it looks like engine part was built differently, with knobs for steering/claw operating sticking out from back. Claw needs almost seven full turns of the worm gear to close from opened position, and is rather annoing to use it in way it is built in this model. Bracket that holds bevel gears responsible for steering is rather loose, being hold in place by single 3/4 pin. On the other hand, the steering works very well. It seems that lack of differential will be more common in LEGO sets, becuase it is another model that have fake engine driven by single wheel (like in old russian RC cars...). I am OK with that, but it is a pitty that this model has only R2 engine. Thing that I do not like the most in this model is how the claw arm works. First of all, it barelly lifts the claw of the ground, the movement could be much better. And it has major design flaw - universal joints are not placed in line with articulation points, and this is main reason of 5L axle not being suported on both sides under the turntable. While rainsing the arm, it bends a little! I really would like to see this model built differently, with normal bucket and better range of movement.
  6. If I were you, I'd change steering system to something faster. Linear actuators are good for motorized models.
  7. Ignore idiots, that's all I guess. I have been asked many times about selling my MOCs, usually after that person heard price, conversations ended with "no way, it is just LEGO, it can't be that expensive".
  8. M_longer replied to TheItalianBrick's post in a topic in Community
    I have seen chinese version of this set: It had some cost-cuts on the material, which ended with gears that had smaller diameter and they just didn't worked.
  9. When last two sets will have their reviews?
  10. Why people still thinks that models like this (no offence, it iis quite nice though) have chance to become LEGO set? It is just a tractor, not a Delorean from "Back to the future", which for sure will not get needed attention from customers (not supporters, in the IDEAS supporter's votes are less important than chances to sell a set). OK, back to the model itself. It does resemble articulated tractor, but it is totally off proportions when compared to real STX 500: Have you tried scaling it to a blueprint? As far as I can see after looking at your model and this picture, nose is way too long, cab is too high and misplaced. Not sure about width of the hull, but rear part could be opened, instead of being covered by red curved panel:
  11. Because they are not available? Anyway, which parts do you want to order?
  12. It is a pitty that you have taken it apart, becuase it could got some improvements. I like that it uses 10x4 chassis, because it is not so common in LEGO models. First of all, front axle could use hard yellow shock absorbers. Cab could be built differently, because all that holes from liftarms collides with smooth look of few areas of the cab. How much was it able to pull? Two XL provides anough torque for pulling furniture around. I see two M motors in the front of the frame, both were used for steering? That z24 gear on the last axle didn't hit anything while driving?
  13. Aha. I have some veeery cool looking MOC on my desk, but I can't take pictures of it because it is not finished yet. And know what? I didn't posted topic about it without photos, video and some description. Because doing so does not make sense.
  14. They are present, but have veeery small picture with straight cable. They are next to 1x2 LBG plate(s). I had hope that new Mining Loader set (that uses 62.4 wheels) will have them in yellow, but it seems (from preliminary pictures) that it will be using standard Light Bluish Grey wheels :(
  15. Costs and parts availability. Yellow 62.4 wheels are rare these days. There are only 11 shops on BL that have at least four. It is much easier to buy wheels from 42030. I'm glad that you like those instructions :)
  16. OK, you have found an error on the parts list. (but motors were present). IR Receiver was missing and few other parts like 1x1 black tile and 2x2 round brick (no idea why, it happened for the first time, and parts list on Rebrickable is made strictly from the same file as instructions). Probably Rebrickable ignored these parts on importing the ldr file. I am very sorry for those errors, It happened for the first time, last time when I was using Rebrickable import option all elements were imported properly. I assume that parts that had different molds were ignored, and it seems that other missing pieces were using different numbers in the file. I have checked it piece by piece and now this inventory is 100% accurate: http://rebrickable.c...0g-wheel-loader Remote control is not present in the instructions, so it is not on the picture. But is needed to use this model, so I have added it to the Rebrickable parts list. Thank you for noticing that, I will remember to double check the Rebrickable parts list with raw .ldr file in the future.
  17. Let me guess, black and yellow hoses? Bricksafe shows exactly what has been used in the model (hoses in needed length, it is just screenshot from the parts inventory generated in LPub), and Rebrickable shows parts that are available on the market (for example yellow 6L hose does not exist in any set, 1L and 2L in black either) and they had to be cut.
  18. I'd like to inform everyone who asked me about it, that instructions for this loader are finally available at MOCPlans.com :) http://mocplans.com/...end-loader.html Those great renders were made by Blakbird. Thank you very much! :) Parts list can be found at Rebrickable: http://rebrickable.com/mocs/M_longer/volvo-l250g-wheel-loader Example pages: Higher resolution pics can be found at my Bricksafe gallery: http://bricksafe.com...ger/volvo-l250g I have also started a blog, to have everything related to my MOCs in one place: http://m-longer.blogspot.com/
  19. I think that 8 gears would allow to make reduction and use M motor for that function.
  20. Why you have used XL motor for extending the boom?
  21. It is this one... http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=112541
  22. One of LUGPol's administrators has built Terex RH 400 with pneumatics. It is using four valves, controled by servo motors, each with reduction: Later version had pressure switches and compressors:
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