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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. No problem with the "terrible" mistakes. Funny you don't like subjonctif - in fact very few french like subjonctif - the truth would be to say that most of the french dislike subjonctif. In fact, what is subjonctif ? (seriously, I had to google it to remember). Didier
  2. Hi, FreeLUG is a short for "french enthusiast LEGO user LUG". (I'm also a member) Sounds like we're not so much into french speaking as we choose a pun in english to give our club a name... :-) That's also true that frenchies are not the best in the world at speaking english. Anyway, feel free and comfortable to contact us in english : we actually have different means of communication : - Chatroom. There is a weblink at the www.freelug.org mainpage but we usually prefer to use Xchat (#freelug at irc.freelug.org hosted by freenode.net) - Mailing list - one is public, you don't have to be a member to join : http://lists.freelug.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/freelug-general - Live : our scheduled events are compiled here : http://freelug.org/spip.php?page=agenda&id_rubrique=5&annee=2013&mois=03 FreeLUG is a nation wide club - I'm myself from Lyon - but you're lucky, there are tons of friendly members in Paris area ;-) Welcome - Wish you a nice stay in France. Didier "SixStudS" Enjary
  3. 6studs replied to daystar's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Hi, for those interested in micro trains, check this article (a translation into french of a Brickjournal article, 6 years old!) http://www.freelug.org/spip.php?article483 pictures, instructions and links - Kecia's mini trains avalaible as MLCAD files. Didier
  4. 6studs replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Hi, So far, no one has quoted 7745 http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=7745-1 7745 was red but still was already a rendition of the orange french TGV. It's quite interesting to compare 10233 and 7745. Train consist, minifigs count and gender, motorization/tracks, price and part count, alternate models, overall design... The 7745 came with a sticker sheet with some european railway companies logo (German DB, French SNCF, Danish DB...). It was a way to let people make their own choice - for the same goal, 10233 is not branded. Didier
  5. You can check a chronological train system table at RailBricks #8 (page 14-15). Indeed the difference is not in the color. The difference was the target audience. 12V was aimed at an older audience than 4.5V. It's interesting to see that TLC supported two systems for 20 years. In our modern days, TLC could have supported thesame way both 9V and PFS. Didier Enjary
  6. 6studs replied to HoMa's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    and I can add that the BS gallery you link to is Gerard's gallery. Didier
  7. 6studs replied to HoMa's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Hi Holger, I don't know about the bridge and layout, but it seems the rolling stock is by Gerard Salden. See more at RailBricks latest issue, page 23. Didier
  8. 6studs replied to Jipay's post in a topic in LEGO Train Tech
    Hi guys, I've bought only one (not yet received). Yes it's an expensive one...but you know, i'm addicted to LEGO train. I would have appreciated a motorized version at about 55-60 euros The dark green color...yes that's cool but not for MOC use from my point of you. I mean there is so few parts in that color to make really nice creations. I just hope others officials sets in the future will use this color. 6Studs
  9. Hi Apo, If you want to visit you just have to buy a ticket....which is not easy 'cause the ticket are only sell in the netherlands. Theoretically, You can also buy your ticket at the legoworld but then, they are sold out !! A very wide variety of LEGO themed MOC are exposed : from Technic, Mindstorms to train , castle, space, SW (put ®,© or everywhere needed)....just have a look to the past years on BrickShelf (search with the keyword LW or LEGOWORLD) 6Studs
  10. 6studs replied to 6studs's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    hi, I must say I didn't buy the recent designer sets...but it seems you really appreciate them. So I'm going to buy at least one copy of each :-) 6Studs
  11. 6studs posted a post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Hi guys, Among us, some are upset by "bad" news such as the grey color change stuff or the "cheaper LEGO prices in the U.S." issue (i.e more expensive in europe)...but I don't want to talk about these points anymore. I'd better want to hear about what you've found great this year (or last years) in the LEGO hobby (company, products, community....) I mean, to help TLC (and AFOL community leaders) to improve their products and services , we have to both tell them what is wrong and what is right (from our point of view ....but not only). What is wrong is naturally said....let us speak about what is great. For example I think the new packaging (bright and embossed) is great for TLC sales. Another example : I found the brickcast during BF very very very great. (all the things that allow us to share the LEGO experience is just great). ....I mean all the things are not perfect, but if people know their efforts are appreciated, they will continue to improve it.....if they don't know, they might be discouraged. So, just share your positive minds ! 6Studs
  12. Hi guys I'm happy about these things being discussed....seems it was not clear for everybody here...and not only here. Just about the fact the transcript has been published (among freelug members) is not clear to me (I know that the transcript was not aimed to be published as it). I think it's not so much trouble because a very few French people want to read / are able to understand a so long text in english, but I'm going to ask if it can be removed, i'll be more ok if so. I agree what Double T said, just a point Quoting : 'its also easyer for Jake to inform if there are any news, instead of email every single website.' 'No one but websites at the meeting are supose to read it. If Jake wants something posted, he will email us... ' lol, is that not self contradictory ? :-) I understand that globalAFOL is for Jake more a way to get news from the communauty and to discuss with guys who are very well in touch with the communauty. Am I right ? If we don't have feedback from GlobalAFOl that's just because the real news comes another way (Brickfest announce of the dark green loco, Lugnet posts , communauty websites - LUGs website, fbtb, CC...) more efficiently...am I right again ? Didier Enjary
  13. hi apophis I just don't understand your question. Could you please be more precise ? What is "chat protocol" ? If you talk about the english transcription of the talk with jake, all freelug members have access to it (the first one) : it has been published to the french community. I won't share it with you....ask Jipay or Double T Didier Enjary
  14. Hi Jipay You've said : "but we are almost the only one website to give people the opportunity to ask their questions" Yes, that's true...and this shows again that GlobalAFOL works badly than I've said previously. In fact Freelug does the same you do but, surprinsingly , most of our members just don't ask question....they are not aware of the opportunity Jake is offering them, eventhough Yann (our secretary) have posted a message on our member mailing list some weeks ago. "This requiers a strong organization" You are perfectly right. For example, the first transcription of GlobalAFOL was more than 30 pages (yes more than 30 !!). You just can't translate all the talk. What does that mean ? That means the job is too hard to be accomplished rapidly (efficiently) and that GlobalAFOL won't work this way...maybe it just won't work at all ?. The LUGs core members just can't give efficient feedback to their members in the long term. All these remarks are just to underline the problems....I'm very thankfull to Jake and community members attending GlobalAFOL for their efforts. Didier Enjary
  15. Hi guys A question for you double T Globalafol is a very interesting stuff...but how about the two first sessions with jake ? I mean how useful it may be to ask question if we do not have the answers of previous ones ? It's just useless : For example, jipay ask about LEGO financial but this have been yet answered by jake during GlobalAFOL1 : here the begining of the transcritpion of the chat : "Tomas Tordrup says: is Lego Failing now? sorry for the direkt question... Are Lego sales up or down this Year? Is LEGO hitting its numbers now? I'm not really sure to tell you the truth. That's not really something that I'm all that aware of. But that said, it's really really difficult to know how you're doing in the course of a year overall until the very end of the year. Toy companies in general make something like half of their money that they'll make in the entire year, they make in the last quarter of the year, so October/November/December....." End of quote So I have a question for Jake : How do he think GlobalAFOL is managed ? I mean is he aware that finally GlobalAFOL is just a (friendly) talk beetween him and a very few (lucky ?) people ? Asking questions and having no feedback is simply useless and wasting time. Just don't ask my question to jake. Friendly Didier Enjary
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