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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by TroyTMoore

  1. Bought 2 for parts and figs. I built one as I enjoy building official sets. This is a great set to build. Lots of actual bricks and a very nice model. I have, however, started to dismantle it as I need parts for my current MOC.
  2. Aaaahhh, yes, I do recall that. I thought that you were perhaps referring to the "something special for Castle fans" that is supposed to appear in the fourth quarter of 2008. Seeing as we have orcs, dwarves and a grey wizard, elves are all that is needed to complete the races (OK, goblins, urukhai, and of course hobbits) I thought maybe you had inside info that made this upcoming set even more LOTRish than what our current options are. I am still curious about what awaits us in the 4th quarter of 2008. As to the topic at hand, I would much rather LEGO do it's own thing and avoid the flesh-tone figs. The current Castle theme is very cool and has more fantasy aspects being added in 2008. If LEGO insisted on taking The Hobbit license and did the sets/characters well I would be onboard in a heartbeat.
  3. Athos wrote Whatchu talkin 'bout, Willis...er, Athos?
  4. It all depends on what you have for parts already, but the King's Castle Siege is great for parts and a fun build/nice model. That and a Dwarve's Mine. I have these two sets sitting upstairs in my LEGO room side by side and they are the best sets currently available with good value for your money. Dwarve's Mine is no longer available on S@H... The smaller sets are great if you want more figs for reasonable prices. TRU in the USA has BOGO right now...you could have your cake and eat it too if Castle is included in that.
  5. It is the end of the way we knew things to be, for sure. When I picked up the WishBook about a month ago, I did as I have for the last 28 or so years and went to look at the LEGO in the toy section. Nothing, nada, zip....this cannot be. I checked the index, went through the toy section hald a dozen times to no avail. I have fond memories of the WishBook from years past. I ordered my 6086 out of there. The overall quality of toys in the WishBook are much less....dollar store toys at Sears prices :-X Support LEGO, buy from S@H :-)
  6. So far... 15x Crossbow Attack 12x Final Joust 1x Catapult 1X Prisoner Carriage 2x King's Castle Seige and, on it's way to Canada as we speak, er type, from S@H, 1x Dwarve's Mine. I have been a Castle-head as long as I can remember. This line is as good as anything pre Dragon Masters, thereby warranting support (by way of mass purchasing) from all Castle fans.
  7. Let there be CASTLE! Please :'-)
  8. Thank you Hinckley for the excellent review. SWMAN indelibly said @SWMAN; I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that. Firstly, an old adage is that a pic is worth a thousand words...plenty of words with even the first few pics posted. Secondly, you ungrateful whelp, I am primarily a lurker here, and rarely do I see this sort of blatant disregard for the significant contributions of very active members such as Hinckley. Thirdly, I am not trying to start a quarrel. You are fortunate that the other members that posted so far are so gracious. Back to the real topic; I will be waiting for this set to show up on S@H as there is no other way that I will be able to get it in Canada. Whoever said that there would never be LOTR LEGO is now proven sooo wrong. Gimli anyone? Those little trolls/orcs/goblins are dang cool. Based on this picture review I will get 2 sets as quick as I can and probably 1 for each of my children for Christmas. My LEGO Castle world will never be the same. Hinckley, I really appreciated the humour throughout the review, especially "Hello friend" with pic, I laughed out loud.
  9. The metallic helms and metallic pointed visor add so much realism. The torso prints on the 2 styles of soldiers are beatiful. The large castle 7094 is worth every penny and is a neat model with minimal useless bits (large premolded pieces). I actually like the dragons more than I thought I would before I had one in hand...LEGO's LOTR fellbeast as far as I am concerned. Straight arms on the skellies are the biggest dissapointment. If they had a slight bend, similar to that of a minifig they would look more natural (at least as natural as an undead skeleton can look *skull* ) The maiden is a beautiful fig, the most detailed, and best dressed yet, plus, *wub* the hair. I have purchased copious amounts because it is so good. I cannot wait for the Dwarves Mining to come out this fall (Dwarves with new beards and helms, goblins and trolls)
  10. The colour scheme is that of Claas farm equipment, which no doubt the design team responsible for this is familiar with given their proximity to mainland Europe.
