Everything posted by Dark Brickz
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
well this set we'll have to wait til next month to see whats up with it. cause so far its not that good minifig wise that is. the ship looks ok but why give us a clone gunner and clone trooper? i do really hope they change them cause theres no need for them....
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
i was thinking so far it the past 2 years TLC has released the ucs MF and last year the DS do you think they'll release another ucs with minifigs for this year?
MOC My Creation Mini Star Wars EP.4-6 and clone Wars
these are really good... keep up the good work
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
There's plenty of time to save for the summer sets... The venator looks good they have plenty of time to add stuff to it. The toyfare is just a month away i got my tickets online already it should be an interesting one this year..
Lego Poll every year?
well i was just thinking that if the "Home One" sell's good this summer, that TRU just might do the voting again for next summer. hopefully it does the second set i wanted was the arrest of palpy...
Future Star Wars Sets
some of these idea's arent that bad..
Lego Poll every year?
its ok it happens. umm i think A new hope came out 1977? so this year would make it 32 years since it came out....
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
wow, i just gotta say so far so good with the new sets. just a few more weeks to nyc toyfare and we'll really see what we'll get in these sets...
Lego Poll every year?
i agree with you. and in 2011 it will be 12 years of lego star wars...
What other SW "Battle Packs" would you like to see?
those are all good idea's that i have read, hopefully we'll get some of those's some time in the near future... i would like to see a republic commando battle pack's and a new geonosian battle pack with sand red battle droids and new geonosians.
Lego Poll every year?
wow another "NO" i wonder who that person is? i already know the first one...
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
wow those look amazin! i will be getting both of them. the hoth set i think they could have added a hoth luke and another taun taun. put overall they are a must get. i hope to see the other pics for the other sets....
Mandalorian Basilisk
thats great if lego could do those i would buy a few....
Lego Poll every year?
wow who voted "NO" dont hide speak up.
- Star Wars sets anyone?
Lego Poll every year?
haha wow i just notice i put OG on there funny. anyways OT and PT would fall under classic. so the vote would be classic and then clone wars.
Lego Poll every year?
well to be fair they should do 2 polls cause they have to waves come out. they have first of the year and middle of the year. so the first poll could be OG and the second poll for the summer sets could be CW. that would make everyone happy.
Lego Poll every year?
i was wondering if you guys would think if TLC should do the poll thing every year? its a good way to vote interesting sets that you would like. so tell me what you think..
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
yeah i just noticed a few ago i saw mine laying on the desk and saw the number on it....
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
wait a sec.. i think we are getting the venator UCS. i was just on brick set and set 20007 it says Republic Attack Cruiser on there. if this is true i could die happy... umm ok forget what i just said thats the mini set.
Massacre at Pirates Cove
i like it its not to bad if i say so my self. keep up the good work....
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
the venator is an iconic ship comes out ep2, clone wars and ep3. its great we're getting it mini fig scale, but i would still like to get in a UCS version.
My mini creations
wow those are good ima have to try to do that some day.. keep up the good work....
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
the pirate tank looks kool but knowing tlc they give ya like to 2 pirates, jar jar and regular clone trooper in this set. it would be great if they could add make it 3 pirates, jar jar and 2 new clone troopers. p.s it would be great if they made Venator star destroyer UCS for the 10 year anniversary....
Space Police 2009!
looking good i think i just found something new to collect.. i cant wait to get my hands on these!
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