Everything posted by Apolloo
Which Jedi, Sith or other do you want the most?
Kyle Kartan for the Dark forces and jedi Knight series.
2008 Picture thread
They were there. They had the CLone trooper pack, Droid pack and Hyena droid. THere was only about 2 of ech so someone must of bought them.
2008 Picture thread
I'll probably pick up a few battle packs when they get released. HOpefully they are still normal price as the other ones. Also on a side note i was able to find some of the new '09 sets on bricklink. Kind of expensive but it you want to get them before everyone else go ahead and buy them.
Trouble finding 7622
I was able to find some in target late black friday. They were fully stocked. I only bought one because I wanted and Indy the the trucks deatail was amazing.
Venom Bikers
They remind me of thee motorcycles from Tron.
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
Darn not updated yet for day 2. I'll check back later and hopefully day 2 will be up.
Mini Heroes Collection series
I wish I had bought some of these when they were first released. It would be great to see lego make some again.
Chrome Darth Vader
Bah!. I want this so bad! I have been a childhood fan of darth vader for a while and I can't get this exclusive because of where I live! (US) What store did you find it at? Anyway great minfig, just wish I had one.
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
I bet it will happen as days progress.
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
Oh...guess I missed that part. Thanks dj2005.
LEGO Star Wars 2008 dissapointing?
The thing that dissapoints me now is that Clone wars was directed to the younger audience. So the new CW are also directed kids. But what I don't get is that if those sets are directed to children to kids, why the high prices? For me, its been a dissapointed.
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
I entered that contest. Was the statement about the Avatar directed to me? If so, why? I currently don't have one.
MOC: No Humans Allowed
Reminds me of the wind brings soft rains by Ray bradbury. Great work.
Eurobricks Advent Calendar 2008
Oh wow thats awesome! But are the prizes going to be handed out to people who have more posts and are well known or just anyone?
Dark Jedi Starfighter
Well thats a bummer. Still a great ship though.
Finger Bone Island - When pirates get bored of gold
Probably, just use the edit button.
Dark Jedi Starfighter
I like it but maybe you should change the glass to the trans-gry color. THe blue kind of sticks out and doesn't look right.
Glow-In-The-Dark Lightsabers
Can't wait to see them.
Mystery FREE Raffle!
Sign me up. The best things in life are always free.
Glow-In-The-Dark Lightsabers
I'll have to pick one of these up some time.
Review - 8017 Darth Vader´s TIE Fighter
I wish the US had that too. I like the part with the index finger.
LEGO Adventurers Reviews Index
Gah, I actually have a couple of these sets but I got them when I was younger so no pieces are missing an unsorted.
Trouble finding 7622
If I can't find it in any stores then I'll get it off Amazon.
Trouble finding 7622
Wow $17! They are only going for $14 here. But in stores like target and Walmart they are $10.
Silvar Grey Tower
It is pretty gray I'll say that but I tihnk maybe you could use some different shades of grey.
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