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Lego Customs

Banned Outlaws
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  1. legocustoms 2009 sets I think this is a link, try it. I have a new set pics i will put on the site tomorrow, i just took them.
  2. Hey bonarpte, if you could i would love to be an author of a section, if you ask the admin please. I am a good writer and have a blog and forum like this, really well made, I write the main digest page, i have made a new blog system, i give my account details to my trusted mods and they post a new digest. Then if you can't help me then, um, yeah i'm in
  3. Hey all of you minifigures, I announce that majorwolf, lego customs. are releasing their own figures and custom sets which include new and old figures, your all time favourites, if you want a decal, email me at dean192@msn.com and then my decal manager can produce it and send it to you, include your address and name. You will recieve a proffeshional letter with printings on and a booklet of instructions and a personal letter to you from the lego customs owner!
  4. Infact most of the 2009 sets, i know all of the sets,nonoe will believe me, but i have to spend a lot of money getting them like double the price to get them early and release the pictures. but since there is already a discussion upon this matter, then i cannot make a sin to eb by making another thread of this category.
  5. I dont want to be banned as i love eb, but on my new site www.majorwolf.info i have a decals page which has all of the team fortress 2 decals.
  6. Lego Customs posted a post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    I will not state it because eurobricks may shut down my thread, but I have a new website that has a new online community and welcomes anyone to join, we have a forum digest and have loads oof 2009 sets, all of them. We have a page called toms workshop which gives tips on buildin and shows this year's new decal collection for lego customs.
  7. All I know are Indiana Jones Fight on the flying plane Shangai Showdown Power Miners Series Starwars Republic Attack Shuttle Assassin Droids Battle Pack Clone Battle Pack Droid ATT Vaders Tie Advanced Tiny Turbos Stock Cars Desert Formula One Rally City Bulldozer Construction Site Front End Loader Dumper Truck Tractor 4WD with tractor trailer Farm Set Combine Harvestor Fire,water,ice,rock,jungle tribes of Bionicle More Technic! Thanks!
  8. Eurobricks are the very best! Everyone loves eurobricks because: They are very fun and have a large community to talk with Are very civilised lego builders. # Post here and tell me why you like Eurobricks
  9. The new 2008 Lego Customs Products are nearly here, I will give you a sneak peek. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3246/292740...38f0cd7.jpg?v=0 http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3174/292651...192a00f.jpg?v=0 We also have the new army paratrooper and Army Sniper troops in the World War series. I'll tell you on of the 2009 series, Lego zombie Escape. We are making a proffeshional site for 2009.# Remember, The new site will be announced on EuroBricks when I have permission. The zombie series is amazing, My decals worker is making me zombie decals. I have nearly finished the riot cops and armed police and obviously the survivors. -Dean- :skull: I hope you will enjoy our site when we post it.
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