Everything posted by halomaster96
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Sorry I didn't even know that . Now that I've seen a set list I really want to know what's in them!
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I have feeling that soon we are going to get a full list of the january sets and soon after prelim pics of those sets, and then soon after the same thing but with a summer wave. I hope we can get a new batmobile. Also it would be amazing if for marvel we got a SHIELD helicarrier! P.S. I can't wait to see the new Two Face.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
Has anyone else thought that this list could just be the january wave and there will be even more for a summer wave? That would be great.
Batman coming back
I'm sorry, won't happen again.
Batman coming back
It is almost as if Lex Luthor has a mine filled with kryptonite and sells it to all of the other villains . All in all I'm really excited for this line and can't wait to see what the new sets are going to be!
Batman coming back
That's why I personally hate Superman. He is just so cheap, and for some reason everyone of his villains have kryptonite, I thought that planet blew up! If there would be games like I said then I would get both, and then maybe there could be a crossover game with both.
Batman coming back
For a marvel game they could do it like the Lego sw games, with episodes. Like with the avengers is one chapter, then thor is another, then captain america, etc. If DC needs a game then it could be the same with batman begins, dark knight, dark knight rises, green lantern, etc.
MOC: Isla De Muerta
Thanks! Sorry I didn't see it there at first. I don't come to the pirates forum that much.
MOC: Isla De Muerta
Thanks! I'll try to find some more gold pieces to put in it. As well I don't have many potc sets yet so I don't have will yet but when I do get him I was going to make a display of the mill. I don't I'll have to think about it. Also what part of the forum does it go in?
MOC: Isla De Muerta
This is my first MOC to be posted on EB! I made this to make the set more presentable. I hope to do this with all of the potc line once I get them all. Isla De Muerta I hope everyone likes it. Questions and comments are welcome.
Lego pirates of the Caribbean: The video Game
I just wanted to know if I'm the only person who refuses to play On Stranger Tides until they see the movie? I don't like spoilers .
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Got 100% finally! The hardest part was surprisingly the space mission over the Rishi moon. Has anyone else had trouble with this mission?
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Yes he is in the game. I've read that you can get him through a code, I just don't know if he is unlockable without a code. The code is mell07.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Does anyone know how to unlock savage oppress and the stealth ship?
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Thanks!! I knew that it had something to do with those things. I always forget about snipers for some reason. I'm sorry I ask so many questions. I didn't know what the escape pod was because the few assault missions that I played were to somehow destroy all enemy buildings in 3 minutes and ten minutes(I failed both ). I'll try to stop asking so many questions now. Also I've searched around for minikit walkthroughs but I couldn't find any.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
I'll wait to ask that one in case I figure it out. BUT I'll ask some red brick questions. Where in the Hub is that super speeders brick, and in that room with the walkway between the vehicle and fighter hangers in the Venator and the detector says there is a red brick in the middle of the walkway and I have no idea how to get it. Also what is this supposed escape pod?
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Okay ADHO15 I found them! Now that you got 100%(BTW congrats!) do you any tips for assault mode? Also I want to ask just one more minikit question but I don't think I should. Should I?
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
That's okay I'll figure it out eventually.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Sorry I didn't see that post. . But what about my second question?
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Speaking of the cells how do you get the last two characters in the jails. Also on the level Rookies, I need two more minikits. At the beginning of the level the the minikit detector has two arrows that points behind the landing pad where I die. What am I supposed to do?
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
That works. Except for the fact that I want the achievements for doing them in single player only.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Thanks again! So did you get 100% and all trophies/achievements? Did you conquer all of the systems for either side yet, because I tried a couple and they are very hard and they give you hardly any time to complete it. If you have any tips for those missions that would be fantastic!
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Thanks. Wow I didn't realize that I wrote it like that. Sorry it was a question . That helps a lot. Another one I had trouble getting was that one in the room where you fight Grievous in duel of the droids that's behind the glass. Thanks.
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Hi everyone! Haven't been here for a while. Well I have been playing this game a lot. I think that I'm at over 70%. Right now I'm looking for all of the minikits. Does that minikit in hidden enemy with the bookshelf and those two large pads. Thanks.
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