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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Someonenamedjon

  1. I once out 2 3L hole and axle connector with 2L axels, it turned out really made, but i used tweezers to get them ut with only a few small chips on them, never going to do that again
  2. I aggree, i usually can't find everything on my shopping list, but i found one, 44 bricks.
  3. maybe on the engine for some, but i can fully understand it
  4. i can't program it right now, but you can have data wires going to the loop, so you could have a Bluetooth message says false, and then receiving it and connecting the data wire to the loop block, you can see the data wire inlet at the beginning of the loop, you can also use any block that can define something as true of false, like the touch sensor.
  5. this http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=66152
  6. I think you should go on the us website instead of Australia because it tends to more expensive there. For example on the au site the 42000 is about 140 and on the us website it is about 130, if i remember correctly.
  7. For looks i would choose the 8051 and for features i wuld also choose 8051, but i wuld take the 42007 for the shocks and orange panels.
  8. Looks very powerful, maybe you could make a working blade, funnel?
  9. I like the orange color on the 6 x 6, but i would go for 8 x 8.
  10. Welcome to EB! I really like the flailing arms, next you have to make it transform
  11. You can also set a counter on the loop or logic on/off.
  12. I bet you could probably do that if you had custom made parts..
  13. Wow! It must feel really good to have the actual owner buy it off of you, any model of yours should be showcased anywhere If you don't mind me asking, what was the price they bought it off of you for? BTW i can't wait for your new MOC after this
  14. I think the best way to cover up the batox and recivers is to ut it in the one outlined box that is not fully covered behind the cabin and then cover it up, otherwise it looks pretty good, i can't wait for the video to come out!
  15. Can i please ask yu you to post yhis in the one topic where yu post stuff that you buy, so can a mod please move this, but not that i fell jelouse of him or she. Butttt anyways, thats seems like a really good deal, so the 8043 was only 160? I saw on tru once they sold it for 175, but if you registered for a card you whould get i think 50 off.
  16. I like it! Very like the original, you are going to add the back trunk next right? And can you also show us the underside and suspension travel in a video? Great job anyways!
  17. I would really want to build a stratojet airplane.
  18. So even ones ranging to a little bigger than a minifig to even ones that can sit its self in the unimog!
  19. I think a high torque one and a high speed one would be best.
  20. Well, i wish they would bring back the red one, but 3 L
  21. i wonder if it flys as good as this underwater one! http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=79893
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