  11. hinckley39 wrote You are not the only one considering this! :-D Thank you *yoda* for these reviews *impatiently waits for Castle line to become available from North America S@H*
  12. 2007? Castlelicious *wub*
  13. @ Starwars4J Actually under the armour I have blue non-castle torsos to prevent the "wastage" that you and I are both aware of ;-) I have this army as well; I have since changed the legs and added another 20 or so. It will be the next one I set up and take updated pics of (midterms and assignments plus work in the next couple of weeks, so may be a while) Brickshelf Gallery http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=TroyTMoore
  14. I really enjoy setting up my troops after I have built a castle, in order to have a siege (though it seems to be happening a lot less these days). The "look" of a medieval army is quite beautiful to me, in spite of the gore of battle. First are my Black Falcons, a favourite among LEGO fans (BF's in general, not just mine). I like the black euro armour for the mounted knights. Next are almost my favourite, Lion Knights, Crusaders...or as I have made them, English. I love the kettle helm Want to strike fear into your enemies? Send in the Urukai! With all of my "Castle world" armies, I focus on the time period before gunpowder was introduced to Europe, anything 1000AD to 1350AD will do for me. As aforementioned, my English are almost my favourite, which is because it looks as if the 2007 Castle line will be most impressive, and quite possibly my favourite.
  15. I think this is the first time I really feel like, "Stop it LEGO! Enough already!" :-P This is a beautiful set! I am not a mega SW fan....but I like anything OT (reminiscence of my childhood I guess). This set makes the SandCrawler look "slapped together" My only hope (besides Obi-Wan Kenobi ;-) ) is that this set is available for 1.5-2 years
  16. @Shine & EXO-CHAMP Do either of you have children over the age of 4? Trust me the world becomes different when you see the detrimental effects on your children of an entertainment industry without a moral compass. Really, society in general is lowering the standards of morality every generation. Kids grow up too fast. I reallly don't think sex ed should have to be taught in grasde 5....but because the kids that age, unless the parents take steps to limit exposure in those early years, will know more than many gen Xers did when they were 15, it is necessary to prevent harm as a result of ignorance. Too little knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially if developmentally your frontal lobes have not matured (reasoning, logic, awareness of consequences) OK, OK, LEGO wants to make money. However they have for years promoted themselves as a toy company that promotes imagination and creativity. In the ruthless toy business, LEGO strayed and tried to take their product and make it fit in with action fig companies etc. SW LEGO is popular because SW is popular. But LEGO is popular in it's own right, but in straying from it's idealistic position has suffered financially. Licenses cost money and I think that the SW license is the only one that has really made money for LEGO. I think LEGO realizes gimmicks don't work (LULS anyone?) Many of us have seen the changes in the last couple of years and appreciate the direction LEGO is going. The dawning of a new age of "Just imagine...." is upon us. I agree with you John on many points, but the ownice (sp?) lies on the parents to guide their children. I don't think LEGO should be educating parents, they have to be consistently appealing on the shelf in the store (prices and appearance) and customers (parents and children) will respond positively. LEGO, in it's basic form is a tool to promote spatial relations, roleplay, problem solving and relative limitless expression of imagination. BTW, my 2 children do not have a video game console. We have some PC games, RTS mostly. I like gaming, and even vegging out watching a movie. I do however promote LEGO in my house because I want my children to learn to think in abstract ways. MOC on!!
