Everything posted by supertoad64
Signs of a new Greek/Spartan theme?
i don't think the release of this game really points towards the release of a system theme of the same kind. that's not to say that i wouldn't be giddy over the sight of some prerelease photos depicting a medusa or pegasus
Colosseum Vignette
really cool figs! really like the scissor arm and how hardcore the torsos look. i wish tlc would make some like these!
Wizards Tree House
the ladder is a great touch
Annual White-Water Smash 'n' Crash
i love everything about this moc
Why havent they resurrected the robin hood series?
i hope we get elves instead, as it is something we haven't had before. though i must say, after purchasing some forestmen caps off of bricklink and really loving them, i'd really love to see a resurrection of the theme as well. or at least include a few in some new sets for minifig variety
REVIEW: 7079 Drawbridge Defense
Can't wait to get this set after seeing all the awesome figs! The current castle line is totally spoiling us with all these great female figs!
MOC: Deserted Castle tower
very cool. the cracks look great and the whole thing sort of reminds me of ultima vii, for some reason, which i really love
three Orcs, a young Lady, and a Cat?
beautiful landscaping
Pirates Advent Calendar
i love it. i'll definitely buy a couple just to have some more mermaids. i kinda wish the head on the soldier was not the same black mustache head, though, as it is so ubiquitous in the current castle line and especially in pirates. it also would have been nice if one of the figs would have been entirely new, but that's probably me being spoiled after the awesome castle advent calendar
What non-pirate items/mini-figs are your fav to use for MOC?
the lego studios female "actress" minifig wearing the dark red dress also makes a good character to be captured by pirates or a civilian to be milling around the soldier's fort
Any Idea When the Next Pirate Sets will be announced?
i also hope they make some add-ons for the soldier's fort. it would be awesome if they had a governor's mansion for the pirates to raid, but i kinda doubt that tlc would make it
EB Community Castle Build: Discussion Thread
i like the way that castle witch head looks with the long ponytail in your wolfpack embassy. it really fits
these are so creative. it reminds me a bit of legend of zelda for some reason. it would be really cool to see these in a moc maybe in gray too. i could see the arm design used in a "goddess holding a crystal ball" statue as well
Pitchfork Procurer
this is really cool! i love the scale; it's just right. and the details are great. makes me want one of those pitchforks even more!
Castle sets 2008/2009
i like the new printing and coloring on the trolls. i think it may be a response from lego to the complaints that the trolls were too megablocky. though i like that copper crown on the orc king's head, i still would've liked a new mold (like the villain from the indiana jones sets) as someone had previously mentioned
Why do you hate Knights Kingdom?
yeah, i've always noticed a lot of venom directed at KKI and especially KK2. KK1 has a special place in my heart because although i had many lego castle sets before it, i had never acquired THE castle from a theme until KK1. it was also the first princess/queen minifig i ever got. i always really thought all the figs from the KK1 castle were really great (well except maybe that pesky king). KK2 on the other hand... ugh. although i have recently started collecting some of the good minifigs from the end of that run (like the red and dark green chainmail knights)
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