Everything posted by M_longer
- 60420 Demolition Dinosaur
42175 Volvo FMX Truck & EC230 Electric Excavator
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingTop right also, it's 60420 Excavator cylinders;
[MOC] Volvo FH Aero 62 pusher Tractor
M_longer replied to Sebeus I's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingFront lower part with lights looks great. But whole cab is leaning to the back:
2024 Technic Sets Discussion
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAll March releases can be browsed trough Bricks and Pieces, yet only standard and widely avialble elements can be ordered. But their quantities are shown, for example, 42171 will have six 3x19 frames.
42168 Forklift
An alternate model for 42168 John Deere Forage Harvester Lifting mechanism based on this set (26 years ago, ouch) Featuring rear wheel steering; Fork elevation, achieved by knob on left side; Fork tilt, operated by lever on right side; I'm quite proud about shape of mudguards :) Model in action [youtube][/youtube] Instructions:
42168 John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI have rebuilt this a bit :)
2024 Technic Sets Discussion
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI made a quick recolour of 42161;
42128 Roll-off Truck
M_longer replied to M_longer's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingNoted, I'll resize them.
42128 Roll-off Truck
Here it is, model that was supposed to be built right after debut of 42128 in 2021. But we have 2024... Anyway; almost 1900 parts, packed in relatively small space. Direct successor of my 42108 Roll-off Truck And part of triplets, along with 42144 Cherry Picker Based mostly on this truck: The initial ideas was to add as much functionality as possible to 42108 truck. Result - my most complicated alt model to date - within similiar dimensions comes with twice more functions! :) Here's video, and description of functions can be found below: Instructions can be found as usual at Rebrickable: ALL IMAGES Let's start with the visuals - model was designed to look good with and without stickers. And to look like same brand as 42108 Roll-off, even with not too much parts used in same places. I know that it might be bit boring, but I'm quite pleased with the result :) Cab comes with openable doors and working steering wheel. 42182 colour palette is annoying. Really. It took some trial and error to have good looking parts of the model without the rainbow effect. I'm quite proud of usage Tow Truck front license plate at rear here; Model comes with 7 manual and two pneumatic functions. I have rebuilt the frame few times to match the functions stickers from A model. So, first function is obviously steering. There are three steerable axles, with 3rd solid axle (no fake engine, sorry, no space inside the frame). But with working steering wheel. All chassis functions are controlled by 4 knobs, two on each side of the truck. They fit the symbols on stickers almost perfectly; Left gear controls the swivel of the crane arm, right one allows to deploy the outriggers. Model was designed to work with knobs hidden behind side panels and being slid out a bit, with outriggers knob being placed on longer axle, thus deployed bit further; If you don't like the idea, there's an additional universal knob, allowing to operate with longer axle: But let's stay with the outroggers for a while. They are placed right under the turntable. They have transport position, when they are not stick out to sides, but can be flicked for deploying; On the right side of the chassis are located knobs operating rear axle lift and winches. Rear axle fenders were designed to be lifted a bit with the axle, allowing the steering to work properly even with axle above the ground: Winches are placed at the end of the lift frame: And are driven by numerous gears trough the chassis and said frame. Two pneumatic functions are fed from large pump placed behind the cab and controlled by two valves placed on both sides of the cab: The frame is elevated by two 1x11 cylinders, and require some pumping to make high pressure in the circuit to lift the container. But works flawlessly: It can also work as typical dump truck: Tailgate has small, white lock: There are small wheels above the frame hinge that guide container while sliding into the frame (can be seen on the video too); The arm, as mentioned before, is turned by knob on the chassis, but elevation of the arm is made with small linear actuator. Arm can be extended by hand, while second section is moved by pneumatic piston; The claw was redesigned by @erictrax and instead of 5x7 frames uses 1x5 liftarms for teeth. It can be swapped for pallet fork;
Motor 88017, Hub 88012 and Powered Up app
M_longer replied to Grosnus's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThere are several problems with these particular motors reported by 42131 and 42146 owners. They do not connect to HUBs properly, maybe there's additional bug/feature with them in PoweredUp.
