Everything posted by Lord Vladivus
Orc Patrol
Across Nocturnus, bands of warriors roam. Not all of their allegiances can be ascertained easily, and mercenaries flit from side to side, lured by their greed and the promise of gold coin. Isolated villages are forced to rely on these nomadic warriors to defend them, and others to raise militia levies to serve the feuding Lords of Nocturnus; both Resistance and Spire alike. Orcs are common in the foothills of the Rakath, being hardy and warlike creatures, and their militia patrols venture far into the plains between the great peaks and the Moruth Swamps to the East.
- Fimbůlvatr Keep
Guilds of Historica New Member Guide
Regarding Freebuilds, I believe they used to be judged and would count towards Guild gold totals. Now, they're not- GoH has become less about competition and more about collaboration nowadays. Other than the main storyline challenges and mini challenges, it's all about just building. Judging tends to be more of a "members give each other constructive criticism" type of set-up. There is the University of Petrea scheme (that encourages builders to try new techniques), but I don't know how active that is any more!
- Of Kazzar and Witches
Lonely Redoubt
Man, you're turning into quite the Nocty building powerhouse! I'm really liking the way you have a couple of different builds to tell a story- the vignette is great, well composed (only niggle I have is the hole in the saddle of the horse!). Tower is cool as well, evokes ZC quite a bit, but with your own style as well!
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Welcome to the guilds!
- Preparations For War
- Goblin Siege Ship
- Of Kazzar and Witches
- Of Kazzar and Witches
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Of Kazzar and Witches.
Of Kazzar and Witches
It is a well known fact that the Kazzar are not particulary enamoured of the Witches of the Moruth Swamps. At least, since the witches have started to steal valuable Kassava claws from the various tribes, to make drugs that are much sought after by the Black Spire. So, when a travelling Swamp Witch reaches a Shadowmere Guard encampment at the base of Shadowwmere's great black walls, the grizzled Kazzar Blackcloak commanding the small detachment of veteran zombie warriors is swift to react. Only a swiftly barked command from an inspecting Fenrir Bloodcloak saves the witch from a gruesome disembowlment by a Kassava lance. The witch arrives. The Kazzar Blackcloak. The Witch herself, apparently of Mitgardian descent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C+C welcome! I'm not too sure on the style of pictures, was fiddling around with some editing software.
- Qasr Albahr
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
It's good to be back. I found that I'd a) lost enthusiasm (I started to lose it during the Kali civil war), and b) Vlad needed to be in Shadowmere so his storyline was hard to continue and have fun with. He may have some fun new powers to play with now though, seeing as he died and came back... I've a few ideas on the cards, with the Fell Company heading to Shadowmere, that should shake things a bit. All may not be as it seems... Krell, my necromancer is still languishing in hell/hades/underworld analogue, although he holds the distinct honour of being a human that was actually born there, so he'll probably resurface, either in underworld builds, or back into the world of the living. And that's all without mentioning the variety of people that have visiting Shadowmere's as a plot point and we've not seen them again since (Amset Ra, my representative from the Desert King needs to find a place or get out haha, but I rather like the idea of him being on a Shadowmere's council as a kind of ambassador though). I'm also building up Black Spire forces to add some variety to the generic "Hand of Corruption" goons.
- The Fell Company of Nocturnus
- The Fell Company of Nocturnus
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Welcome to all our new(ish) members that have arrived n my hiatus! Have a build!
The Fell Company of Nocturnus
The Fell Company is a bit of a misnomer, being but two warriors strong, but one that is carefully cultivated. Our story finds them leaving their Rakath Mountain hideout. A Knight in dull armour, astride a mighty black steed inclines his head towards the zombified squire next to him. "Come. It is time we find my son. We ride for Shadowmere." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm still alive, honest! C+C welcome.
- The Resistance Unites [Book II, Chapter V: Prelude, Part V]
The Falling Darkness [Book II, Chapter V: Prelude, Part I]
Indeed it is my brothers. I have not been idle in my absence. Shadowmere's Legions are amassing for war, and the ancient Nocturnian warrior order, the Dark Brethren ready to strike at the Spire. The day comes, where Ravaage will not face the Resistance, nor yet a Free Nocturnus, but a united Historica. This land was won in by our blood, sweat and feats of arms, and those of our ancestors. Let us not sully their memory with inaction or treachery, but let our arrows arc towards the enemies heads, and our swords sing as they strike blows against the tyranny of the Spire. Come, my fellow Historican's, forget the feuds of old, and raise your shields, and be the bulwark that the tide of oppression breaks and falters upon. We stand upon the brink of greatness- will thou grasp victory and have your names echo through all time as heroes?
- The Falling Darkness [Book II, Chapter V: Prelude, Part I]
- Nocturnus Minichallenge II: Temple of Blood
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Aha! We begin! Time for me to get building I think.
- Guilds of Historica New Member Guide
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
I think that's the idea Jareth- no one can really lay claim to any set of figs being a particular race. Obviously, some figs lend themselves better to certain things than others- eg vampire heads for, er, well, vampires!
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