  17. Ususally I am not this impatient. But it has been a long dry spell for Castle LEGO, which has driven me to a slight degree of madness. Vikings were great, save for the wretched helmets, and zwords, but they will soon dissappear from store shelves. They are early period anyways, I am more of a 1200-1350's kind of fellow. This new Castle line has me as interested in buying several copies of the sets in a way I have not felt since the introduction of the Legends sets and Blacksmith Shop. I want pics of torsos...the sooner, the better. Will the pointed visor be returning? What do the final sets look like, for real? Spielwarenmesse is on now and New York in just over a week. Good times.... Of course if there are any better pics of the SW sets (Kit Fisto minifig) that would be fine too :-P
  18. Majisto the Wizard 5 Classicness, -7 Technology, 6 Team, -4 Aggressiveness Your results: Classic Low-tech Goodguy Citizen Found in: 1906 Majisto's Tower, 1994 My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 99% on Classicness You scored higher than 99% on Team You scored higher than 99% on Technology You scored higher than 99% on Aggressiveness I wouldn't have picked that fig for myself *shrug* *wacko*
  19. Not a step in the right direction, rather a GIANT leap when compared to KK2. Sure the 2006 KK2 was better than the years of the line previously, but I didn't buy a single set. Rubbish is still rubbish. I did get several VDFs as that was a good model, but all of them were on sale. I will have no problem paying full price for these sets if they look similar to the prototypes we have seen so far. Return of the classic sword and of the pointed visor, coupled with a realistic looking castle not on a raised baseplate is certainly close to classic Castle. Not quite sold on the skellies, but I am sure the youngsters will enjoy them. I've been passing up loads of clearance LEGO in order to save for these sets when they come out. 2007 is looking to be a very good year.
  20. TroyTMoore replied to chewie's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    In a way the news that these sets are fake is a releif. 2007 will already be steep for me with the return of Castle in a promising way. Would totally buy a hoth set with tauntauns though, so we shall see.... Rebel figs. I agree this would be great. No doubt LEGO knows the community wants sets like the fake ones listed. Still a few years to go :-) Not this year, please! Agreed this would be a fun set with stormtroopers and all, but as I mentioned above there is already too much great stuff to buy this year. Undoubtedly we will see great things from LEGO in the next few years. The battle packs strongly indicate that IMHO ;-)
  21. Over on Classic-Castle Rayhawk wrote That is part of his post on page 9 of this thread http://www.classic-castle.com/forum/viewto...=9046&start=120 Sounds very promising to me :'-)
  22. Sorry if I am missing something here... Didn't EuroBricks used to be the place for new (OK leaked) information? At least that is what I rely on it mostly for (being a Classic-Castler). I should add though, you are a great bunch of folks, real friendly and all. Still small enough to know the regulars pretty well. So why aren't we discussing about what is known from those of you who have the 411? Ofcourse I am asking for my own selfish reasons :-P Info now or later...either way I am pretty excited about the possibilities.
  23. That tinkling cascading noise when a container of LEGO is dumped out onto the floor or table as you are search of a particular part. For my collection that would be like a container of slopes, or some other similarily grouped parts. I do have 2 "unsorted" bins that get sorted periodically though. But I remeber the days, years ago, when everything was in 1 or 2 containers, I spent hours "sifting" for the piece I hoped I had one more of....
  24. Just wondering if any of our resident sleuths or those with connections knows anything about this http://www.classic-castle.com/forum/viewto...der=asc&start=0 Just asking >:-)
  25. I have always liked medieval related weapons, armour and buildings as long as I can remember. I have several books and some DelTin swords. I have even tried my hand at blacksmithing and making armour. I did get the "Yellow Castle" in 1979, when I was 7 years old. I am pretty sure that has had a lasting impression on me. I had other LEGO before that but this set exponentially received the most attention over the years. I have a bit of SW LEGO only because it is so cool. In the late 70's early 80's I had the Kenner figs and some vehicles, which again, I am certain plays a part in why I am attracted to SW LEGO. More recently I am attracted to more themes but I think that has to do with the fact that some (not all by any means) are really well done.
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