42168 John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI got Jim's blessing ;)
42168 John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI made a review! :)
REVIEW - 42168 John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester
John Deere is present in LEGO form since last year's 42136 John Deere 9620R 4WD Tractor This year we got the awesome pneumatic 42157 948L-II Skidder. For 2024 LEGO decided to bring something more affordable again - John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester. £37.99/$39.99/€42.99 for 559 pieces. There are few recolours and one new awesome piece among them. Let's get this over with at the beginning - this is NOT a model that have many things in common with real harvester, except the colours (and even those are missing at few places). It's really cool small harvester, but very bad John Deere 9700 miniature. Why? Read below ;) Box is very compact and shows the harvester on the cornfield. I'm not fully convinced that's a cornfield under the machine, for me, raised in the countryside, cut cornfield looks a bit different than box shows ;) But that's a minor detail. The real tragedy happens when you turn the box to see the back. No B model. At all. 2023 was the last year we had official B models in Technic line. Side shows wheel in 1:1 scale. Yes. A truck wheel instead of agri one. More on that shortly (can you feel the "I do not like this set" vibe in the air?) Inside we find four numbered bags, and one not numbered, with wheels inside. Sticker sheet, instructions. I still got plastic bags and not paper ones. Instructions booklet is compact and shows the usual - steps, parts list, comparison to the real machine. There's only one new piece, a C shaped liftarm/connector We start the building process with rear part of the frame, with steered axle. The body is made mostly with curved parts (and pins). The new C liftarms (part number 3167) are used here. Frame could be easilly done without them, but hey - new parts are always a nice thing. Instructions suggests testing the steering mechanism trough the build. There are few stickers used, and it seems that LEGO is having another problem with colour consistency, because all stickers have different shade of green. Problem occurs with orange dial in cab too. As usual I have used knife for aplying stickers; At some point we connect uper part of the hull to the frame; The spout and other smaller curves are made with System slopes. Bag 2 is smallest numbered bag in the set. First we build both rear mudguards with system pieces only. Windscreen pieces used here would fit better a tuned drift car than a farm equipment. But I'll write more later about it. After adding them, we are going for front part of the frame, with some linkage taking shape. Last steps add few pieces for reinforcing the upper frame part That 1x2 plate with two yellow tiles is held in place by single pin only. And it moves even being placed on half pin with friction. Bag number 3 consists parts for making rotary harvesting unit. This set comes with six Gear 28 Tooth Double Bevel 46372 in Yellow. LEGO has strict colour coding for gears. Even with some quite colorfull ones, like Green and Dark Azure. But almost always these colours did not changed no matter how visible they were. Here's something new - gears available only in Light Bluish Grey now are recoloured to match the manufacturers livery. Hence the title - recoloured gears are very common in knockoff models. Anyway. The build starts with small gearing, that will drive the harvesting unit drums. Finished header is a stand alone model - all gears are driven by two small wheels at the bottom, instructions show to test everything before connecting it to the chassis. As you can see, the clearance between 12 tooth gear and surface is barely present. There's a building trick, utilizing slack between parts connected with pins without friction. Liftarms connecting header to the frame have some range of movement, allowing the wheels to have contact with surface in front of front axle. All six drums spin in the same direction. I know that's a model for nine years old +, but they should keep the rotation of real ones (three clockwise and three counter clockwise) Here instructions shows again to test the gears. At last steps we connect the header to the frame. Too early. The cab. That's a very odd part of the build. You add mostly parts that can be easilly added before bag #3 It would be more convenient without whole enormous header in front, which could be added after making the cab. But before cabin interior, made with system parts only (there's even minfig seat) is made, we need to add The Lever. Very simple mechanism, just sliding along the liftarms holding header. Simple. But personally I'd love to have a worm gear here. As you can see, other colours on stickers does not match the shade of the parts. What's wrong with you, LEGO? Cab curves were achieved with System slopes. Time for overal impressions. And before you reply to my concerns with "it's just a toy" - it's a licensed toy, and they can render faithfully real machines; It is a cute, generic farming machine, with nice colours and functions. But it comes with JD label, and for me it means that we can expect more than "name sells". So if at this stage you like this model, stop reading here. If you are interested about