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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thanks. Hi It took all my free time in September to complete, so 4-5 hrs on a work day and every weekend full time. Not something that I want to try and repeat in the future. I normally come up with an idea for a large display by Christmas and then work on it over the next 9 months, however in this case the idea finally crystallised at the end of August. It also took two large Bricklink orders for the extra 2x2 jumpers I needed. Even after I cannibalized about ten Heroica sets. One change I plan on making is to have the buildings in the town lift off, so that players can get at their characters when playing through there.
  2. Hi All, I haven't posted here for a while, but having just shown my latest endeavour at the Great Western Brick Show, I thought anyone who doesn't usually frequent Flickr might like to see the MOC. IMGP9984 by kaitain, on Flickr IMGP9966 by kaitain, on Flickr (Just some Christmas lights added to give a fantasy feel to the display). "Heroes of Heroica" is a 240x112 stud campaign map, featuring 16 different routes into the forest from the 8 beach landing points, 57 dungeon entrances (these lead to random Heroica dungeons) in the forested area alone, 3 multi floored "Dark Druid" towers, 9 villages where treasure can be sold and equipment/potions bought. A goblin fortress to sneak into, lots of different heroica monsters to fight, including new snakes, scorpions, and even Dragons. The entire build process is available on my Flickr photostream, and when I've sorted through the photos from the show, I'll upload those as well. The aim is for the game to be played co-operatively like any other RPG. The extra campaign rules are still a work in progress though. Regards Kaitain Edit: It should have been 16 routes off the beach, not 6
  3. Yep I'm a fan, and have even created a couple of MOCs (see Flickr sets below). Here's my take on "Marineville" from "Stingray". and a Captain Scarlet 6x figure. I'm looking forward to the new Thunderbirds series when its released in 2015, but still need to catch up with the CGI Captain Scarlet in the meantime. TTFN Kaitain
  4. Hi All, Members of the Brickish Association will be exhibiting space and sci-fi themed MOCs (including Dr Who and Gerry Anderson) at the National Space Center in Leicester this coming weekend. More details/directions etc can be found on the NSC website (link below). http://www.spacecent...sh-weekend-2013 Regards Kaitain
  5. For those of you who haven't seen it don't click the spoiler button, just remember to sit through the credits. Regards Kaitain
  6. Excellent, and the action didn't let up for a minute, even after the credits had finished rolling. Don't leave until you've sat through the credits ;-). There were a couple of twists I wasn't expecting having avoided the spoilers on the web, which made it a great story. It was better than Iron Man 2. Next up is "Startrek". Regards Kaitain
  7. I saw "Oblivion" last night, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I get the 2001 comment as it felt a bit slow at the start. I'm off to see Iron Man 3 tonight as well.
  8. Hi Paul, I'll look forward to seeing you on the 4th May as I'm exhibiting my model of Marineville at the Aldershot show. You've probably already seen it as it was at Steam last year. http://www.flickr.com/photos/31191557@N08/8123355842/ Regards Kaitain
  9. Hi, How about getting a bottle of masking fluid. Paint this on the areas you want to remain unpainted, and when dry paint the new visor colour using an acrylic. The masking should just peel off after everything is dry. Given the size of the helmet, you will probably need to use a fine brush, especially for the masking fluid (just remember to wash the brush in soapy water to get all the masking fluid off). Hope this helps. Kaitain
  10. Hi, A quick Google of "Dickens Opera House in Longmont Colorado" came up with these. Image Image source http://caturner.wordpress.com/2011/10/19/mysterious-death-of-william-h-dickens/ image source http://www.hauntedcolorado.net/Longmont.html The official looking lineup are the local ladder company (firemen to us Brits ). If I were to attempt this, i'd probably scale the building based on the upstairs windows, using 2x2 and 2x3 frames, then adjust the wall sections accordingly. This definitely lends itself to a "Cafe Corner" style build, although it might end up larger than a 32x32 baseplate. Also LDD would really help with prototyping these structures. Hope this helps, and looking forward to seeing your final design. Regards Kaitain
  11. Hi Bpbill, and welcome from another UK member. You might want to try car boot sales as that's where I've managed to get some good bargains, just remember to give the bricks a scrub before using ;-). Ebay is also a good source of bricks, but you then need to factor in the postage costs just like Lego's online PaB and Bricklink. On a separate note have a look at the Brickish Association website, (http://www.brickish.org). You might find it helpful. Regards Kaitain
  12. kaitain replied to RubeusHagrid's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Sorry . I just thought you might find the reference material useful for your build. Kaitain
  13. kaitain replied to RubeusHagrid's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Hi All, I noticed this thread yesterday, and thought everyone might like to see my take on the "Defence against the Dark Arts" classroom, which I built for last year's "Great Western Lego Show". Here's the link to my photo album for the show where you'll find some more Hogwarts related MOCs among the displays, and the final display version of my MOC with a borrowed Gilderoy Lockhart. Great Western Lego Show 2011 Here's are the last WIP shots I took before taking it to the show. Defence against the Dark Arts - WIP 28th Sept 2011 I would have entered it for the Hogwarts community build but it was a bit too big . TTFN Kaitain
  14. I think the designs are really good and would fit in well with my Phantom Manor MOC. I did a similar thing with Madame Leota but used a glow in the dark Snape head and stuck a light inside it. The table wasn't as ornate though, given that I'd relegated her to the attic, so only really viewable through a window (see below). Its an old MOC now, as I built it for a show in 2009, and the rest of the display got demolished in 2010, but I still have the house. Here's a winter view of the Manor with the lights on. My favourite Haunted Mansion site is "Haunted Dimensions" which is where I got the inspiration to build Phantom Manor. At some point I might revisit the theme and build the other two Disney manor houses to the same scale. TTFN Kaitain
  15. These designs look really good, but I was wondering if you had any hi-res versions you could provide links to. I'd like to have a go at an "Avatar: The last Air Bender" style display and have been looking for examples of Oriental roof design. Note:- Done some digging and found the link to your store (Bricktw shop). I should have realised from the forum the post originated from that the pieces were custom. They look very good. Are you planning on releasing them in other colours, say red, dark blue, green etc? Thanks Kaitain
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