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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Deathdog

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    Classic Space

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    Indiana, USA


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    United States

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  1. I appreciate the comments, support, and readership! I'm preparing myself (mentally) for the episode run from 480 to 500 and am about three weeks away from starting the build. Stay tuned!
  2. No one can say I'm a quitter! Glomshire Knights publishes episode #460 tomorrow (but #480 is being shot tonight!) The strip's fifth anniversary is coming up in February and I appreciate all the loyal readers who've enjoyed (or hated) my little story over the years. If you're not familiar with Glomshire Knights, click the link in my signature and go straight to the archive to be, to paraphrase fellow comicker Louise Dade, whelmed, but not overly.
  3. Invest in a copy of comic life (it's about $25 USD) -- it runs on pc's too. Use gimp for photo effects. Vary camera angles and get a variety of shots -- static camera positioning gets boring visually and doesn't help the story.
  4. I'll have a go, if you'll have me.
  5. The Inventor 1 points Frank Brick Wright 1 Point Grimmbeard 1 Point Esurient - 1 point
  6. [pid][/pid] Page_1 by Deathdog1, on Flickr Page_2 by Deathdog1, on Flickr Page_3 by Deathdog1, on Flickr The moral of the story: Don't mess with us Bluecoats. Page_4 by Deathdog1, on Flickr
  7. 1. Deathdog 2. Bluecoat 3. Captain, Soldier, Blacksmith, whipping boy
  8. I am certainly interested in the fort Wayne event. Shoot me an email with more info when you get the chance, Bryan.
  9. Nestled somewhere deep in the heart of the Black Mountains, an ominous tower awaits you . . . do you dare to enter?
  10. Just reminding everyone that yes, I'm still doing the comic. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
  11. If you would, go ahead and delete the post (I couldn't figure out how to do it). Didn't mean to offend.
  12. wants YOU to build a Fig Mobile for the latest Brick Comic Network Contest

  13. The Brick Comic Network Invites YOU to win prizes! What do you have to do? Build the most awesome mini-fig mobile you can imagine. You could even build 16 of them if you wish! Hey, every minifig needs a swanky vehicle to get around in, right? And if a car is a reflection of its owner, then it only stands to reason that forestman would tool around in a camo-covered truck or a caveman would cruise through space in a ship shaped like a rock or a giant club? Use your imagination and make any type of vehicle that fits the theme of the series two collectable minifig of your choice. Don’t hold back, show us what ya got! For the complete rules and entry information, visit http://www.brickcomicnetwork.com/
  14. Go for it! What isn't a cliche these days? Writeyour jokes your way -- the most important member of your audience has to be yourself, so if you're happy with what you're doing, then that's all that matters. There's always room for more comics and stories out there, just make so you like it and other people will too.
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