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  • Birthday 07/24/1981

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  1. Saw them. Interesting pirate stuff. It's always good to have some new types of headwear available. Curious about what the final sets will look like.
  2. It's the Mercedes Benz stud!
  3. I haven't seen any MOCs with this sail yet. However, it does seem a bit too small to be fitted into a proper ship, even if several of them are used.
  4. Also, I don't buy them very often. Only when some interesting minifigs come out, usually pirate-related. I'm sure that an army-builder redcoat or bluecoat soldier in a CMF series would be highly sought-after (just like the Wolfpack Beastmaster in the current series which is very hard to find in shops near me (but I found one and got it too, just in case ).
  5. Truth be told, I hardly ever keep those collectible minifigs in their original configuration. These two will be split into several minifigs combined with other body parts and populate future MOCs.
  6. Well, now I officially have two quartermasters in my collection.
  7. Well it seems then that LEGO is following exactly the same path as with 2024's Endurance. The main set is not minifig scale, while the accompanying GWP set is... And I'm sure it's no coincidence that LEGO chose one of the few types of shuttlecraft that Blue Brixx did NOT release.
  8. I vaguely remember that when redcoats were introduced for the first time, they had hollow studs, at least the ones I got. Obviously, the bluecoats which continued to be released simultaneously for some time could also have hollow studs, unlike the early bluecoats with solid studs. Another issue is the shape of the minifig heads. At one point they changed to a more streamlined shape with a narrower chin. For example, I have the head of the first female pirate in both shapes.
  9. Neither did the Bell Riots
  10. I have other plans right now. But in the future, anything is possible
  11. Since no one seems to want to discuss this set anymore, I just want to give you a short impression of mine, as I built it recently. I like the ship very much for the most part. The SNOT techniques used to build the hull are great and you can definitely see all the effort put into the design. The overall shape and the colours are great. I agree that the sails are the biggest drawback. First of all, they are too flat. Those sails should have some wind in them! I also don't like the way they are attached, as most of them have sides or corners which hang loosely. These are supposed to be sails, not flags! I understand that certain trade-offs were needed to gain access to the removable sections of the deck. Speaking of which, they are not that easily accessible anyway! Don't get me wrong though, I like this set a lot, just the sails are a bit of a letdown for me. By the way, if you want to see a truly objective video review of this set, not sponsored in any way by LEGO, with all the pros and cons, I highly recommend this one:
  12. Aye, the stairs are quite stable! In all my ships, I always try to make them as accessible as possible, with removable deck sections wherever possible. The only place not really accessible in this ship is the forecastle section, a solution which was necessitated by the complicated structures used to build the ship's bow, which in turn had to look as similar to the album cover drawing as possible!
  13. Well, I concur that the design is not very good. Not meaning to defend Blue Brixx, as I do not own any of their stuff anyway, but some of their designs do look much better than this set. One couple I know own Kirk's original Enterprise from Blue Brixx with a piece count much closer to that of the planned LEGO set, and from their pictures I've seen, I'd say it's an OK model. With that said though, I'm kind of glad that Blue Brixx' Enterprise D exists. It should inspire LEGO to try to make their version as better as it can get. Competition is usually beneficial for quality, even if the competitors are knockoffs.
  14. I agree. However, Blue Brixx released its Enterprise earlier, using bricks copied from LEGO of course. That's why I'm curious about LEGO's approach towards the model, whether they will try to make it look differently from the one by Blue Brixx. After all, the source material is the same.
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