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About JohannesESTONIA

  • Birthday 01/28/1997

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  1. Thanks yea, the axel are the one part, that I wasn`t able to do myself :D And well, the double beweled gears work good, better than just one bewel :D
  2. It has been a long, LONG time, since my last moc, but finally, another one is here: It`s 4x4x4 crawler, whichs base is loosely based on the 9398`s. Driven by 2 Xl-Motors and steered by L-Motor. Here are some more pictures: It also features 3 pairs of lights, I kinda have a thing for lights :D The crawler actually was finished already in september, but I just was pushing the filming forward for some reason, but it`s here, finally. Please let me know, what you think ;)
  3. Yes, quite a few actually.
  4. Hey fellow LEGO lovers. A while ago, we had a small event with our baltic members. We mostly just talked there, but there were a lot of crawlers and I have but together a quick video ;) check them out:
  5. As promised, here`s the video Hide yo kids hide yo wife, the machine with the biggest engine you´ll ever see is here. And it`s not pleased.
  6. Thanks And, already working on the video
  7. Well, the Power Puller is finished. Maybe it didn´t turn out the greatest, but it works and pulls ;)
  8. BTW, still building that Power Puller
  9. Yeah, I also saw this engine, it's also a cool configuration. Challenge accepted, I will build a power puller with this engine ;) Yeah, it pretty much is a basic radial engine, just 4 of them put together. And I'm sure, that this isn't the future, put it's still cool to think :D Hmm, a pneumatic engine would be awesome... Anyone up to it?
  10. I'll try to build a Trial Truck of some sort to fit it on :D P.S of course it has 28 cylinders, I don't know, why I wrote 22 :D Maybe I had a stroke or something :D
  11. Forget you R, V or Boxer engines. This is the future, a very powerful engine, where the thrust is divided evenly on the crankshaft. And plus, it has 28 cylinders...
  12. Made a quick video where all the pics and videos are together ;)
  13. Made a quick video where all the pics and videos are together ;)
  14. Made a quick video where all the pics and videos are together ;)
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