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Everything posted by BobaFonz

  1. I have both, and I never noticed any difference. They both had the light bley dome. But back on topic now...
  2. BobaFonz replied to Fithboy's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    B2-DT (B2 Droid Transport)
  3. Since when did the Sailbarge have a different variant from the Ewok Village?
  4. I doubt LEGO will actually bother with a new joint. I think the current R2 Is good enough.
  5. Is it too much to ask for a 3rd leg or a rotating head?
  6. Did he post the confidentials again? What happened?
  7. Thank you kind sir That wasn't a serious post. I actually love the preliminaries, despite the problems. And on another note, why are we guessing that we'll see more pics in October? Don't you think LEGO would do more to protect these from getting leaked early?
  8. BobaFonz replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I'm not getting the barge, sadly. But it would've been nice to have his head be a sandwich board.
  9. We've already had so much promotion for it already. I believe we'll end up getting a ROTS character.
  10. I'm guessing it's going to be one of three things: 1. Clone Trooper Variant 2. Yoda Chronicles-related Character 3. ROTS Character (Palpatine or Tion Medon would be nice)
  11. http://cache.lego.com/media/nxtlog/2d0fe429-b75f-4490-affe-89c7e6b7c18d/440x330/CreationLabFile.jpg Something like this, then?
  12. But now my post makes no sense.
  13. For me, it would have to be the 7110 Landspeeder set, because of the overly-simplistic design and the lack of creativity.
  14. I actually bought the Droid Escape just for the pod.
  15. Just my two cents on all of the summer sets. 75015 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid- I love the looks of this one. The design is a huge improvement over the 2009 version, but the lack of a printed dish feels odd to me. And I've never been to keen on sets with a large amount of the same piece, but I'd buy this one mostly for the minifigures; a new Jango is something we've sorely needed for 10 years! As many of these sets, this one feels outmatched, one clone vs so many droids? He'd be dead in seconds! $20 is a great deal for what we get, and I'll be getting at least three of these. 75016 Homing Spider Droid- I really like the looks of this one! It's a big improvement over the original, especially with the curved bricks to form the "ball" shape. The dwarf spider droid feels off, due to the color, but has an improved design. The new Stass Allie is a welcome addition, and a non-CW version at that! This could have used an additional clone or two, because it feels really stacked towards the CIS, as with the Tank Droid. $30 is a decent price, but should have been less. Even so, I'm still buying at least two of these. 75017 Duel on Geonosis- This one is my favorite of the wave, mostly because of the minifigures (I love the new Yoda, Dooku, and Poggle), but the color scheme really attracts me for some reason. There's just so many features and playability with this one, with a collapsing pillar, the "jumping" function for Yoda, and the speeder; these are all improvements over the 2002 version. However, my only gripe is the stick one can use to control Yoda. 90% of the time it doesn't move how you'd want it too, because of the technic connectors used to build it. Something like 7257 would have been better. $40 is a good deal to me, and I'll definitely be buying this one! 75018 Jek-14's Stealth Starfighter- Yes, this is a black E-wing Starfighter. I'm not a fan of the Yoda Chronicles, but I still like this ship. I don't know why, as it has its share of problems, but I think it's mostly the color scheme. This also has some great pieces, and wouldn't be too hard to re-color as a normal E-wing. In addition, the minifigures aren't that bad, but don't really have as much appeal as the other selections from the other sets. For $70? Pass, unless I see a sale in the future. 75019 AT-TE- Meh, I mostly like this one for the minifigures (Coleman Trebor, the one I'd thought we'd never see). There's only a few small differences from the 2008 version, and that's no reason to shell out $90. I would just buy the minifigures separately from the set and place them in my 2008 edition. Still, a decent set, but not enough reasons to buy it. 75020 Jabba's Sail Barge- Don't take offense, but I prefer this one to the original. This one has its share of issues (flick-fire deck cannon, price, and opening front hatch), but the pros outweigh the cons! It seems to have a more proper shape, and it has better minifigures than the 2006 version (Ree-Yees, Weequay Guard, and Slave Leia ). The better colors are another plus. A great addition to the band of the Jabba Sub-theme, but I'll wait until we get this on sale. $120 is too high, but it's a better deal than 9516 at least. I'll do 75021 through 75025, UCS X-Wing, and the Ewok Village later. See you around!
  16. 6209- Slave I- Theme- Star Wars > Star Wars Episode V Made with LDD 4.3.6 LXF File: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/BobaFonz/Star-Wars/slave1boba.lxf This is a duplicate of two other versions. Changes: - Missing printing, different torso prints applied in place, no missing pieces
  17. 75017 - Duel on Geonosis - Theme: Star Wars > Star Wars Episode 2 Made with LDD 4.3 LXF File: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/BobaFonz/Star-Wars/duelongeonosis.lxf Changes: - "Creature No. 9 'No. 1'" head not available, replaced with CW Yoda Head - "Creature No.12 "No.1" head not available, replaced with Geonosian Head - "Foil Creature Wing No. 1 "No. 3" not available, replaced with "Mini Fairy Wings" - "Robot Head No 1 "No.3" not available, replaced with Battle Droid head
  18. He was trained in the ABS Arts of Poseability and Playability!
  19. So am I, but I'm surprised that he's included in the Tank Droid. He was dead before the Battle of Geonosis even began.
  20. BobaFonz replied to BobaFonz's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Yes, and I will post them later today.
  21. Oh, I forgot about those.
  22. Hmm, I'd never heard of a new model simply for a window display.
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