Hero Factory 2011
Just picked up Fire Lord this past weekend. I love these new parts, and the Fire Lord is a gold mine. Haven't gotten around to MOCing with him yet, but the legs are an easy mod to cover up those gaps. The main problem I found with him was his arms. The double attachment is good for stability, but horrible for pose-ability.. Next I'm looking to pick up a hero. Possibly Evo or Stormer. I can't believe we have images for the summer already. The titans look like parts packs while the animals look like something that I could possibly be interested in once I see clearer pics. The heroes are kind of a wash for me. It looks like more clones, especially when it comes to weapons, but at least we have better masks/helmets this time. As far as the weapons go, part of me likes that they are built out of multiple pieces in unique ways, but part of me just can't get over how the parts are so reused.
Review: 7136 Skrall
Hmm, the set put together looks nice, but the parts... I only really want the black Kopaka sword, the new feet, and that Nuva armor in gold. I don't know whether you have the Skrall set from last year, but if you do, could you recommend one or the other? I mean, is this one worth it? Or should I just pitch in the few dollars more and get the larger one? T-Nui
Hero Factory 2010
I don't understand all the complaints around here. This new line looks promising. Despite the names and possibly childish story, these sets look pretty good, and I see a ton of recolors. The Bionicle story is continuing, too, so its not as if you have to drop it and follow this one. The MOCers get their parts, the storyline people get an extension on the story, and we get a new line with a new story that might be good as well. Everyone wins. As for the dropship, a pure technic ship for the small canister-sized figures would be awesome, but I think its just another one of these ships we've been getting these past two years, not a troop carrier. As a few others have said in this topic, it could just be a bomb-dropping ship or even a single character, judging by the others' names. T-Nui
Review: 7135 Takanuva
Wow. Nice review! Other than Tahu, this is the only one of the Stars I've really considered getting. I dislike the Av-toran head that causes the hunch-back look though I just plan on changing out the silver mask and the white armor for his classic gold armor. I don't understand why they haven't released that torso in white, and the Avohkii would look so much better in white, too. Oh well. Here's hoping we get some awesome parts in the new line to do him justice. T-Nui
Wow. I'm gonna go broke. I can't even afford all the 2009 sets I want, and now I want all the Stars >_> Yellow Rahkshi is win. Skrall provides good parts since I never bought the canister. Takanuva just looks like a cool set, though he has nothing new to offer me. Vezok is alright, since I already have him and I'm just interested in that mask/spine/thing. Gresh has those blades in silver (much more versatile to me) and has a pretty cool helm, which is a nice and cheaper alternative for me than buying his canister. Tahu is easily one of the greatest sets ever. Other than the Av-matoran head and non-jointed limbs, he's perfect, at that price. Plus he comes with an old school hau with the new school axle, not only in mata red, but in Brutaka GOLD :D 2010 overall looks like a good year for Lego. Quite a few different sets from each line are drawing me in >.< T-Nui
Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
Those prototype pieces are amazing Zip
Unofficial 2010 "story" topic
Wow guys, I am LOVING all of this Perhaps there can be some sorta proto Staff of Artakha or something, but its all in pieces, that they need to find all of them to help repair the body. I just say in parts because it kinda reminds me of 2001's mask hunts :3 And it can be the whole epic search that last year's keystones shoulda been.
MoD Updates
Between EB, BZP, and Biosector, there is really no need for another Bionicle site, especially one that would just be riddled with trolls. T-Nui
Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
I think we should get them around the same time as last year. I mean, think about it. All the sets were done early this year for the movie-makers, and the storyline team is already done with 2010 really. With all 2009 stuff completed at the beginning of 2009, the first wave for 2010 should be very far into development. Does anyone know if there should be another movie next year? Or does that hinge on this year's movie sales? I'm quite interested to see what direction the 2010 story will take, since I figure Mata Nui will beat the Skrall this year. T-Nui
Pre/post apoc cars.
Very nice MOCs! I love the pieces you used to create the barred effect for the windshield, especially the arms. I'd have to agree, I find myself liking pretty much all post-apoc MOCs. T-Nui
Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
I swear, this story just keeps getting better and better. It seems Greg has cleverly inserted the female Skrall in a way that is actually quite mythic and epic. I just find it funny that we finally see them in the story after Greg has been bombarded by female Skrall questions in the OGD the past couple weeks. Regardless, its all good. Has anyone found clear scans to the new comic, and wouldn't mind directing me there? BZP is painfully slow for my computer. T-Nui
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I don't see how this is a fail, but maybe its just me. Lando is a General by Episode VI, and technically this is a new version of Lando, and the only "General-version" of him we have received. The version in the Cloud City set was not a General, and therefore different. On another note, when I first saw the images of the Home One set, I was rather disappointed, but now that its on S&H, it looks rather nice, especially on that box art T-Nui
[MOC] Rookies.
Very nice! Thank you for doing such a great episode such justice T-Nui
Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
Awesome Antrozek! Yeah, it seems unlikely that Metus is the traitor, and that isn't exactly solid proof. Titan Mata Nui better have a gold Ignika. This is the only thing that could redeem such a discolored mess. If not, its gonna be really hard to justify a purchase at full retail price, especially with him being a store exclusive. T-Nui
Bionicle 2009 Discussion (Spam free)
Trans Neon Green Agreed, Bunda. Yellow is in desperate need. Say, what color are Titan Mata Nui's eyes? It better not be a TNG cut piece. It would be glorious if we got a trans blue cut piece, and we rightfully should, so that it matches the smaller scale version. T-Nui
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