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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Someonenamedjon

  1. Very interesting! Mind if you made a LDD for us?
  2. On Lego they sell it for $130, $10 cheaper than on TRU, that is, without promotions.
  3. I actually meant the actual thing was free, as in the model its self, because at the very last page of the part lists it said zero dollars. *this is actually a joke
  4. Warm welcomes to Eurobricks! The jeep looks really powerful and quite fast!
  5. I noticed you did not use the unimog hubs, you could have made the brake connection from behind if you where to use it. Wait.. so i can get it for free?!?!?!? the total cost is zero dollars
  6. Looks really stable and see the above performance it has the potential of being a complete one, unlike your last one that you "failed".
  7. This is pretty accurate, considering you did it by eye!
  8. Looks like a great ideal! Now i can know the sets people are referring to.
  9. Nice review! Very detailed and throughly thought, adding just about everything a review needs to be a good review. BTW great set, love the green.
  10. A limited slip diff does not let just one side get the power, like solid gearing, but it also functions as a diff. You should check this out. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=JX5YgNankww&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJX5YgNankww
  11. Warm welcomes to Eurobricks! That thing looks huge! Can you have a size comparison to another size or even yourself?
  12. Sometimes small sets on cuusoo are more likely to be accepted unlike the bigger models that have too many peices. :D i would love to buy any one of the sets you have built above of they made a set!
  13. I don't really think a "mistake", but a type of style. Good job anyways!
  14. All your creations are soo cute and wonderfully built!
  15. No.. But i don't think he should take it apart, but build a second chassis.
  16. I just finished reading all the books like a month ago!
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