my very picky opinion, read on ;) Buckle up, we are going dooooown! First, the front wheels - even picture in instructions clearly shows that harvester stands on agri tires, with tire tread typical for farming equipment. Instead of using same tires as 42136 use, we got truck tires. That looks very odd on a harvester. There are however JD machines that use tires with less agressive profiles, like self propelled hay windrowers. But in this particular machine tractor tires would add a lot to overal look. But this model still loses a chance to look properly thanks to completely messed up proportions. And those rear wheel arches made from green 62360 windscreens would fit better a drift car than farming equipment. They are too wide compared to real ones. There's no single part of this model where something looks like it should. It even does not have the enormous black grilles on side, which in this scale could be made with few black stickers. Yes, that's a small model. Yes, designer is limited by price and/or other limitations. But you can't convince me that it could not look at least similiar in this small scale. What about the functions? They work properly...ish. Here's Sariel's video showing them: The turning radius is good, whole model can make a circle in limited space. Most fun to use function here. Elevation of the header is made with simple lever, that slides along liftarms connected to the front. Whole mechanism is hidden under the cab, and operated by small t12 gear on the side. I'd love to have worm gear here, but it works properly as is. The spout can be adjusted manually and it's much shorter than it should, 42136 trailer can't drive in parallel to it: Here's comparion with 42136, which unfortunately is not in the same scale as 42168; 42136 trailer can work with 42168 hitch: So, if you want to have cool small model that looks more or less like harvester (or need few cool green parts) this set is for you. But if you want to have something that resembles John Deere 9700, well, it will need a lot of mods to change its look.
42168 John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThe 9000 series have same overal dimensions, internal parts vary.
42168 John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThank you!
42168 John Deere 9700 Forage Harvester
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI have just bought 42168. New Liftarm! 3 of them in the set. They are used like this: And here's parts list for your convenience;
2024 Technic Sets Discussion
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling42168 comes with new liftarm! 3 of them in the set
Experienced moc designers here for hire?
You can expect to pay 6000-10000€, depending on what level of details and functions needs to be achieved.
Experienced moc designers here for hire?
Uhm, what do you want to make? And how many are you willing to pay for that?
42122 - C Model - Off-road Truck - Moc
M_longer replied to Paul B Technic's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingDude, you have replied to topic dead for almost 9 months.
Lego D11 with real Cat D11
M_longer replied to JohnsLegos's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingIt looks even worse when compared to real one.
42157 - Skidder John Deere 948L-II
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHow does the tilting of the bucket works? And where's rear arm? ;)
42161 Lamborghini Huracán Tecnica
M_longer replied to R0Sch's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingBolide should have single wheel drive too, like 42123 for easier steering.
42146 - Liebherr LR13000
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWe are talking bout 42131 again? :P
42146 - Liebherr LR13000
M_longer replied to Ngoc Nguyen's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingPictures of this set are floating around, but here's few of my thoughts about it. Price. Or should I say PRICE. 23,5 eurocents per piece is something that we did not encountered in Technic before. 42131, which has one thousand pieces more and costs "only" 500€ and has 0,13c per piece is considered as too expensive. So what can I say about price of this set? Outrageously priced? You can have two large Technic sets for that money, or few mid sized ones. Control+ It seems that it will have same double-HUB setup as 42100, with one hub placed in undercarriage, for driving and rotation of the superstructure, and second on the superstructure, powering 3 other motors, which should run the main arm, derrick and winch. Size. I know, building and playing with large models is fun. But from my perspective, a man who likes his models dust free storing previously mentioned CAT bulldozer is a bit tricky due to its size. I wonder how many people will be able to display this set fully erected. 42042 offered similiar functions in much smaller package. Pieces. As we can see, there's a lot of new truss pieces. "A" ones are known from 42157 and Ninjago Gardens. The new square ones look like another enormous addition to Technic frames line. They might be useful, but I need to have them in hand to be sure. Counterweight pieces also look interesting. And there are two shock absorbers from 42130 too! With probably 6 motors and two hubs I might be able to do rebuild it into something cool, but not for THAT PRICE. Eh.
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