Review: Rogue Shadow set #7672
Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, but I found it on sale here: :D
What are you listening to?
Currently listening to The Chemical Brothers - Swoon (Boys Noize Summer Remix.)
- Kindle or Nook
MOC: church baroque style
Hey that's great, very jealous of your collection!
- 2013 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
[MOC] Yet another Super Star Destroyer Executor...
Good luck! :D
Ever found a piece that doesn't belong in a set?
I had a Lego Star Wars set yeeears ago (can't remember which one it was) that had a random red brick in it. It literally didn't fit with anything.
Congratulations Foog!
Well done Foog!
Site slowness - Is it just me?
I've noticed it happen to me, but I have a lot of junk open atm. But even then it's not 5 - 10 seconds. You may want to get that checked.
Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...
Big Doctor Who fan here, as you can probably tell from my name! My favourite Doctor is the Third, Jon Pertwee. :D
Hi :D
Hello! I'm The Oncoming Storm, from Liverpool, England. I was into Lego massively a few years ago and hope to 'rekindle my youth' here. Thanks for having me, see you round! :D
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