Review of 6211 Imperial Star Destroyer
Hi everyone, this is my first review so please pardon me for mistakes. I gotten this set at SGD$160 (abt USD$111) over the weekend as a xmas present for myself. So far, I own a few LEGO sets with the main bulk being SW sets. When I saw the huge ship on display in a store, I told myself I am going to own it!! The engine thrusters (butt) actually made me decide to buy this set. I find it weird that no one has review this awesome piece and it really makes my job more difficult when I am researching on it. So i hope this review can ease anyone whose interested or researching on LEGO 6211 ISD. :) The whole ship took me abt 4.5hrs over 2 days to build. After 2 hrs on the 1st night.. The ship is built in 3 different parts where bags are numbered. So its pretty straight-forward and save the hassle to open all bags. Final layout before they combine. Finally!!! Heres the thrusters which make me drool..:X Underneath the ship Now I will go into the interior of the ISD.. First the cockpit with the pilot n commander. The monitors and side panels are all stickers. Back of the cockpit can be opened to adjust the pilot n commander. Sweet! Cockpit view from front. It can hold 2 figures. Inside the ship.. The front part of the ship contains an escape pod which is guarded by the imperial guards. Escape pod (stickers not applied) is pretty cool but can be cooler if transparent bricks are used like the one in 7676. At the rear of the ship, one side is Darth Vadar's meditation chamber. The mechanism for transporting the helmet is uselessss, but overall the entire chamber is nicely designed. The other side is probably a meeting room where Darth teleconferences with the Emperor. 2 Stormtroopers await for instructions. Left-over..I believe I have missed out some bricks... Displaying this piece is a headache as I usually display my collections in shelves to keep away dust. Currently solution as this ship is too dam HUGE!!! Comparing to my other SW sets, ISD owns them!! See what i mean Excuse my other hobbies.. Build - Its fun building it as u will stop and play around inside the ship. Simple and little repetitive build too. 10/10 Value - As this item is near extinct in Singapore, its a worth just to own it. 9/10 Figures - Awesome figures though I am not a hard-core SW fan. First time owning DV!! 10/10 Overall - Amazingly HUGE. Its a must-own to any SW fan. I am into SW classic now!!! 9/10 Thanks for viewing.
Just Some Aqua Raiders Pics..
My aqua raiders came in from bricklink!! Divers deployed. Working hard. Busy in the HQ. Bird's eye view. Displayed in space-constrainted shelf.. Thinking of getting the coast guard platform as the HQ on the surface.. Gd idea?
Review - 8017 Darth Vader´s TIE Fighter!
This one is bulky n nice!!
Steam Wars: Royal Gunship
Excellent MOC!!! :thumbup:
PICTORIAL REVIEW: 6243 Brickbeard's Bounty
Great great review!!!! Definitely getting this ship!!
REVIEW - 6253 Shipwreck Hideout
Outstanding review Brickster!! Intend to get this with the ship. But the soldiers fort is hard to
Clone War Diorama
Lets attack the clones!! clones counter!!! Close-up fights!
AT-OT Updated.
Thats one mean machine!!! :thumbup:
MOC Imperial Drop-Vessel
Thanks guys for the compliments!! Btw, the rest of the STs are here...
MOC Imperial Drop-Vessel
Further modified the imperial dropship, now i name it imperial drop-vessel! Before.. After (Can carry more troopers!)
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