Everything posted by legofreak
Danny Phantom
um, I watch the show with my son, and we both like it. Of course, he likes it more, being 7 1/2 (DO NOT FORGET THE 1/2!) but it is a fun show. in fact.. he requested that i make a minifig, and i am currently getting some custom hair done.. but in the meantime if you'd like a decal.... hope you like it Kahgarak (pic = link)
I am sorry I missed this post. I loved the movie the Warriors, and hoped that the title of this thread was a quote from that. Speaking as a customizer, its better if you can use official lego pieces as much as possible..more playability Customs (IMO) are for those special pieces that look way cool, but get played with infrequently. on topic, these figs are fantastic. You have really captured them - I can't wait to see the rest, as well as some of the other gangs.
What would happen if people discovered
well considering I keep changing the MOC's on my desk at work, I think everyone I know knows... if they dont' I tell them soon enough. :-D i will say that as a teenager I didnt advertise it, but all my friends knew and were cool with it. they thought I was a bit weird, but then.. the lego had nothing to do with that.
Making Custom sails...
i havent tried it but i imagine so
Making Custom sails...
an Idea you may want to consider as well is the use of spray starch. Spray your sails (the back) with spray starch, iron them and then they will be nice and stiff. You will have to judge how much starch you use (you may want your sails not so stiff or you may want them stiff - judgement call :-D ) I can tell you it works great. The other thing I when I didnt have any canvas to work with was to create a template and print out my own for use in my medieval cogs.... The paper is almost as thick as photo paper but not quite, and it is shiny so it gives it a gloss. I would like to try some of that laser printable canvas you can buy so I can put my own designs on the sails.
Lego: a couple of knights from the Yellow castle (mostly complete.. I need two gray helms - I am using space helms instead) and a brown pitchfork. Non Lego: a Little Armory Prototype Crusader helm :D
Jingle Bells, Siegfried smells!
Ok - I wanna play
Theme of 2005!
I really love those shields! I like to make the customs using the kk2 shields, but the ones you built are awesome and purist approved! *y*
Vikings 05: Viking Kittens
my mother is always sending me pictures of cute little animals doing weird stuff.. now I have repaid her in kind. :D thanks for the best laugh I had all week.
THE OLD Official Eurobricks Straightshooters List
Matt Zitron once again! I received my big baseplate in the mail yesterday and am happily building today. :D I was seriously worried about it in the mail, though he assured me he would pack it securely. (I have little faith in the postal system in my neck of the woods) The way he packed it the USPS would have had to run it over with a forklift! not a crack, dent, chip or otherwise imperfection! fantastic trade, and no problems. Patrick
Vikings 05: Pick the Caption Ultimate Champ
ya got my vote :D
Smiley Update!!!!
one day X:D was swinging through the streets of New York City when he heard a scream! It was *wench* and she was being threatened by 8-) and *pirate4* ! "I'll save you!" said X:D . X:D shot his webbing over 8-) and *pirate4* trapping them in the sticky fluid. but before he could do anything else *viki* kicked his megablocks and carried away *wench* . the end..
How good do you think 2006 will be?
Personally I think its going to be awesome. I have to say that the only years I was dissappointed in TLC were the years when there were no new castles. Of course they had star wars so it wasnt too bad I guess. :D Now it looks like they fixed the castle thing (yay vikings and kk2!) so .. well.. I'm good *satis*
Vladek Value Pack
yup - got it for my son. I do live in California US though. so I dont know if that helps or hinders you. :)
Vikings 05: Last Caption Contest
this viking wandered into the wrong freakin teddy bear picnic...
Vikings 05: Caption Contest 5
Viking1: Hold it, Hold it, Hold it!! Viking2: Uh can someone PLEASE get this dragon a breathmint?!?!
Terry Prattchet - Discworld finds on Brickshelf!!!
I loved the death of rats, and the luggage. He did a (light) fantastic job on those two. ;)
My Dad is Cool
your dad is way cool.. can he adopt me? :-D are those sets going to be available all over? or what?
Vikings 05: Caption Contest 4
"Just let the aliens TRY to probe me.. " *viki*
Vikings 05: Caption Contest 2 voting
not any more.. you da man :-D
Vikings 05: Caption Contest 3
Sven defeats the mighty Fenris.... by ripping off the wolf's right Megablock*. * Edited by xwingyoda
Vikings 05: Caption Contest 3
Sven the Hungry was passing by when a strange looking fruit he did spy "this fruit looks neat, I have yet to eat!" threw down his weapons and to eat he did try While eating up his tasty snack the mighty viking came under attack a passing beast, desiring a feast knocked Sven down with a mighty crack! Fenris ate him, helmet and suit and all for the sake of a tasty fruit and was it sweet? a tasty treat? alas that point, like Sven, is moot.
Vikings 05: Caption Contest 2 voting
thanks *viki*
Vikings 05: Caption Contest 2
Viking: "and next we have the amazing Ronco Sword! It slices, It dices, it rips through annoying gungans with ease! Order yours for 19.95 today, and we will throw in an official Jar Jar drinking skull ABSOLUTELY FREE!" Jar Jar: "Meesa never watching The Home Viking Shopper no moresa!"
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